Chapter 3. I want in

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Thought I'd give this book a chance

"I often wish I was a rock. Rocks don't worry about their size, weight, boys or girls."

Throughout first period, I recieved stares and a few envious glares all around. Did these people even recognize who they were whistling over?

It was me, Elle Reigner. The girl who's boyfriend obviously wants nothing to want to do with her. I nearly forgot about Jason the whole time. It was fun to act like this, but I was still nervous and almost dreading lunch.

What if he thought I was doing this for him? I mean, I was, but he doesn't need to really know that. 1st period had ended, and as I walked into the hallway, I was roughly grasped to the side.

I gasped in shock as my back collided with the lockers. Students were out of the hallway and already gone into their 2nd periods.

I soon focused on this stranger who ever so rudely flung me to the wall.

He was pretty tall, and had bulging muscles. He had a shaved head and his dark brown eyes were harshly staring into mine. I felt panicky and nervous, but I tried to play everything off as though it wasn't a big deal.

"Um, do I know you?" I squeeked.

"Victor Pendleshin. And who might you be cutie?" He asked, his breath fanning my face. Oh god.

I'm pretty sure he ate raw sewage for breakfast because his breath smelt like pure ass. I craned my neck back as my eyes started to water from the acrid stench. Nasty.

"Uh . ." I muttered. Ok this is a weird situation and just happened all in a blur. I mean, what would you say to someone being so upfront?

"I'm late." I retorted, finally getting a grasp on reality.

"We can be late together, whaddya say cutie?" He asked. 

I mentally groaned at the nickname. Cutie? Really now? I would love to call him Assbreath if he gave me the chance. Disgust coiled into my body as he winked, but looked like he instead had an eye dissability. No hate to anybody with a dissability.

"I say no. So can you let go now?" I asked, getting annoyed. He lolled his head back in laughter. God damn what the hell does this Victor Assbreath want?!

"C'mon, we can make it a quickie. I'll even let you lick-"

"Dude, really?" I asked, pushing him backwards. He looked shocked as he stumbeled back. I guess Assbreath wasn't used to getting rejected.

Before he could say anything, I cut in.

"Your breath smells like ass. Like, really bad ass. And you' don't even know my first name. I don't even know you. So uh, thanks for the offer and all, but no thanks." And with that, I turned my back, a new feeling over whelming me.


What was this? I rounded the corner, nearly about to burst into complete happiness. I can't believe I did that! That was so badass and unlike me!! I reached into my purse to grab my phone and text Eve in excitement.

I've never had anything like that happen. Sure Jason used to be somewhat rough a lot, but jesus at least the guy could clean his teeth. 

His perfect teeth.

His smile.

"Ouch!" I screeched as I ran into a brick wall. I fell backwards and landed right on my rumpus. My books splattered onto the ground, and so did I and my poor phone. I rubbed my forhead as I tried to remember when the school built that wall.

"Fuckin . . . dil . chocolate . . soup . . face ." I mumbeled.

I opened my eyes after muttering a series of curses

I craned my eyes and felt my stomach drop from the empire state building. And for those who don't know, that is a long drop.

Tate had a smirk plastered on his face as he stared down at me.

"Well well, I didn't think you be on your knees so soon, but hey works for me." He said, shaking his head. I snorted in disgust.

"Too bad that's not a mutual feeling." I snapped as I hurried to gather my stuff together.  I reached for my white iphone, however a large hand grasped it before I could it. I looked up in anger.

"Hey!" I snarled. Tate smirked before standing up and evaulating the phone.

"Cute wallpaper princess." He said, and my heart froze.

Not because it was embarrassing, but it was a picture of me and Jason.  Raged that he took my phone without permission, I tried to snatch it from him. I was running out of time before 2nd period would start.

He sidestepped, and I nearly flew into a locker. I mentally groaned at the fact my head just slammed into a lock.

"Nice." He commented.

