📍Chapter 23📍

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The introduction was not done. Instead, it has just started.

The next thing I will be doing is to familiarize myself with everything and everyone. And also to get an office.

I followed Leon like a lost puppy who kept introducing me to everyone. The managers, the secretaries and finally, the creators and designers.

Now I need to memorize all the names in this department because these will be my workmates for a while.

Liza, George, Antonio, Elizabeth, Matteo and Celine. I think these are the main ones, I will memorize them name by name. It would be a process - a slow one.

"Hello Mrs. Smith." They chorused and I felt like a stranger out of place.

"No, no you call me Emm - Emily here and that will be fine." I caught myself just in time, and I felt so bad that I was forced to lie to all these people, especially Leon.

I glanced around and spotted an empty desk and I asked, "Is that mine?"

"You are right. Welcome to Smith's design." Came Leon's voice as he hugged me from behind sniffing my hair.

"Stop it, people are looking." I whispered and he chuckled, holding me tighter.

"I don't mind, they can say whatever they want." He stopped when his phone rang and he let out a loud sigh.

"Well, work calls me. I will meet you tonight at home." With a quick kiss on my cheek, he left.

I still don't understand what has gotten into him! He was never like this before.

Well whatever it is, I won't let it distract me. I sat down on the chair, took out my accessories, book and pencils, and I started to draw.


It seems like my legs didn't want to cooperate because the more I ran to get to the meeting room in time, the more I stumbled upon everything that was on my way and sometimes landed hard on my ass.

I checked my wrist watch when I entered the elevator, only to see that I was five minutes late. Great! Now, will this thing move faster?

I removed the small mirror in my purse and checked myself for the last time. I was impressed with the red pencil skirt, a white blouse, hair in a low bun and makeup but not too much.

Who would have thought that I would be able to make something big in a month!

To be honest I spent a couple of sleepless nights in Leon's study trying to finish the last details in time. Yes, a month has passed since I was accepted to work in this company. I was expecting to be bored and alone but Celine, my new found friend, made sure that I was never alone.

Everyone was friendly here. At first, they treated me like the boss's wife but as days went by, we became friends.

We would sit in the cafeteria at lunch and the girls would gossip around their boyfriends and the guys about their latest flirts. And sometimes the jokes made the whole cafeteria look at us.

Additionally, there was the subject called Leon. There are 30 min reserved for him every day. Even if I refuse him, he uses his power to summon me, claiming that he will make a scene if I don't. So to avoid that, I go up to his office.

Every day, he invents new words and actions which make my stomach funny and happy all day.

For instance, yesterday after the meeting for the preparations of today, he dragged me to his office saying that he had something to discuss with me.

This was an excuse, of course. He always does this whenever we have meetings. I don't know if the colleagues don't notice this or if they choose to ignore it.

So anyways, as soon as I entered the office, he closed the door and pressed my small body on the door, totally crowding my personal space.

"This is not professional, Leon." I whispered when I saw hunger crowding eyes.

"Uh, huh. I told you I liked the smell of your hair, is it a sin to get my fill for today?" Then he got me speechless.

What does he like about the smell of my hair? I'm sure I use simple shampoo, unlike Emily who exaggerates.

I felt his hot breath on my neck as he buried his head in my hair after freeing it from the ponytail. When it became too much for me, I gripped his shoulders for support.

His head came up for a second to gaze at me and I lost my battle. The battle to control myself from responding to his actions. As if he felt it, he gave me a small smile before kissing me.

And I missed that.

He took his time, toying with my mouth and his hands trailing gripping my waist that I was afraid it would break. Then his tongue found its way in my mouth and I moaned.

When I did this however, he stopped.

"If you keep doing that, I'm not sure I will be able to control myself anymore."

Thank God I wasn't the only one fighting to keep control!

He created some space to catch air and I took this opportunity to flee from the room before we started again.


Finally, this damn elevator has reached its destination.

I got out quickly and resumed my run towards the meeting room. This was an important day for Leon and the company, I could not mess this up.

I was thankful that the door was closed otherwise, people inside will be shocked with the state I was in. I took a couple of deep breaths, smoothed my clothes as well as my hair, made sure that I didn't forget anything for the presentation, did a silent prayer then I stepped forward and opened the door.

What I wasn't prepared for, was to be in the center of attention.


Happy reads to all and let me hope you are having a great time.


Much love 🧡


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