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A month has pass already...during this pass month, we were all working together to help (YN) out on controlling his anger to avoid not to summon that monster that is inside his body...but when he tries, he couldn't, the pain keeps getting him, the more he tries to control his anger, the more pain he gets and it hurts him...but couple of days later, he was now somehow able to control bit of his anger...the only thing that gets him angry is the bastard All For One and his blame for cruelty murdering his poor parents...but still, it's a good thing that he's able to control some of his anger down...and he still the (YN) I know, kind, sweet, and.  nice...anyways...It was already dawn/sunset as we were still training our quirk according to our teacher, I was almost done finishing up training my quirk, I can see (YN) working and training his quirk with Izuku and Kirashima, him throwing giant boulders with his brute strength towards them as they punch them...I then notice him looking back at me as he then waves and smiles at me, I blush as I wave back at him as well, with a little smile as well. I then hear Aizawa blow his whistle...

Aizawa: Alright guys. Trainings over. Head over to the showers and then some rest.

Everyone stopped as they all started walking over to the building to go and clean ourselves...I was walking with the girls until I see (YN) walking with Izuku and Kirashima...I just couldn't take my eyes off him, it's too hard. Every time I see him, my eyes are lock towards him. And yet, I have still didn't told him about my feelings towards him...Jirou walked up to me and says to me...

Jirou: Starting at (YN) like always Huh?

Momo: Jirou! W-Well...

Mina: Momo, when are you going to ask him already?? It's been almost 2 months and you still haven't told him yet.

Momo: I know I's just...well, I'm waiting for the right time.

Jirou: Hey Momo...if you still think about what we talk about, don't think about it. Just remember, he'll understand and feel the same why, remember that.

I smiled...

Momo: Thank you guys.

I then started to have hope know what...I'm tired of waiting, Jirou is right! Right after our showers, I'm going to ask (YN) once and for all!


As the students are off to clean themselves...meanwhile back at the league of villains hide out, All For One and Tomura were looking out at the window...

Tomura: To think (YN) was still alive through out these pass years...what a surprise.

All For One: Indeed, but don't not worry. I'll send him the little message I was talking about. I'm sure him and his pathetic friends will love my message. Hey, Toshinori as well.

The door then opens as Dr.Kyudai then enters the room as he tells All For One...

Dr.Kyudai: Master, the nomus are now finish! They are set to go!

All For One: Excellent...just one more thing...

Minutes later, All For One and Tomura were outside as they waited for Kyudai to bring the nomus outside and so he did...he brought out the three nomus

All Might then pulls out some ripped clothes that look familiar...those ripped clothes were from (YN) back then was he was sick when All For One "cures" his sickness...he then drops them to the floor as the nomus started to smell the scent of (YN)...

All For One: What your smelling is the scent of (YN). You three! Go and find (YN) at UA High and make him and his friends suffer!

The nomus scream with a terror roar as the three then rush to go look for (YN) at UA High...All For One then gives an evil grin as he chuckles...

All For One: Hope you all like the message.



It was already night, 9pm I should say, we were all at the living room as we were starting to relax and chill for a while, the boys were playing video games as (YN) was enjoying playing with them as for me I was with the girls at the table having some snacks...I then again was giving (YN) the stare as I couldn't take my eyes off from him...I then notice him standing up as he seems like he was coming towards us to the kitchen...

Mina: Nows your chance, Momo!

The girls stood up quickly as they then left me alone at the table as soon (YN) came to the kitchen...I then gave a silent squeal to realize to expect me to tell him already...

(YN): Hey Momo. You okay there?

Momo: Y-Yeah...I'm good. Wh-What brings you here?

(YN): Oh well, just came to get some to drink.

Momo: Oh...very well then.

As he walks over the fridge, I then turned around to see the girls giving me signs like "Go for it" and "Nows your chance" meaning that it is time for me to ask (YN) my feelings towards him...I then stood up as I walked up to him behind, as he turns around and notice me standing in front of him...

(YN): Momo? Can I help you? Wanna drink?

Momo: No thanks...I just tell you something.

(YN): Oh really?

He then places the orange juice at the counter...

(YN): What is it Momo??

I then blush a little as I then said to him..

Momo: see (YN)...the thing is...we have known each other for months...eve since, you have always been happy the fact I have saved you. But not only have brought me happiness to me as well. Every time we hang out, or talk to each other, you always smile, and always happy, which makes me smile and happy as well, being around you is fun and puts me a smile on my face...especially you. You always cared for me, I cared for you as well, you look out for me, I look out for you as well, we've been each other sides and never leaving each other alone. And that's why, (YN)...I wanted to tell you something that has been waiting to tell you this for a while....

