📍Chapter 2📍

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The moment I learned that Emily is coming back I was upset.

"Why is she coming back?" I ask, frustrated

"Why are you being like this, your sister!" Then again, I can't tell her what happened 2 years ago. 


It was on a Saturday. My mom had gone shopping and Emily was out with her friends. I was doing some chores at home since Veronica cancelled our meeting when I heard the doorbell. I went to open the door and there in front of me stood Reid, my mother's colleague. I didn't like this man, especially the way he looked at me.

"My mom is not around, but you can come back in a few minutes she will be home" 

"But I didn't not come to see your mother! I came to see you"

"Me? We have nothing to discuss"

"Oh yes we do!" He started approaching me as I continued backing away. When I tripped as a result of not knowing where I was going and fell on the couch, he came crashing down on me and my mom chose that moment to enter the house.

Next she occupied herself with chasing him out with a few curses and Emily came back.

That's when the confusion started. Due to my cowardly nature, I didn't say that it was me but Emily was punished because of me.


To my dismay, Emily arrived shortly after.

"Welcome back honey! I’ve missed you," My mother says

"Me too mother" she says hugging her and she glances at me sending an evil look at me

"But since I have little time can I chat with my sister? I've missed her so much as well..." Now that's bad, I think to myself, very bad.

"Of course you can, I will go and prepare dinner."

"Let's go outside," She says and I follow her. I had a feeling it was going to be a disaster because Emily has never been nice to me, not even once.

"So what do you want us to discuss?"

"I see you have never changed, always straight to the point. But I have news for you, you are going to replace me, and be the wife of my husband. How about that?" She says and I laugh. Is she seriously thinking I will accept that?

"What makes you think I'll do it?"

"Then you would want mother to know that it was you who slept with her colleague" she threatened.

"I didn’t..."

"I have proof even if you deny it. Do you remember that girl Jane who was our neighbor? Well, she took a picture for fun and shared it with me." She says showing her evil smile. Even though I know that what she has is fake, I didn’t want mother to be angry or sad. She has been very sensitive ever since the death of father. And the last thing I want is to make her angry.

"Please don't do this to me. I can't go to a man I barely know what if he discovers it?" I started to freak out. She sounded so sure of herself

"Don't make me feel bad for you because you never had any mercy on me back then. And for hiding it, it's your job and mistakes, mom will know."

"How am I supposed to do it when we are different. Besides I don't know how you behaved, what are your family members..."

"I'll take care of that. But you will have to go there on Saturday" she said with a satisfied look

"I may have to remind you that I am a slow learner."

"Well you'll have to make an exception for that cause my husband hates disappointments. So let's start; My husband is Leon Smith. He has a daughter named November. He works at Smith's Design which produces clothes. He has a friend and a business mate called Kevin McCarthy, his mother..." She continues to tell me her in-laws showing me pictures simultaneously. After that she showed me her house, told her relationship with her husband and her stepdaughter this went on for two hours

"Are you done now." I ask, feeling exhausted

"Be patient, that's the thing you have to maintain cause with Leon under your roof you will need it the most."

"Did you two ...had sexual relations?"

"I don't think so and if it happened it must have been on the wedding day for the sake of traditions. He is a busy man except for his daughter. And the last thing, don't change what you will find there, not even the attitudes, and most importantly don't fall in love"

"Don't worry I can't fall for a man like that who marries just for the sake of the company."

"Now I think you are ready and for me all I can say is good luck" She says. 

"But don't you think mother will notice?" I mutter

"Then tell me about yourself" she says and I start telling her I can't believe this is my punishment.

On Saturday, around 5:00am I leave the house to replace Emily and for how long? I don't know. "If you meet a problem give me a call" those were the last words Emily told me as I was sent into a new world.



Hey loves !

Hope you like my first book!


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