📍Chapter 20📍

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I could barely eat anything.

Emily kept asking me if I was okay and I kept assuring her that I was, but now I was no longer sure. I could feel as if someone was banging my head with a hammer, and I was a little dizzy. I clutched my head in an attempt to subsidize the pain. Emily noticed this and stopped eating.

"You seriously need to see a doctor."

"I told you that it is not..." I stopped when my head throbbed. I think it is more than a headache from lack of sleep. The last time I experienced this was a few weeks later after Liza's death.

"Listen, I'm not going to sit here and watch you die. You are coming with me to the hospital." When I saw the determination in her eyes, I understood that it was useless to argue with her. But I can't go back there. Not when I spent months with a psychiatrist trying to recover the death of my late wife. I was not ready to go back there yet.

"Can....can we go home instead?"

"Fine. But if the situation worsens, I will call a doctor." She came around and helped me stand up and she supported me until we reached in the car.

I can't believe I'm depending on a woman to walk. What is wrong with me?

When we reached home, she again offered her help and she took me to the bedroom where I lay groaning in pain. She placed a hand on my forehead then she concluded that I had a fever. But I felt cold. She went out to get a towel and I reached for the phone to tell Ella that I won't be coming back to the office.

I hung up as she came back with a towel and water in a basin. She proceeded with unbuttoning my shirt.

"You know in this situation, I would have loved that I was well." I slurred

"Shut up Leon." She discarded the shirt and placed the cold soft on my chest and instantly flinched. That made her baby green eyes meet mine. And I wanted nothing in this world than this. A soft knock on the door interrupted us and Stephanie came in.

"Sir, is it okay if I make the soup to make you feel alright?"

"Yeah sure." I replied and she nodded before leaving. I looked at Emily and she was nervous fidgeting with her fingers.

"If you are thinking of the earlier soup, let that be in the past. But remind me to never send you in the kitchen again." I tried hard to suppress a laugh and that made her redden even more.

"Why didn't you take pain killers?" She asked instead.

"As you have seen I don't have a normal headache." She continued wetting my forehead and chest with that cloth as I drank in her strawberry perfume. Sometimes she would lean in so that I could smell her hair which smelled heavenly.


I might have drifted off because when I opened my eyes, I was alone. I tried to get up but that annoying headache started again. Emily came back then and she checked my temperature again.

"You are still burning. We need to get you in the shower." She said helping me to get up to the shower. She dragged me to the shower and opened the tap shoving me inside simultaneously, not caring that I was still in my pants.

"Fuck, Emily, at least you could have told me to get prepared with this coldness!"

She smiled devilishly and said, "You wouldn't want to get in if you knew it was cold. Besides it is meant to cool you down..." She didn't finish her sentence as I hurled her towards me to get a taste of her medicine. She struggled to get free and get out, but I used all the energy I was left with to keep her there.

"Damn Leon, what did you do that for?" By now, her hair was all wet, sticking on her face as she struggled to remove it from her face with frustration. I stared at her face and how she bit her lip making my eyes go there. I haven't kissed her in forever.

"How sure are you that I'm not going to faint here?"

"Like you could! Now I think this is enough, we should get out of here." I released her and she got out and I followed her. She handed me a towel to dry myself as she went to get the famous soup. I stripped, dried myself and put on new sweatpants and I went to bed.

Minutes later, she emerged carrying the soup. She grabbed a nearby chair and sat beside me. She took the spoon and started feeding me like a child. When I was done, she covered me and told me to sleep.

I swear she is acting like my mother when I caught the flu as a child.

She was about to leave when something I hadn't planned at all escaped my mouth:

"Can ...Can you stay here...until I fall asleep?" She hesitated for a moment but she came back. I made room for her and I rested my head on her shoulder as I slept.


Can't stop updating, can I? ☺
This is all to compensate for the late updates and for the future because I going down to some editing. There is left only one bonus chapter and then I will update again after some time. Hope you understand.

Enjoy my lovelies and until next time!


Much love 🧡


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