📍Chapter 15📍

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We pulled away immediately after hearing November. Leon took a few deep breaths before leaving the room. I gathered myself as well and went to take a shower. After, I snuggled in the bed with a satisfied sigh and I drifted off to sleep.

Later in the night, I heard him entering the room. A few moments later, the bed shifted under his weight as he immediately snaked an arm around my waist so that he was resting his head on my shoulder as if this is the most normal thing to do. I couldn't deny it, it felt good. Too good even that I started to wonder if this was a good idea. I tried to remove myself from his grasp but pulled me towards him and I found myself on his chest.

Well one night will do no harm right?

In the morning I woke up alone. Not that I expected to see him anyway. I slowly got up and started to plan my next move as a revenge for his revenge. It didn't take long before I found the perfect plan. Satisfied with the plan, I went to take a shower. As I got out, I was surprised to see November in the room.

"Good morning dear."

"I came to see my dad and from the looks of it, he is not here so I am out." How rude. She could have at least replied-to me.

"Well at least tell me what you want and I will pass on the message."

"Never mind." She said leaving the room. Leon entered immediately after her little snarky statement.

"You were looking for me?"

"Last night we didn't finish the game!" She pouted like a five year old girl. Pathetic.

"We will continue once we get home. Besides last night you could barely keep your eyes open young lady. So don't blame me."

"If you say so. I will wait for you downstairs!" She skips out the door.

When she left, I asked him what game they were playing. "We were playing chess. Do you want to join us?"

"No thanks. And I think she will not be happy about it."

"Or is it because you don't know how to play."

"That is also a reason." I admitted quietly. I don't know if Emily ever mentioned that because she was the queen of chess. She and her friends would always come every Saturday and stay up late playing. I never had an interest in that. I saw it as a stupid game.

"If you want...I can teach you."

"No, don't waste time because I don't like the game anyways."

"Okay, I will go prepare myself, wait for me downstairs and we will go."


Finally. I was glad to be back home without fearing that someone will make me uncomfortable. Here, I was the queen.

Leon and I were going upstairs when we heard the doorbell.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked him. He shook his head frowning. Stephanie went to open it and Kevin and Edna entered.

"Kevin, don't tell me you're here for work!" Leon said, annoyed.

"Don't worry mate," Kevin snorts. "I just accompanied this lady because she wanted to chat with your wife. I know very well that you hate when I bring work while you are resting."

"Edna, how are you?" I went and hugged her. Surprisingly, she looked even better in person. When Emily showed me the photos, she looked like someone in mid thirties but now she could be mistaken for someone in twenties.

"Why don't come visit me? You know I'm a lonely woman and you left me alone in the deal we had." I had no idea what she was talking about, so I just smiled and went to sit with her.

"Okay ladies, since I can not participate in your gossip, I'm going to talk with Leon. Of course if he allows."

"Well, you are already here so we might as well catch up with business. Follow me to the study." And so they went.

"So tell me. What is our next step?"

What the hell is she talking about? And why didn't Emily ever tell me that she had a deal with her?

"Uh.... Can you excuse me for a minute? I'm going to the bathroom." I quickly got up and rushed to the bedroom, where I dialed Emily. Of course if she answers.

"So you suddenly missed me?"

"Hello to you too. How have you been?" She never misses an opportunity to annoy me.

"I didn't ask because from your voice, everything is under control."

"That's where you are wrong. Let me get to the point Emily, what is the deal between you and Edna?"

"Oh, that!"

"Yes, that!"

"She is convinced that her son, Omer and Nov are better together, so she wants to do some kind of matchmaking."           



Thank you so much for the support you have given me from the beginning, I appreciate it.

Do you think Edna and Emma are going to get along? Drop your thoughts.


Until next time.  Love you guys 🧡

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