Chp.1 The Backstory

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One day, at Musutafu Japan, As a 7 year old child, (YN) has been living with a horrible sickness that his parents don't know what kind of sickness he has, they tried everything to cure him, giving him medicines, nothing, they took (YN) to several hospitals to check on him and cure him, but sadly, the doctors couldn't do anything...this sickness (YN) has doesn't have a cure at all, no medicine nor cure can revive (YN) of the sickness he night, him mom and dad were walking home, carrying (YN) to take him somewhere else where they can try curing his son before...he even dies. As they continue walking while the mother is holding onto his 7 year old son, (YN), alongside with the father, they walked through an alley as they see a stranger with a hoodie...let's name (YN)'s mother Teka and his father Yoshino...

???: Psst. Hey.

Teka: H-Huh?? Excuse me-

Yoshino: Come On, Teka. We don't have much time!

Teka: R-Right, sorry but we're in a serious rush.

???: I can see that, your son is sick, right?

Yoshino: Y-Yea, how do you-

???: You need help right? I can help your son, my master can cure him like nothing.

Teka: What really?! That's sounds great news! Please take us with you!

Yoshino: I don't know Teka, why should we trust him.

Teka: Come on, Yoshino. This is the only way to cure our son, look at him, he can't live longer like this.

The father, Yoshino, thinks about trusting the arranging to cure his son. So he said to his wife, Teka...

Yoshino: Okay Teka. Let's go with him.

Teka: Thank you, Yoshino. Now Uhm...stranger??

???: Oh please. I have a name, the names Jin Bubaigawara...or, you can call me Twice in short.

Yoshino: P-Please, Jin. Takes us with you to cure our son!

Twice: Oh sure. Follow me. It's not that far from here.

Teka: Thank you, Twice.

Yoshino: Come on sweetie, let's go cure our son.

Teka and Yoshino follows Twice as they get in a vehicle to take them to a place where his master can cure their son. an hour later of driving, they arrive in a quiet area as Twice then leads Teka and Yoshino to the area where there's a building all by itself...

Teka: Uh...Twice?

Twice: Yea?

Teka: Is this the place?

Yoshino: Its seems...lonely.

Twice: Oh don't worry. This is the place, look if you think you don't trust me, then you can just go and not have your son cure.

Teka: No no, we do. Sorry.

Twice: Hmmm. Anyways come on, my master is probably waiting.

Yoshino: Teka...I don't know about this. An area with only a building here, alone?

Teka: Dont worry, babe. Their just going to cure our son, that's all.

Yoshino: Okay then, if you say so.

They then entered the building which is...pretty lonely somehow, no people as well. Twice then leads them to an elevator as they went to the 5th floor. As they arrive to the floor, twice leads them to a huge room where it looks like a laboratory, Teka and Yoshino then started to see people, scientists of course and then a big person with a black tuxedo as he has his hands behind, with grey hair as well, looking outside at the window...

Twice: Master, I have brought guests.

???: Tomura, go to your room. I have work to do.

Suddenly, a small child with gray hair as well was with the man in the tux as the child then started to leave the room, as he pass by Teka and Yoshino, the child gave them a fright glance stare towards them as the child then left the room. The man with the tuxedo then turns around as he walks towards Teka and Yoshino...

???: Now, what can I help you two people?

Teka: W-Well, we follow this nice person over here and told us can cure our son?

???: Aah yes. Your son. I can see there is no cure for his sickness.

Yoshino: Y-Yea sir, we have went to every hospital...and no luck. Please, Your our only chance to cure our son, can you do it? Please...Uh..

???: Of course...oh, and the names Shigaraki.

Teka: Please, Shigaraki. Cure our son.

Shigaraki: I will. Dr.Kyudai?

Dr.Kyudai: Yea, Master?

Shigaraki: Prepare the machine.

Dr.Kyudai: Yes Master.

Shigaraki: May I carry your son to the machine? Do not worry, he will be cure fast as possible.

Teka and Yoshino both stood quiet for a moment as Teka then hands over Shigaraki their son, Shigaraki then takes with with the other scientists to get him ready to put him on the medical machine. Minutes later, (YN) was in a the medical machine, a tank of course, as he was hooked up with breathing apparatus and various wires attach to his body...Dr.Kyudai and scientist were on their computers, scanning on (YN)'s body to see the sickness, to get rid of the sickness, Shigaraki told Dr.Kyudai to uses some of the red liquids on (YN) somehow, he attach the red liquids to the wires as the liquid was going through its body...

Shigaraki: Now raise it up.

Dr.Kyudai: Yes Master.

Dr.Kyudai then raise some numbers up as the red liquid was fueling (YN)'s body...

Teka: Shigaraki, are you sure you know what your doing??

Shigaraki: Of course. Don't's almost done.

