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Polices started to arrive from that explosion as (YN) was coming out from the ocean, he looked exhausted somehow, like if he's feeling weak...with shorts on only...he then stared to feel like collapsing to the floor until Momo was fast enough to catch (YN) from falling to the ground ...

Momo: (YN)! Are you okay!? Please! Call for ambulance now!

(YN): H-He's gone *cough* All For One...he's no longer...alive...I-I took care of him....

Momo: Y-You did!?

(YN): *smiles* y-Yeah... *cough 2x* f-fuck...everything hurts from that explosion...

Momo: D-Don't worry...the officers are calling for ambulance! You're gonna be fine!

Hearing Momo's voice is beginning to make (YN) hear her words fade away as in first person view, his eyes were beginning to shut as he hears Momo's final words saying..

Momo: Your gonna be matter what I will never lose you! Why...because I love you!

He then felt a pair of lips from Momo before he falls unconscious...and so he did.


An hour pass as in first person view, (YN)'s eyes were shown to be open as he was in the hospital he then stood up as to realize Momo, his friends, All Might and Aizawa he with him...

(YN): Wh-Where am I??

Momo: (YN)! Your awake!

Momo rushes as she quickly hugs (YN), (YN) smiles as he hugs her too...

All Might: We're happy to see you wide awake, young (YN). Thanks to you...the league of villains are no more. Now that All For One is gone, the league of villains in jail, there's nothing for us to be worried about.

(YN): *smiles* that's good to hear...

Kirashima: Yeah! Thanks to you bro! So manly of you to take down All For One by yourself!

Everyone started to cheer for (YN) as (YN) smiles with joy as Momo kisses her on the cheek...

Momo: We're so happy for you, babe. I am as well.

(YN): Thank you, Momo.

The doctor came in the room...

All Might: Ah. Doctor, came here for the good news?

Doctor: Actually Yeah, (YN) is good and ready to go back home.

Everyone cheers...until...

Doctor: Well, there is something about (YN) as well..

All Might: Really?

Doctor: Yes. According to the results we have taken, after that explosion, the gamma power somehow was reasserted to its body, meaning that the power he has been holding onto, has come back and return to its body. Super strength, power and speed.

All Might: Amazing...

Doctor: Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen to him anymore. With his power return to him, he will be able to become a hero like your students. Now, let me know if (YN) is ready to go back home so I can bring him spare clothes for him.

All Might: Sounds good. I'll let you know Doc.

The doctor nods as he exits the room.

All Might: You hear that young (YN)? Your problems are no longer. That monster of yours no longer exist anymore.

(YN): *relief* good. At least I have something to become a hero.

All Might: Say, what do you all say that once we go back to UA, why not we make ourselves some barbecue and celebrate the defeat of the villains. What do you all say??

Everyone: YEAH!!!

Everyone started to jump in joy as for Momo and (YN), they started to feel glad that their problems against the league of villains are no more.


It was already dawn as (YN) was already out from the hospital, good and relief. They all arrive to UA as Class 1-A and the rest of the classes join them for the barbecue. Everyone was having tons of fun and enjoying themselves at the barbecue, as for the teachers and pro heroes as they are, Momo and (YN) were at the balcony of the building to see everyone enjoying themselves...

Momo: Im so happy things here in Musutafu japan.

(YN): Yup. And what I'm happy, is the fact I'm still with you, and never lost you.

Momo: *giggles* good to hear.

Both kiss...

Jirou: Hey You two! Stop making out and come join us! We're about to play some soccer!

Bakugo: Yeah! And this time I'm going to beat you (YN)! Just watch!

Momo: Hehe...shall we?

(YN): You go on ahead, I'll catch up.

Momo then nods as she kisses (YN) on the lips as she goes and joins the others to she does, (YN) was all alone at the balcony, thinking about his future of becoming a hero...but he started to still missing his parents as well...until he heard....

Yoshino: We're happy For you, my son.

He quickly turns around as he sees his parents...

(YN): M-Mom!? Dad!?

Tekka: My son, we're happy for you. You have defeated the villain who killed us.

Yoshino: And what's more, is that you have finally have your dreams come true...becoming a hero like you always dreamed of. My son, my grown son has finally become a hero, and soon to become like the pros.

(YN) slowly walks towards them as he started shedding a tear form an eye, his mother then touched him by the cheek...

(YN): I-I miss you guys...

Tekka: We both miss you too, son. But don't you worry, your father and I will always be by your side. No matter what, even if we're dead, we'll still be here for you.

Both of his ghost parents started to slowly vanish as they now disappeared...(YN) wipes the tear off as he smiles to know that his parents will always be there for him, no matter what. After that, he then leaves the balcony as he goes outside as Momo was waiting for him...

(YN): Hey babe, you were waiting for me??

Momo: Of course. Everything okay??

(YN): Yeah...Just, having thoughts of...missing my parents.

Momo then hugs (YN)...

Momo: Awww. Im sorry for your lost. I really am.

(YN): Its long as I remember them, it's good and knowing that they will be on my side, no matter what.

Momo: *smiles* good to hear baby.

They both kiss..

(YN): Now, shall we go and play some soccer? Cause I really wanna kick Bakugo's ass on this game.

Momo: *giggles* Yes Yes. Come on, everyone waiting.

And so, Momo and (YN) live on with their lives as a happy couple together. Enjoying their lives of becoming the next generation of heroes, and living on their future. And...they live happily ever after.

The End

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