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I am the story you never wanted to tell.
I am the journey you were afraid to take.
Not for anything but for fear of what people might say.
"So you're a Muslim?"
Oh! The Shame...

I am the good news you didn't bother to share.
Because am so old school,
So who cares!
But you forget that I was sent from the ONE whom you feared the most.
You forget that in this world, you're only a traveller and I'm the tour guide.

I am the school mummy forced you to attend
Because it didn't seem like what I will teach will make you rich.
But you forget that the answers to this world lie in me.
For I come from THE TEACHER who taught Your Father Adam after HE commanded him to Be!

I don't need your money, I don't need your wealth,
All I need is your time, soul, heart and mind,
What I have to tell you is what will save you,
What I will teach you is what will intercede for you.

I teach just two courses
One is the Qur'an and the other is the Sunnah.
These two courses are as important as the heart with which you feel and the brain you think with.
If you go with Qur'an only, you are incomplete,
For the Qur'an is a medicine for the heart whereas the Sunnah clears the path on which you walk.
They are two sides of the same coin.

I am the message you prefer not to send
I am the way of life you don't want to live.
Because who will comprehend?
You say I have too many rules, l don't give you freedom, only boredom and confusion.

Look around you, everything in life is governed by law.
If not, human life will be in disarray, with no justice, no standard system, no sense of responsibility.
Have you forgotten why you were sent here in the first place?
Or Is it because of what you hear about me from the ignorant lips and inhuman soul of terrorists who haven't learnt enough to understand my teachings talk more of acting upon it?

Before you begin to argue,
I am not here to distract you or lead you astray.
I am the right way,
No, THE ONLY WAY Proclaimed by the MASTER.
I am only here for a few years, I will not force you to listen and follow as MY LORD says; "There is no compulsion in Religion" (2:256)
So you see, Am not at all shallow.
If you want, you can follow.

If you don't want to, I hope tomorrow you will realize that all I wanted was for you to take my hand.
This life is nothing!
Don't you understand?
I am as perfect as MY LORD MADE me be.
Though you don't have to be.
All you need is good intentions and consistent efforts .
My MASTER will take care of the rest.
So let me be your Story, let me be your journey to both worldly and eternal glory.

There is no time. Hurry,
Before it's too late.
If not, you will be sorry.
I am only a message, read, learn, understand and act.
When you have me as your guide, shaytan and your desires won't stand a chance.
Follow me slowly, calmly and wisely.
Don't do too much at once.
YOUR LORD only wants the little deeds that you do consistently for HIS sake.
You just have to hear and obey.
Start by knowing Who YOUR LORD IS.
That's it, that's all it takes.
Take that first step to the right path.
When all is over, you'll be more than okay.
For paradise will be waiting, happy that "Finally, you're here to stay"
With your LORD who promised you More than the Happy Ever After you so wished for.

  © Zah Storyteller

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