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Hey guys! Welcome to this story. I hope you guys enjoy!!!
This book is darker than my other ones, and it includes scenes with violence. This also talks about some sensitive topics such as child neglect, child abuse, murder, and some other things. If you are not comfortable with these things, please stop reading now.
Reader discretion advised. (😂😂😂)
Zane's POV:
Garroth held the ice pack to my head, slowly applying pressure.

"OW!!! Garroth, get the f**k away from me," I said between my teeth. I shoved Garroth away from me, and the ice pack fell to the floor.

"Zane, stop pretending like you don't need help," Garroth whispered. He scooped up the ice pack and stood back up. Garroth looked at me like I was the brother I was before I turned into this- this monster. Garroth saw who I really was, and he saw passed the mask.

I hated people who could see through me. I glared at Garroth, blocking him off from seeing my weak side.

"I'm not pretending, idiot. I don't need your help. I've been doing just fine without you for the past three years." Garroth fled Okasis three years ago, to hide himself and get out of having to marry the princess of Scaleswind.

That little bas***d left me to rot here in this h**l hole. Such an a**.

Garroth stayed silent.

"What? Can't talk now? You leave me here for three f***ing years, and you suddenly pop up like everything is fine!"

Garroth just continued to clean up and tend to my wounds.

I grunted in frustration. "Garroth, you were the only one that was keeping dad from making me his punching bag. Don't you see that I needed you, you a**h*le?!"

Garroth growled. "Zane, don't even go there. You probably deserved all of it anyways. How many cities did you burn down this year?" Good. Now he is back to seeing me how I'm supposed to be seen as.

"11, not counting the ones that me and father burned down together. Once I burn down this 'Phoenix Drop,' I will be at twelve."

"Nice to see that you are still a cold-blooded monster."

"Jealous that I'm the second most powerful man in all of Minecraftia?"

"You're below father, like always."

"You mother fu**ing-"

"Stuff it."

"I don't follow commands given by you."

"Why not? I'm going to be king one day..." Garroth frowned ever so slightly.

"Poor pitiful Garroth."

"You didn't miss me."

I did.

Wait. No, I didn't.

"You're right."

"So you just want me here because I prevent father from beating you?"


"So the cold-blooded monster is begging for mercy, how sweet."

"Like father, like son. Yes, I am a monster."

Garroth suddenly frowned and his face became serious. He looked at me again with caring eyes, ones that had haunted me in my dreams. Ones that hypnotized me to make me believe that I cared for him, my brother.

"You aren't a monster, Zane. There was a time when you and me were close, when we would play together. Things changed though," Garroth sighed. "Zane, dad is the monster. You are just a puppet. It isn't your fault that you are like this. This isn't what you are meant to be. One day, you will see that. Maybe one day you will see that we love you, and that you love me, Vylad, and mom. I love you, Zane. I know things may be hard, but I promise that they will get better," Garroth solemnly said.

"How? How will things get better?" My voice cracked in fear.

S**t. I let my emotions show. I'm not supposed to have emotions.

"I'm becoming king."

"WHAT?!?!" This was unbelievable. Garroth would never- NEVER- become king.

"For you, Zane; For all of Minecraftia."

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. Dad said that if Garroth ever wanted to become king, that I would have to kill him.

I don't think I can do that.

What am I saying? I've killed hundreds of people. How hard can it be to kill my brother?

It's not like I love him. I don't love anyone.

In that second, I knew that I had to tell Garroth the truth.
Sorry for the short part! Love ya guys! Bye!

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