Chapter 3

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That Peppy didn't know at the time, his horse Buddy, was already running away from the Castel. Buddy knew something was wrong with the Castel and was running away since Peppy entered the Castel. Buddy didn't care if wolves would follow him. He just wanted to get as fast as he could away from this place.

Back at the Troll Tree, Poppy was preparing the room of her father. She fought, that he would be after he gets home. So, as nice as she is, she cleaned everything in his room. But suddenly..

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Poppy turned around. "Who could that be", she asked herself and went to the door. Then she opened it, she wished she didn't. Because right outside standing, was Creek. He smiled his stupid smile down to her.

"Hello Poppy. I heard from some other Trolls, that you didn't leave the Royal Pod today and some started to get worried about you. So I fought, that I go and check on you Love", he said. Never realized the face she made by every word coming out of his mouth. But, she didn't wanted to scream or something.

"Creek, I am fine. Just making everything ready before my father comes home. And for you to remember. I am not your love. And I never will be", she said with an neutral face. Creek smile faded a little, but he instantly put his smile back. "Oh you will soon. You are the only woman I care for. So you will be mine someday".

Okay that's it. Even if Poppy would never be like this, she had to. If she wanted him to go. "You know what Creek? I really have no time right so if you please could go. I am really sorry, but I have just no time", and with that, she closed the door. Creek Tryed to say something in between, but it was to late. With an angry but soon to be neutral face. He went down to the street.

(Start playing the song)

Then he was away, Poppy opened the door again and stepped out. She watched there he did go and a frustrated sigh escaped her mouth. She looked still to where Creek went. The silence soon broken. "Can you imagine? Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless... ".

"Madame Creek!" Can't you just see it?"Madame Creek!" His "little wife" ugh! ".

She went the stairs down and walked the way to the big tree free grass lands. But her thoughts still in mind, went out to song.

"No sir! Not me! I guarantee it I want much more than this provincial life".

She runner up the hill and stared out to the big would ahead of her. That beautiful, adventures world. There she wasn't, but wanted to go and see it. See everything. See what her future will bring to her. She smiled a little looking at it.

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can tell And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned".

(End of the song)

She looked a little bit more to the wide world. Hard, she glanced away, starting to go back to the Troll Tree. But she stopped, then she heard the sound, of a horse behind her. She glanced behind and was shocked to see Buddy. She gasped and run to him. Buddy stopped immediately right in front of her.

"Buddy. Shhhh. Shhhh. Calm down. Everything's okay", but it wasn't. She looked on Buddy's back. The saddle was gone only leaving him here. "Buddy. What happend to my dad", she looked him in the eye and Buddy understood. With panic, Buddy turned to the direction he was coming from. Poppy looked with wide eyes to the same way. Her shocked face went to brave one. "Okay Buddy. Bring me to my father". With that said, she went on Buddy's back and Buddy started to run.


Buddy was running. He was running a lot. But after spotting the destroyed saddle, Poppy knew they there near. And she was right. A few moments after that, Buddy stopped at a gate in front of them. Stunned, Poppy went down from Buddy and opened the gate. The sight behind it, was leaving her in aww. A big old Castle was standing majestic in the sunlight.

Her eyes were wider then ever before. "The forbidden Castle", she said and started to go to the big door in the middle of it. Buddy came closely behind. But he still didn't trust this place.

Before Poppy went inside, she took a deep Breath. "Okay Poppy. You can do this". And she did. The door was cracking a little but she didn't care. She folly went inside and looked around. Not so far from her, the chandelier and the old Clock where watching.

"Look at that. A girl. Could she be the one", the chandelier asked the old Clock, who looked a little frustrated to the chandelier and let a sigh escape. "I don't know Guy", it said, still looking at he girl.

Poppy then heard some coughing coming from above. She looked to her right and took the chandelier. She then went upstairs. The coughing continued, and she was almost sure, that she should be almost at the top. Then she finally was, she saw a cell there Peppy was sitting in. She put the chandelier on the little table beside it and went to the Cell.

