Chapter 3: Tears

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After sitting alone in the dark cold room crying till she couldn't cry no more. She decided to break her chains and bindings. When she was free she noticed the chains and ropes had cut into her skin. She slipped one of her old dresses on and slipped outside through the back door. She ran into the woods and found a small pond to wipe the dry blood off her wounds. She stopped when she seen her reflection. Tears started seeping from her eyes.

"What am I supposed to do now my masters dead I've never been outside before and she never taught me how to survive on my own." She cried hitting the water where reflection was then she laid at the base of a tree cried herself to sleep.

She awoke when she felt something warm touch her arm. When she opened her eyes she seen something that looked much like a wolf but wasn't. It was a mutant. It's limbs were long and thin and it had almost no fur. She moved back when it growled at her. It's tried getting closer when she kicked it. She took off running turning into her beast form. She ran as fast as she could till she found an old abandoned cave to sleep in she waited till morning to go back out. She woke when she heard guns going off. She jumped up.

She turned back into her human form and looked out when she seen a group of soldiers chasing the mutant wolf she seen yesterday they had it locked in a cage. As she watched one of the soldiers had spotted her. When she noticed him looking at her. She ran deep into the cave when she stepped on an old metal trap set for monsters that try seeking refuge. She screams feeling it dig deep into her skin on her ankle. She struggled when she heard footsteps coming her way.

"STOP!" She heard a man yell. He ran up to her holding a lantern.

"Stop if you struggle it will only make it worse so please stop I'm not going to hurt you." He said, his voice was very deep and rich just the sound of it soothed her. She quit struggling.

"There there now that's a good girl." He said kneeling down in front of her. He was very handsome he was tall, muscular, but kinda thin at same time, tan skin, short dark red hair, and gold eyes like a wolf. Stared at him while he pulls the trap open freeing her ankle. She pulls her ankle out. When he lets it shut. He lifted her ankle gently.

"Well it's not as bad as I had thought." He said wiping the blood away noticing the wound was already healed.
"The hell. How in the world it's already healed?" He rubbed his chin puzzled.

"You ok...." He stopped when he looked into her eyes.

"Are you a member of the wolf clan like me?" He asked, she shook her head.

"I am the only one of my kind." She said, looking down.

"I'm sorry to hear that well you have family right mom, dad, or siblings." He said, she shook her head.

"The only person I had even close to that was the woman who made me and she's dead so I have no one no family or friends. I'm just a stupid experiment. Who could ever love that. Hell even she said so." He hugged her silencing her burring her face into his shoulder while she cried.

"Hush everyone has a place where they belong even you. So relax I'll take care of you. You wouldn't be alone. I promise not as long as I'm still breathing." He said, caressing her back soothing her.

"Why you know nothing about me." She said, he back away and grabbed her face.

"I don't have to I know your a good person that only wants someone to be by your sides so relax and let me take care of you." He said, she nodded. She grabbed his hand.

"May I imprint on you I can't function properly without a master?" She asked, looking into his eyes.

"Only if you give me your name and don't call me master call me Eames." He smiled.

"Alright my names Aubrianna." She replied hugging him putting her hands on his back and closing her eyes. As she imprinted on him. He gained all of her memories from the moment she was born and all his memories were transmitted to her. He was born in a waste land his parents were one of the last of his people. But they moved to a valley when he was 5. His family struggled to make ends meat and he lost is sister when he was 13 to disease. Then his parents died of the same disease when he was 15. He lost everything and ended up living on the streets when a man took him in but not without a price. He was experimented on and made into a wolf hybrid to live out his life as a soldier to repay his debt to the man that saved his life. So he's lived out his days doing exactly that.

She uses her claws to imprint as soon as she removed them. He looked at her.

"Those were your memories?" He asked nervously.

"From the moment I was born." She replied. He looked into her eyes.

