Chapter Six

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After getting lost and turned around several times, you finally made it back to your chambers. Once inside, you let all the pent up emotion flow out in body-wracking sobs and you weren't sure why. After all, it had been your stubbornness that had brought this upon you in the first place. You were only able to cry for a little while before you heard a frantic whisper. A whisper of your name. You dried your tears and listened closely. "Y/N! Psst! Y/N!" You made your way over to the balcony and looked down.

"Calilmal? What are you doing here?" you whispered harshly. The shadows from the trees made it difficult to see, but there was no denying that it was Calilmal. "I doubled back as soon as the guards left me at the gate. I am going to get you out of here, Y/N if I have to do it myself!" You shook your head. "Mellon, it is dangerous. You cannot do this. You should return home." Calilmal sighed, knowing there was no way to change your mind. "Farewell, Y/N. I hope to see you again soon," he said softly before disappearing into the darkness of the forest. You sighed, went back inside and closed the doors leading to the balcony. You sank down onto the bed and began crying again until you fell asleep.

Thranduil's POV

After you ran off, Thranduil swept back into the dining hall for another goblet of his finest wine. He could foresee the need for more wine the longer you were with him. You infuriated and intrigued him at the same time. Thranduil retired to his chambers where he proceeded to ponder how he could make your life more enjoyable and therefore make his life easier. He wasn't in there long before a knock sounded at the door. "Enter," he called out.

"My King, we've found an intruder," the guard cried upon entering the room. Thranduil's thick brow rose in surprise. "Another?" What was the world coming to? There was a time when the race of man feared entering Mirkwood and now, three intruders in the span of just a few weeks. "Bring them to the throne room. I shall be there momentarily." He placed his crown back on his head and made his way to the throne room. Thranduil had just placed himself on the throne when the guards entered with the intruder. "Well, to what do I owe the pleasure...again?" he asked smoothly, not bothering to hide his amused smirk.

Calilmal glared up at the king. "I came with every intention of rescuing Y/N." Thranduil chuckled at his boldness. "And you say she is not your lover. However, you have managed to sneak back into my kingdom without my permission. I do believe another few days in my dungeons will help to remind just how much you do not want to trespass in my realm again." He gestured to the guards to take Calilmal back to the dungeons.

Your POV

You awoke the next morning to Elebridith shaking your shoulder. "My lady, the king requests your presence at breakfast." You turned over and glared at the elf before burying your face back in the pillows and mumbling, "You can tell the king that if he wishes me to join him, he can ask me himself. I don't take kindly to demands." You soon fell back asleep and didn't wake up again for several hours. This time, to your door slamming open.

"My lady, I must insist you rise and join the king for lunch. He is most upset that you missed breakfast," Elebridith sounded frightened so you got up, dressed and joined Thranduil for lunch. "It is nice to see you are finally awake," he greeted when you entered, a slight bite in his usually smooth voice. "And here I thought elves were patient," you quipped and then instantly cursed yourself when Thranduil's smile fell. You could tell it was going to be a long, long life for you.

    "I am patient.However, there was a matter I wished to discuss with you this morning, but youdeprived me of your company," He told you. You gazed over at him beforepopping a grape in your mouth. "Your...companion made the choice to returnto my kingdom last night," he said. You swallowed your grape and attemptedto keep your face blank and voice even. "Did he? What did he want?"You could feel Thranduil's steely gaze on your face as he began speaking oncemore. "He wished to rescue you." You licked your lips and asked,"What did you do to him?" Thranduil waved his hand as if the questionwere ridiculous. "I sent him on his way." You looked into his eyesand saw no hint of deceit.     

(a/n: Things pick up in the next chapter, I promise!)

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