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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Kouen needs more love, AM I RIGHT?! 


Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy family in an extravagant castle, the Ren siblings. They were all as happy as can be during their most recent ball.

One sibling stood amongst the rest as he sat in his velvet chair with his head resting on his hand. Ren Kouen, he was the most spoiled of the bunch, he lived with selfishness and unkindness.

No one ever understood why he lived this way as he had everything his heart could desire.

Oh, how divine
Glamour, music and magic combine
See the maidens so anxious to shine

He smirked as everyone danced to the songs of their most talented singer, Ren Kougyoku. Her voice was always described as melodic and enchanting, very fitting for a princess of her stature.

Look for a sign that enhances chances
She'll be his special one

Playing along with her on the piano was her acquaintance, Judar. The most talented piano player any of the Ren siblings knew.

What a display
What a breathtaking, thrilling array

Standing by Kouen was his younger brother, Koumei. He fidgeted as he reached into his coat and checked his pocket watch, apprehensive of the current time. He sighed in relief and stowed it away. They were on schedule.

Every prince, every dog has his day

Beside him was Kouen's other brother, Kouha. He seemed to be admiring the chandelier at the moment, not paying attention to the boorish ball.

Let us sing with passion, gusto, fit to bust

If one looked closer they would also see a woman with ebony hair holding the hand of a small boy, her name was Hakuei and next to her was her younger brother, Hakuryuu. They were also part of the Ren family, the only big difference between the others was their appearance.

Oh, not a care in the world

Hakuryuu seemed to be frowning as the ball turned out to be as boring as all the others.

As the ball continued with its normal schedule, the door flung wide open revealing the cold winters night causing the candles to go out. Every guest shivered from the grave-cold and from fear as those couldn't just open on their own.

From the brittle cold came an old woman with a cloak atop her head, but even with the cloak on one could see her haggard appearance.

Kouen grabbed a candelabra from Kouha and confronted her. He sneered at her repulsive looks, "what is that you want, old woman?" He asked confidently, bringing everyone some sort of comfort.

The old woman coughed, "I only wish for shelter from the brittle cold..."

Prince Kouen scoffed, "you will find no shelter here, be gone with you!" He bellowed, causing the old woman to flinch.

"Please... I can offer you this for your charity..." She reached into her cloak to take put a single red enchanted rose. While it was beautiful all Kouen did was laugh at it causing the rest of the guests to follow.

She frowned, "I warn you, young prince..." She wheezed, "it is not wise to be deceived by appearances..." She said. Kouen only waved her off again.

Her eyes grew angry, she grabbed the rose and as she did her haggard appearance melted away to reveal her flowing golden hair and porcelain skin, her blue eyes shining better than ever.

As she turned into her true appearance, the guests grew fearful and started to back away. Judar, growing fearful for Kougyoku, stood in front of her.

Kouha and Koumei stood next to each other shocked. Hakuryuu was trying to rip away from a shocked Hakuei's hand, fearing the worst.

"Prince Kouen... I am an enchantress. For your actions, you shall be punished." A gold staff appeared in her hand and she pointed it at him.

Prince Kouen got down on his knees and begged for forgiveness, she only turned him away as it was too late.

Hakuryuu finally ripped his hand and began running around the giant mass of guests, lost.

"Hakuryuu! Hakuryuu!" Called out Hakuei, as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders she realized she was almost right where Kouen was standing. They all stood in fear of what she would do next.

"Your punishment shall be to live as a beast! Along with your companions who shall also share your fate!" She bellowed as she waved her staff causing his skin to grow hair and horns to sprout from his head.

His siblings looked in fear as he roared, all one could see was his silhouette of a monster on the opposite wall. In a rage, Kouen ripped the painting that had been himself that hung in the west wing.

The rose truly was enchanted, it counted down on his time to find his true love. If he did not, he would remain a hideous beast for all eternity. Along with his servants who would forever remain antiques.

Kouen lost despair as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. After all, who could learn to love a beast?

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