"Give me my phone back you arrogant jerk!" I hissed. This boy was going to suffer from my wrath if I didn't get that thing back at once.

"I'm offended." He said flatly before running a hand through his dark hair.

"Good." I said through clenched teeth. How dare he?!

"So, I guess I'll give you back your phone." He said, leaning against the wall. I grit my teeth, knowing he would give it back - but at a price.

"What do you want?" I said with an exhausted sigh. I'm tired from literally doing nothing.

He raised an eyebrow at me, giving me a once over.

"Well, considering your position with Ja-"

"What about it?" I cut him off, becoming defensive. He put his hands up in defense before continuing.

"Easy crouching tiger, Jesus. Anyways, I'm not too fond of your boytoy, and judging by this uh . . new you," He eyed me up and down, taking a while on my legs. I cleared my throat as heat spread throughout my face.

He rolled his ocean blue eyes before continuing.

"You don't like him much either." He added. It was now time for me to raise my eyebrows in skeptism. Was he aware of my plans to make Jason horribly jealous? Would he reveal me?!?! That would be the last thing I needed right now..

"Get to the point." I demanded. He let out a smirk and started to inch towards me. My eyes widened, but I froze and couldn't move. Plus, I didn't want him to know I was terrified as he was now 2 inches in front of me.

I had to crane my neck to look up at him now. His jaw was still set in that smirk look, and his eyes were staring down at me, looking right through me.  I tensed as I glanced at his muscles. Gosh, how does one get those badboys? I mean, he'd have to like, lift cars to look that ripped. 

As he bent his head down, I backed mine away as if on instinct. But I couldn't help but notice how freaking amazing he smells. He should win an award for smelling really good. 

Omg, what am I saying?!

I hate this guy! He's rude! And concieted! And unfortunately really hot and smells good - which I'll never to him to his face or anyone for that matter.

"I'm saying, that whatever plan you've concocted in that strange little head of yours, I want in." He whispered, before backing away and looking me in the eye with an odd sense of seriouseness.

"W-what?" I asked, taken by surprise. "What's he done that was so awful to you?" I asked, wanting to know their relation.

His face grew hard, and his jaw clenched.

"Everyone has secrets Princess." He replied. 

"I have a name ya'know. It's Elle." I spat, changing the subject. He got really touchy when I asked his deal.

"I like princess more. So, do we have a deal?" He asked.

I eyed him with suspicion. Was this whole act a bet? Would I ever be able to trust anyone again? Thinking hard, I decided I could use this as an advantage.

"If we do end up having a deal, there need to be ground rules. But first, how would you want in? What could you possibly d-"

"Simple." He said cutting me off, with again, that smirk. I grunted and awaited his so much more important sentence

"I would need you to pretend to be my girlfriend." He suddenly shot out. I nearly choked on the spit in my mouth.

"Nuh uh! There has to be something else." I pressed.

"Listen princess, don't think I'm all too thrilled about having you as a girlfriend either, but this is our only option." He said. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt at his words. Sure I pretty much hated him but still.

I pretended I didn't even hear it.

"How much do you want to hurt him?" Tate asked. I gulped.

"As much as he hurt me."

"So, do we have a deal?"

"No." I retorted.

"Huh?" He asked, eyes growing wide.

"I have ground rules."


"Number 1, you'll stop being an asshole to me. 2, no one can know about this other than me and you. 3, if I find that this is all a big fat joke, and you're just trying to make me look even more stupid than I felt yesterday, then I will make you suffer." I said, my voice growing deeper to seem like I meant the truth.

"Fine, fine and fine. Now, I have ground rules." He added, his smile growing wider.


"You stated yours, now I have mine. 1, you do as I say, when I say it. 2, you have to commit to this." He said. Tate soon stuck his hand out, waiting for me to shake it.

I gulped.

Well, I came this far. And I know I will regret this.


"Deal." I answered, shaking his hand.

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