Yoshino: Really?!

Teka: Oh thank god!

Shigaraki: Patience now, it needs one more thing. Dr.Kyudai?

Dr.Kyduai: Right away Master.

Dr.Kyudai then runs over to locker room as he then opens it as breezing air came out from the room as Dr.Kyudai then grabs a giant jar of gamma radiation liquid...he attach the gamma radiation liquid to the wires as they went through (YN)'s body. After that, suddenly, (YN) started to open his eyes slowly as he woke up...Teka and Yoshino then run up to him as he was still inside the tank medical machine...(YN) places his arms on the glass, so did Teka and Yoshino...

Teka: Oh my gosh! (YN), my baby! Your okay!

Yoshino: Son! It's us your mother and father! Don't worry, we will soon go home! So, is he cure now?

Shigaraki: Of course he is. He is now cure.

Teka: Oh thank you so much Mr.Shigaraki! How can we ever repay you??!

Suddenly, Shigaraki then grins as he tells them...

Shigaraki: You can repay letting me use your son as a human weapon.

Teka: Wh-What??!!

Yoshino: What!!? The hell are you saying!?!

Shigaraki: I cure your son no? So now you gotta do me a favor. Are you going to let me use your son as a human weapon or not?

Teka: Wh-What are you saying?!? He doesn't have any quirk powers!

Shigaraki: But he has what I like to call...the power of gamma radiation.

Teka: What?!?

Yoshino: What the hell did you do to our son?!? What did you do!!!??

Shigaraki: You See, not only did we cure your son, but we also gave him some gamma radiation liquid, a massive dose that's inside his body, that liquid will allow your son to become something so big, no person can stop him, a monster who will be unstoppable, and powerful! And the only way he can become one, is his anger! Allow me to demonstrate!

Shigaraki then grabbed both Teka's and Yoshino's neck as he picked them both up as his arms suddenly grew as his grip started to become stronger, strangling Teka and Yoshino even more as (YN) started banging on the glass, screaming to his parents with the breathing apparatus he has...

Teka: S-Son!

Yoshino: (Y-YN)!

Teka: Y-Yoshi...

Yoshino: T-T-Teka...b-be happy...the fact...our son is cure.

Teka: *sniffs* o-of yourself...

Shigaraki then broke both Teka's and Yoshino's neck as he killed both of (YN)'s parents...letting them go as they collapse to the floor...(YN) has saw everything, he has saw the death of his parents being killed by the hands of Shigaraki...

Shigaraki: Hehehe...never trust a villain.

(YN) suddenly then started to feel weird, like if he started to get angry somehow, he started acting up as several computers were saying danger...

Dr.Kyudia: Master!

Shigaraki: Yes! Yes! Let's see what kind of monster you look like! Grow your anger! And show me!!!

(YN) then screams as he suddenly started to grow somehow, his clothes started to rip apart, his eyes glow red as his whole body started to grow slowly as he then wasn't able to be fit in the machine, he broke the medical machine as clothes was ripped...the only thing he's wearing is some kind of ripped pants that made like shorts....after that, Shigaraki knew that he has transformed into something, (YN) now is a 10 foot monster with red skin and shorts with massive muscles, as he then roars...

Shigaraki: YEA! It work! Now! You will-


(YN) was out of control as he then grabs Shigaraki's whole face and slams him to the ground and tosses him away, crashing through a wall. The scientist tried stopping him but were no use cause they never stood a chance against the monster, Dr.Kyudai then leaves the room to look for twice and Tomura, as he leaves, (YN) started to cause destruction on the lab, destroying everything as he started his destruction to several rooms with so much anger he has. With all that anger, there was no way of stopping him. He continues destroying the building as he then suddenly jumps to the ceiling as he goes on top of the roof, leds our huge roar as he then jumps away from the building ....he then escaped...after the destruction, Twice and Dr.Kyudia arrive to the lab which was destroyed as Twice had Tomura with him, knowing half of the building destroyed...Shigaraki then got up..

Dr.Kyudai: Master!

Twice: Master! Are you okay?!?

Shigaraki: Im fine....So, he got away?

Dr.Kyudai: I-I'm afraid so Master. But don't worry, we will track him down and-

Shigaraki: No.

Dr.Kyudai: What?!

Shigaraki: We will wait, we must stay low for a while. We have to clean everything here before the police get here. (YN) can Wait.

After that, in the city of Musutafu Japan, (YN) started jumping all around as he then lands on an alley where he then started to shrink somehow, it was painful as he then went to his normal body, with no shirt, shoes, and sock...only his shirt. After that, he then sat down as he started to shed tears the fact he has lost his parents and knowing they were killed...he started sobbing as well...the poor little guy was left alone...and now...he has to live his entire life without parents...


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