The Strange Girl

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(Y/n)'s POV
"I will be right back father!" I shouted before I left my tiny cottage.

"Be careful now my daughter!" My father, Scott, shouted back.

I walked to village with my basket containing a book I will return to the village library. I hummed as I walked.

"Hello (Y/n)!" The baker greeted me.

"Good morning!" I greeted back as I walked up to him.

"Going to the library I see." He said looking at my basket.

"Of course! It's almost over due!" I said smiling.

He chuckled. "You and your books. Well go on. I don't wanna waste any more of your time." The baker said smiling.

"Good bye Mr. Baker!" I said, waving good bye before walking of.

I decided to read a few of my favorite parts of the story before returning it to the library. As I walked I could hear the murmurs of people.

"Look she's reading again."

"All that beauty wasted on a book worm."

"Her nose is always stuck in a book."

"She really is a funny girl."

"Hey look it's the hot nerd."

I ignored it and continued to read.

"Good morning (Y/n)!" I heard someone say.

I looked up from my book and saw the village librarian.

"Hello!" I greeted happily.

"I see your here to return the book. Am I correct?" He said.

I happily nodded as I gave him the book.

"Come in. I presume you would want to borrow another book." He said in an 'as a matter of factly'.

"What gave it away?" I said sarcastically.

He just chuckled as he let me in his library. I smiled as I looked around all the books. I've read almost all of them.

"What would you like to borrow this time (Y/n)?" He asked.

I looked around examining the books. "This one!" I said pulling out a book.

"This one? But you've read it twice!" He said, adjusting his glasses.

"It's one of my favorite books! The adventure, the excitement, the love, the thrill, the magic!" I said.

He smiled. "If you love it that much then here." He said handing me the book as I grabbed it. "Keep it." He said.

"Oh I couldn't keep it! Besides, I don't have my money so I can't pay it!" I said, trying to hand him the book back.

"No, no. Keep it. Think of it as a gift." He said, pushed the book back to me.

"Oh thank you! This means a lot to me!" I said, smiling happily as I gave him a hug.

As I left the library I started reading my new book until...

"Hey beautiful!" A voice said.

Oh no...

"What do you want Vincent?" I said, not even bothering to look up from my book.

Vincent wore a purple, polo buttoned up shirt with black pants. He had purple hair that swept over his face and purple eyes to match. He was the kind of person every girl would fawn over. Well except me.

"Will you at least look at him?" His, I like to call 'sidekick', Springtrap asked.

Springtrap wore a yellow shirt with a yellow bow tie and black pants. He had blonde hair and gray eyes.

"Well excuse me. I'm busy. I have to hurry back home and help my father." I huffed as I continued to walk.

"That crazy old loon?" Springtrap whispered.

I turned around and glared at them.

"He's not crazy!" I snapped. "You know what?! Just forget about it!" I said storming off, back home.

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