📍Chapter 28📍

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This was the end.

I had imagined many scenarios of Leon finding out the truth but this one was the last on my mind.

A series of emotions crossed over his face and I recognized some of them as anger and hurt at the same time.

What do I do now? What do I tell him? How do I make him understand?

I slowly approached him, his eyes never leaving mine.


"What is this?" His eyes, which were showing me love and affection a few minutes ago, now had resentment in them.

"No, no, no. Let me rephrase this. Who the heck are you?"

"Leon, I swear I didn't want you to find this out like this and I was planning to tell you..."

"Wait, you were going to tell him without me knowing that?" Emily suddenly said approaching where we were standing.

I kept looking for something to give me hope that he is going to hear me out, but I found none.

"Care to explain to me who is Emily and who is not?"

We looked at each other and with trembling hands I pointed where Emily was standing. He needs to hear everything. He can't leave thinking it was my fault that he was fooled.

And that made me think of my mother. Oh how I wish I could die right this instant!

"So who are you?" He directed the question to me.

"I... I am Emma. Her twin sister."

"I want both of you out of my life and my sight." With that he entered and closed the door behind him.

"That was cruel." Emily commented and I turned to her angrily.

"You think this is funny, to fool someone and make him fall in love with a stranger?"

"Oh so you fell in love with each other? I told you not to do so because I knew it would complicate things."

Ha! Like you could control who I love or not!

I really wished I had someone whom I could go to, but unfortunately, I had no one. Now where would I spend the night? It's so sad that I can't even count on my sister.

I sat down on the doorstep completely lost and perplexed. My dear sister, who was supposed to help me, left me alone shortly.

There I sat alone crying and shivering on the cold night having absolutely nowhere to go. Not even my mother can accept me after hearing what I had agreed to do.

All because of my cowardice.

Later that night I got up grabbing the door knob for support and the door opened.

So he had not left me outside!

I crept in slowly, afraid to wake up anyone, then I found Leon on the couch, a drink in his hands staring ahead blankly.

When I closed the door, he glanced at where I was, then continued what he was doing.

I went to the kitchen, took a glass of water and drank it to cool and moisten my dry throat due to my recent sobs.

I wanted to try again.

"We need to talk. You need to know..."

"I'm not interested. Let me hope that I won't see you in the morning." With that he got up and walked away.

"I'm sorry." He paused, turned fury in his eyes.

"Sorry?! Do you think sorry can mend all that you have broken? I'm so hurt and angry at you for even breathing the same air as you hurt so much."

It hurt. It hurt so much even though I should have expected this!

"You really want our story to end like this?"

"That is where you are wrong, we never had a story."

With that, I lost it.

I sat down on the carpet, pulled my knees to my chest and I cried, rocking myself back and forth.

Why did this have to happen after those fabulous two days we spent at the sea, confessing our love to each other?

I had to leave. Now where would I go? I can't even go to my mother's at this point. Why was life being so cruel to me?

Hours passed and soon the morning sunlight was creeping into the house. I got up and just as I was about to pack and leave, Nov came downstairs.

"Emily! Good morning, would you accompany me to go shopping? I have another date with Omer!"

"Wow, that's good to hear but I....."

"Please, please, you can't say no to this. You've always helped me!"

"She can't come Nov, leave her." Leon said coming down. He kissed her daughter on the forehead and headed to the kitchen completely ignoring me.

"Why did you two have a fight? Because Emily's eyes are red and sore."

"Don't push it sweetie, she has to go somewhere so stop being stubborn." She looked confused but decided not to push it further.

"Okay but when are you coming back?" My heart ached just by hearing this. She had no idea that me and her dad were over, and if he wanted to hide it so would I. But for how long?

"I'll try to come back as soon as I can." It was an empty promise but I had to do this.

"Don't be long, I'll miss you!" She said and she came hugging me really tight and I hugged her even more for the last time.

She had even started to consider me as her mom!

We parted and she went to have breakfast with her dad while I went upstairs to collect my things.

After I was done, I came downstairs with my suitcases and of all people, I met Stephanie.

"My, my what do we have here? You decided to leave?"

"Ha! You wish I'm only going for a few days, don't rejoice too much. Before you know it you will see me again." This was a lie of course, but I didn't want her to celebrate my leave.

The next person I saw was Leon, getting ready to work.

"So this is the end?" I blurted out.

"Have a good life." He said with no emotion at all and disappeared in his study.

I wiped the tear that had come down, opened the door and left Smith's residence.

I had nowhere to go but I just continued walking ahead lost in thoughts and feeling drained.

Then I saw my guardian angel. Veronica. My childhood friend who was now married and lived in Italy.

She was now my savior.


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