✞Prologue ✞

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❝When you're re in love, you're capable of learning everything and knowing things you had never dared even to think, because love is the key to understanding of all the mysteries.❞– Paulo Coelho

My best friend and I watched in horror as we watched the Emergency Medical Team work diligently to bring my lifeless husband back to life, It sounds weird but as my bestfriend broke out in the typical prayer that Christians pray I felt this unexpectedly feeling of peace and calmness. it was as if the ancestors were coming to take my husband personally and of course I felt sad, no one wants to lose their life partner especially by the hands of some lunatic with a gun. but here we were at 11:23pm watching the doctor and nurses work hard to bring my husband back to life while I stood 7 months pregnant with our 7th child. He thought it was just the funniest thing. you see my husband was a numbers guy. we met on the 7th of July,1997, we had our first child December 7th 2007,my birthday is also December 7th,we got married that next year on July 7th,2008, momma Otis died on January 7th at exactly 7:07am and we had our first son that same day a year later at the same exact time. and now here I was 7 months pregnant with our seventh and last child who just so happened to be our surprise baby. because I told my husband that being 30 and pregnant wasn't going to be a good look and I had been pregnant all of my late teens early twenties I wanted to travel and experience the world and finally finish that last credit to become an actual physiologist and we agreed that after all the kids became school aged I could do it. but One anniversary drink too many now here I  am pregnant with another baby and my youngest was 4. I was almost done and then he tricked me "Awe come on Imma pull out" I should have known that was a lie because he was supposed to "pull out" with the last 3 and we see what happened after that. but even after all of that I still wouldn't change it for the world. at 17 I married my dream man who I just so happened to grow up with and it was incredible of course we had our challenges. Magnificent was nowhere near perfect never did he claim to be, he knew he had flaws but he was always challenging himself and always making sure he had integrity and didn't let his pride get into the way. and that's what I loved about him most. all of his imperfections were perfect to me, this man was a god and he knew it. and the fact that he knew who his true self was made him even better.

You see Magnificent and I met kind of unexpectedly, my mother and I had just moved to Atlanta from  Arkansas after her and my dad got divorced and she lost her job which caused them to go to court and have a nasty custody battle, the judge was leaning towards giving me to my father so my mom packed us up in the middle of the night and we headed straight for Atlanta in her little ass Honda accord with nothing but some empty pockets and a dream. We were only in Georgia a few weeks before she met busted ass Rodney and got hooked on pills and began her long career in stripping. that's when I met momma Otis and Magnificent..I didn't really like the neighborhood at first, it was loud and too many people were around all the time. it was like no one ever slept ,He lived next door with his grandmother ,momma Otis and two older siblings.

you should have seen him with his little chocolate self. now that I think about it we had no business being in love at 7 and 8 years old. but we were and I wouldn't have had it any other way If I could go back I wouldn't change a thing because I met a Magnificent human being with Magnificent Characteristics and I didn't know it then but that beautiful chocolate boy with the missing front teeth and light brown eyes would be the best friend and husband a girl could ask for. I guess that's why I called him my magnificent man and he called me Beautiful. because we were two completely different beings yet our souls were one. Simba Magnificent Asim Mohmand better known as my protector was all I needed to keep moving on.  you wanna know how he got his Name? his true name Simba Magnificent Carter. momma Otis used to tell us the story every night before bed.

Magnificent' mother was a hardworking woman who would do night shifts at a little diner just off the expressway. One night the owner's grand children decided to watch the lion king and Magnificent started to move at the sound of Simba's voice, She hadn't thought of any names prior to that, but she said it was as if the most high spoke to her and told her his name would be Simba. So that's how Simba became Simba. because his mother saw lion king and when we had our daughter Simba wanted both our names included so we named her Simbariyah Goddess. And boy was she a riot. we lived a short life Simba and I. between the Long prison stays and the break ups it was like Simba and I never had a chance. but somehow through it all our souls stayed connected. I mentally and spiritually can't be with anyone else I'm too in love with Simba and I know I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth Simba and I are one for eternity. Simba was and was my TWINFLAME  I wouldn't dare try and mess with that. Simba will forever live on in me and through our 7 beautiful children.


I really hope you all enjoy this little teaser of Beautifully Magnificent. I hope you share it and give it some views. If you're rocking with it give it a vote and you can even leave me a lil feedback it's greatly appreciated ♥️

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