"Dad". Peppy looked op, shocked to see his daughter. "Poppy? Oh my good. You shouldn't be here. Why are you here? You have to go before it sees you", Peppy said with a lot of panic in his voice. "I am here to safe you dad. But what do you mean with it will see me", she asked. Concerned she looked in the eyes of her dad, not noticing the figure coming near and near. Until it spooked.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE and who are you", a surprising, not so deep voice as asked not so far away from her. Poppy gasped and looked behind her, seeing the shadow on the wall. "I am here because of my father. What did you do to him and why is he in this cell", she asked afraid and angry at the same time. Afraid, because she didn't know who she was talking too. Angry, because her father was getting sicker by every second and nobody did anything.

The stranger got near. "He was an intruder. He didn't listen to the warnings. He has a right to be here", the stranger said. Poppy couldn't believe it. "But he is sick. He needs a doctor right now", she said, trying to make some sense to the stranger. The stranger just groaned. "He could of fought about that sooner, then getting here. Now he sees what's happening with people, who aren't listening to the warnings".

Poppy looked to her dad. She couldn't let him be here. She couldn't let him get sicker by the second. She had to do something. But what. She started to tear up. "Dad. I...i can't let here...", she Tryed. Peppy took his hand an put it carefully to Poppy's cheek. "Poppy. You have too. Live the live you want to have. Even then I am not by your side", Peppy said. He couldn't see his daughter cry. Not here. Not now. But suddenly, Poppy's face changed. "But I want you free", she said. Peppy gasped then Poppy turned around.

"Would you let him go, if I took his place", she asked the stranger. "No, Poppy", Peppy tryed. The stranger looked surprised at first and started to think. After a few minutes, he looked up again. "He can go. Just if you will stay here and take his place. No running away or trying anything stupid", he said. Poppy looked at him. She noticed, that he was in the shadow the Wohle time. "Step into the light", she said. The stranger fought about for a second, before he went into the light. Poppy gasped surprised. The stranger was a Troll like her. But unlike her and the other Trolls, he had no coloring. He was Grey with black hear. Having a green vest and brown shorts on.

After the surprise, Poppy glanced at her father. "No Poppy. Don't do this", he pleaded. "But I have to", Poppy said. She looked down. "..........I'll stay", she finally said. The Grey Troll then went to the cell and opened it up. "But can I say goodbye to him first please", she asked him. The Grey Troll stood still before he groaned again and stepped aside. Poppy ran to her father and hugged him. Tears in both of there eyes. "Poppy.....please", he Tryed again. "No dad. I'll have to, if it means I can save you. I love you dad", she said. Peppy gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I Love you too Poppy", he said. "Okay that's enough", said a third voice and the Grey Troll took Peppy and ran with him downstairs.

Poppy heard her dad call for her and she started to cry. What did she do to herself.


After a few minutes, she heard a sound. She looked up and gasped. The chandelier she had carried was standing before her. But it had a face. She jumped a little at it. "Oh I am so sorry to have scared you. I really didn't mean too. My name is Guy Diamond", the chandelier said. Poppy started to Starr in disbelieve. "URG, Guy Diamond. I told you she would be surprised", another voice came from behind the chandelier. Then Poppy looked at it, she saw that it was an old clock. "Hello. My name is Biggi. And i and Guy Diamond are here to bring you too your room", the clock said.

Poppy was confused. "My room? But I fought I should stay here", she said. The two objects looked at each other. Guy Diamond was the one to speak. "Well. Or Master said that you should be staying in a room instead of be here in the cold cell. So if you could follow us", Guy said and started to walk with the clock. Poppy went after them.

It wasn't a long way until they there in the room. "If you need anything from us, just call okay", Biggi the clock said and closed the door. After that Poppy ran to the window and opened it. It was to high to jump out of it, so she looked back at the room.

Well, one thing was for sure. The room looked really nice.

 So I finally updated this story and I know I said in my other story, that I wold hold this story on hold. But after watching the real life movie yesterday, my ideas started to form a little again. Because of the long wait, a longer chapter for you guys. My longest chapter so far. Hopped you enjoyed it. Brohoof.

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