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It was already morning, I then woke up to check on (YN), as I got to the living room, I notice him sitting down, head up as he looks scared, worried...I then remember last night when we brought him back here about the situation we had last night...


Last night, we brought back (YN) here in the living room as Izuku then let him borrow some spare clothes for him....he then sat down as I then covered him with the blanket he sleeps with...we were all together at the living room with him, All Might and Aizawa as well...

Momo: How are you feeling (YN)??

(YN): O-Okay...I guess...I-I'm sorry again...for trying to hurt you Momo, even all of you guys, I didn't mean it, honestly-

Izuku: Dont worry (YN), we know it's not you fault, could at least tell us about... what just happen...

All Might: Young (YN) have to tell us everything about you and what just happen, what has happen to you??

(YN) stood quiet for a moment as I then grab his hand as he looks at me...

Momo: Its okay (YN). You can tell us and we will understand it.

(YN) smile a bit as he then looks back down again as he then takes a deep breathe and then says...

(YN): It was 11 years ago...I remember that I was sick badly, there was no cure to help me get rid of it. My parents tried everything, and nothing. Not even the doctors could cure it. Until my parents bumped into this person...couldn't see nor recognize his face...

As he continues to tell his backstory to everyone else, he then got to the ending as he started to feel sad about what happen to his parents and what man of the suit did to him...Me, everyone else, Aizawa-Sensei and All Might were speechless...

Izuku: ...Black face at doesn't mean-

All Might: All For One.

Kirashima: H-He killed your parents and made you into a monster?! No way!

Tenya: I-I can't believe what I'm hearing...why would All For such cruel thing like that?!?!

(YN): And those pass 11 years of suffering and trying into this beast...I couldn't control it...rumors were heard in this city that a huge red monster has been spotted out sometimes. Which is I stood far away from this city to not cause no trouble...but I couldn't...this monster keeps coming back to the's like he wants me to finish off with something...Again...I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to hurt you all, especially you Momo!

(YN) then hugs me as he started to feel bad...

(YN): I-I didn't mean to. I would never hurt such good friends I have during these pass weeks! Even you Momo! I'm sorry!

I then places me hands onto (YN)'s shoulder as I tell him...

Momo: (YN), it's okay, it isn't your fault, what ever All For One did to you, he should be blame for what he has done to you.

Izuku: Yeah, Don't Blake yourself just because what has happen to you, he should be blame for that.

Kirashima: And bro, don't you worry. We can figure out on helping you not summon that monster of your you have. We'll do our best to help you, right gang?!

Everyone: Right!

All Might: Young (YN)...we are here for you, for anything...We are all here to help you.

(YN) then smiles...

(YN): Thank you guys. You guys really are the best friends I have.

Everyone then gathered around as me and them gave him  group hug (YN), expect for Bakugo as he just haves him a thumbs up and heads over to his dorm. After that, everyone head to their dorms to go back to sleep on the other hand, I stayed with (YN) for a while until he sleeps...minutes pass as he then was knocked out onto my shoulders...I blush a little as I slowly and carefully lay him down to the sofa as I place his pillow below his head and covered him, i the touch his cheek and told him...

Momo: Sweet Dreams, (YN).

I then walk away as I went to my dorm to go back to sleep...


After the little flashback from last night, (YN) was still sitting there with his head up, I then walked over to him as I went to check on him...

Momo: Hey (YN).

(YN): Momo...How'd you slept?

Momo: Good. But more importantly...How'd you slept last night?

(YN): Okay, I guess...

Momo: Hmm, still scared about last night?

(YN) nods...I then sat down next to him...

Momo: Do not worry, (YN). Like we said last night, we here for you no matter what and we'll help you get through this together, and of course, I will be on your side as always, helping you and never leaving you.

(YN) then smiles...

(YN): Thanks, Momo.

(YN) then leaned his head towards my legs as he lay his head there as I blush a bit...he was starting to rest for a bit as I then allow it to let him rest his head on my legs, I then place my hand on his hair...don't you worry (YN), I will help you.


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