I then grabbed both of (YN)'s hands as he then notices and looks at me...

(YN): Momo...

Momo: (YN), I wanted to tell you...that I-

Mineta: Hey guys! There's something going on outside!

I then heard Mineta what he said as I looked back at (YN) as he looks at me as well we both walk over to the others as we all looked out at the window...we then notice trees moving...we then took a closer look to the trees as we suddenly notice a monster with wings pop out from the window as we all got scared...

Kirashima: What the hell is that thing!?!

Izuku: Wait! Those eyes! And the brain outside of its head...those are nomus! The ones All Might he has fight once back then!

Tenya: What Im the world is it doing here!?!

Sero: G-Guys! There's probably more than Nomu!

Mina: What are you talking about Sero!?

Sero: Look Down!

Everyone looked down to see none other than two more Nomus...

Mineta: T-Two more!?!

Momo: Wh-Where the hell did they come from!?!

(YN): Crap! All Might and Aizawa ain't here! What now!?

Bakugo: Tch! Now?! We fight!

Bakugo then rushes to the doors as he heads downstairs to head over outside...

Izuku: Kachan Wait!

Izuku then goes after Izuku, everyone then started to go outside as for me and (YN) we went as well...


As Bakugo arrive outside, he then notices the three nomus together as Bakugo started emitting his explosion quirk...

Bakugo: I bet you three bastards are here from the league of villains! Tch! Well guess what! After 3 years of training my quirk I'm way stronger now! And all of you three will DIE BY MY HANDS!!!

Bakugo then leaps as he then tried to use his quirk to hit one of the nomus but the muscular one then block his hit as he then grabs his whole arm and throws him towards a wall as Bakugo then was hit...the muscular one then charges to him as he was close to strike him until Kirashima and Deku came to save Bakugo, both punching the Nomu at the same time, sending him crashing through trees...

Izuku: Kachan-

Bakugo: Im fine! No need to ask!

Kirashima: Crap here he comes the other two!

The flying one and the speedy one then started running towards them as Sero then emits his tape quirk to catch the flying Nomu as he slams him to the ground as for the speedy one, Tenya uses his engine quirk to quickly stop him as he gives him a kick to the face...

Izuku: Nice one guys!

Suddenly, the muscular Nomu quickly appeared as it attack Bakugo, Izuku and Kirashima all for the flying Nomu and the speedy one, all three of them were attack them...the students didn't expect them to be this strong...minutes later, everyone were spread away from each other due to trying to take down the nomus...they were all down, but then again they were all strong enough to recover themselves as they re groups together as the nomus were still standing...

Tenya: Their too...strong...

Kirashima: N-No way we can take them out! It's impossible!

Momo: Wait! Wheres (YN)!!??

They all suddenly started to realize (YN) wasn't with them...Momo then notice (YN) begins the nomus...he was already getting up...

Momo: (YN)!!! Get out of there!!

(YN): E-Eh??!

The Nomus then started smelling the scent they smell before, they then turned around as there focus was on (YN) only...(YN) was already getting up on his feet as the nomus then charge at him with full speed...

Momo: (YN) LOOK OUT!!!

It was too late. The three nomus then got to (YN) as the big muscular one then open its mouth with his sharp teeth's as it then bites on (YN)'s waist, the flying one to (YN)'s shoulder and the speedy on his other shoulder as well as (YN) then screamed in pain...

Momo: (YN)!!!!!!!

Momo then tried to save him but the girls stopped her as Momo then was in tears to see (YN) being hurt...

Momo: What are you all doing!?! He's in trouble!!

Mina: Wait Momo!

Momo: No!!! He's in danger! We have to save him!!!

Jirou: Momo! Look!!

Momo then looks at (YN) as (YN) started growling somehow...he suddenly started to growl even more as he then open his eyes wide as he eyes were shown to be red

Kirashima: Uh-Oh!

Mineta: Uh-Oh!? What do you mean "Uh-Oh"!?!

(YN) eyes were fully red as he then was strong enough to take of the nomus off from him...he tosses them away from him to the trees as (YN) then started to transform...he started growing bigger and muscular, clothes ripping apart as soon he then grows into the monster with shorts as he then gives a huge roar....


The nomus then came out from the trees as their focus was still at (YN)...

Izuku: Guys...I think we should back away...and let (YN) handle this...

This battle will start and story continues on the next chapter...


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