"And I thought my life was hard but you don't have anything. I'm gonna change that. You'll never be put in a cage again." He said, taking her hand as she shaped her body into something more appealing to his taste. He watched carefully as she made her body more mature. She knew he was into smaller framed woman with a little more curve if you get what I mean. She went by the best qualities of the woman he's liked in the past. She made her hair long black and wavy. She her lips red, big eyes, long thick eyelashes, tan flawless skin, and about 5'4 since he liked shorter girls.

"So is this more to your liking?" She asked. He was speechless.

"I thought you were a little girl?" He asked, she shook her head.

"I'm not an adult yet but I'm not a kid either. You don't like?" She asked, he shook his head.

"No I like it maybe a little too much." He answered trying to hide his face.

"Good I'm glad." She smiled, he took off his jacket.

"Just do me a favor and put this on." He said handing it to her without looking at her. She nodded forgetting she wasn't wearing anything and slipped it on. He took her hand and led her outside to the rest of the troops.

"Oh so that's what was taking you so long. Well I for one don't blame she definitely a catch. Nice work." One of them said putting his hand on Eames's shoulder.

"Well no one better touch her I'm looking after her. So she's my responsibility. Be nice but don't get to friendly." He glared at all the other soldiers.

"Hey now we're all polite gentleman we never lay a hand on a beautiful woman without her consent. RIGHT BOYS!" He yelled, they all yelled back. "See little lady nothing to worry about." He smiled, she giggled covered my mouth.

"Ahh see you smiled. She's a doll I'll personally make sure no one messes with her." He said to Eames.

"Thanks I appreciate it." He said, pulling me to his tent and pulling out clothes. She slipped on the under clothes but she had to ask him how to put on a bra and had to have help her put it on. Which she could tell bothered him. Then she slipped on the pants and shirt the clothes were baggy. So he had to give her a belt.

"So why'd you have girls under clothes?" She asked as I had him adjust the straps.

"We run into a lot of people that are normally lost so we're required to carry extra clothes for such reason which includes women's. Lucky for you." He said pulling her shirt back down.

"Sorry if I made you do something weird." I said, he shook his head.

"It's nothing." He smiled. We walked out when we heard a roar. The men were trying to corner a large monster. Most monsters were larger then humans there just weren't as many. They looked like something out of a nightmare and they normally hunt anything that moves. This one more resemble a feline. It lashed at the men when Eames jumped in. When it tried to lash at him she pushed him back and she let out a loud roar that stopped it in it tracks. It looked at her and took off. Then she walked over to Eames.

"Don't ever do that again let me deal with the monsters. I don't want you putting yourself in harms way. Wolf clan or not you can still die I can't. So don't do that again..." He hugged her before she could finish.

"Alright I got it just calm down please. Your kinda scary when your mad. Your cuter when you smile." He said petting her head. She smiled and her beast tail pooped out and started wagged. She was overly excited when he called her cute.

"Really then I'll smile all the time if you like it." She blurts. He covers her tail with his coat.

"Hey now how come she obeys you so much and how come you guys are so clingy. You always get to have all the fun." One of the soldiers yelled. Eames let go of her.

"That's not the question you should be asking." A voice called out when I seen the general walk through the men to Aubrianna.
"So little lady I'm guessing your not a normal human are you?" He asked, she looked up at Eames.

"You can trust him." He said, she nodded.

"What gave me away?" I asked.

"Well for starters you scared away a monster with just a roar not even a hybrid can do that and I noticed how loyal you are towards Eames." The general replied.

"Your more observant then most humans." She smiled.

"Well I'm a general I have to be." He knelt down and pulled out a machine.

"May I?" He asked, holding out his hand.

"Eames what is that?" She asked worriedly.

"It's a scanner. There's a code put on every test subject that tells which lab their from. Go ahead let him scan you." He said, she shook her head.

"You told me not to." She blurted. He hugged her holding her down.

"Well now I'm tell you to let him." He said, she stopped struggling he caressed her back.

"Good girl." He whispers.

"Go ahead." He told the general.

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