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Cellyn's POV

Cellyn leaned his head back against the cool walls of his dungeon cell. He'd been down there for weeks, perhaps even months. Was the king really going to let him rot there? He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands as he heard footsteps descending the steps. They stopped in front of his cell. Cellyn looked up and was surprised to see the Elvenking himself standing in front of him, with you right beside him.

"Cellyn," you said, your voice soft yet firm. The way a mother would speak to her child. He stood, arms crossed over his chest, glaring down at you. "You should listen to what she has to say..." the king said coolly, not bothering to even look at Cellyn. Cellyn watched as you nodded to a guard who immediately unlocked the door. "You are free to leave, Cellyn. I only hope for happiness in your future," you told him softly. "You're releasing me?" You gave him a nod and Cellyn felt pride rise up in his chest.

"Do not look so happy about it. You are hereby banished from Mirkwood Forest. You, your children and your children's children. If any of you ever set foot in Mirkwood again, you will be executed," you continued. Cellyn looked over your head at Thranduil who merely smirked. Cellyn turned back to you and asked, "And who are you to banish me?" Cellyn flinched when Thranduil finally moved. He placed a hand on your shoulder and replied, "I believe you are addressing my wife, Y/N, Queen of Mirkwood. She, in her endless compassion, has decided that banishment is good enough for you and I would be groveling at her feet if I were you."

Your POV

You could feel Thranduil's pride for you emanating from him and you smiled. Cellyn said nothing and you realized that there would be no thanks coming from him. You nodded to the guard once again, who grabbed Cellyn's arm and escorted him out of the dungeon and to the palace gates. You turned to your husband and placed a kiss to his cheek. "I love you, my king," you whispered. "And I you, Melamin. Come, we have the feast."

You walked arm in arm with your king back up to the dining hall, where your people where waiting. Lord Elrond was there with his daughter, Thranduil's son also made the journey home. Your father now lived in Mirkwood, and Calilmal had returned to the forest as guest, along with the man that had finally captured his heart. You hugged your father close before taking your seat to begin the feast.

You felt your nervousness growing the longer the feast went on and your husband noticed. He gently grabbed your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You couldn't believe you'd been married for five months already. You married a few weeks after Thranduil healed you, neither one of you wanted to waste another minute you could be together. Time just seemed to fly when you became queen of a realm you were once a prisoner in. At first, you were afraid you'd be a terrible queen, but the people of Mirkwood accepted you almost instantaneously when they saw the positive changes you made in their king. Now, you had even bigger news to share.

Once the dinner dishes were cleared away, Thranduil cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention to him at the head of the table. "My friends, family...Queen Y/N and I have called you all together to give you wonderful news. There is to be another addition to the royal family. The Queen is with child." For a moment, there was silence then the entire hall erupted in noise. Elebridith and your father were crying, Legolas was beaming at his father and Elrond patted your hand gently and wished you the best of luck.

When the din died down, Thranduil looked back at you, his eyes so full of love that you couldn't move even if you wanted to. You never thought you would fall in love and now, here you were. A wife, a mother-to-be and a queen. All because you rode into the woods, became a prisoner, and fell in love with the Elvenking of Mirkwood. As you gazed lovingly back into Thranduil's eyes, you knew the two of you would live happily ever after.

*Melamin = my love

(a/n: That's the end! I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes!!) 

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