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It's after a little while of talking with Rosé, the occasional munching on food here and there that I finally see Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo walking over with their own meals in hands, the smile I send them answered with a worried one, their eyes taking me in.

"Rosé told us you were kept in class by the horrific math teacher, are you okay?" Jisoo asks with a hand on my shoulder, a comforting squeeze as she sits down next to me, the two other girls sitting in front of us and appraising my reaction.

I shrug a little and focus on the half eaten sandwich in front of me before taking a sip of my drink. "Complained yet again about how stupid I am, you know, just the usual, but it's fine, one of the new students stepped in and got me out of there so easily, I really owe him".

Lisa props her elbows on the table, her eyes flashing a relieved blue at my words before turning into a curious yellow at the mention of the new guys who are getting quite the attention already.

"Which one? We got a whole new coven today, I'm guessing it's one of them?" she asks, her orbs wandering to their table, already convinced that it has to be one of them and I mean, she's not wrong.

I try to point to him without being too obvious. He might be far, but his senses seem incredible and I don't wanna risk it, enough has happened already.

"You see the one with the blond hair? That's him" I say softly and they all hum in unison, eyes intently staring at them although Lisa and Rosé are the only ones right now with a clear view since their eyesight is better than humans.

We turn back to our table to continue eating, but this time, I feel something burning the back of my head.

As if someone's watching me.

Jennie looks behind me and covers her mouth with a hand, eyes sparkling with interest. "Oh. Don't look, but they're all staring at you. The sexy guys at the table, all of them" she whispers and my eyes widen in shock, body tensing at the revelation.

"You're not serious. You're serious?" I whisper back, now realizing that they might have heard us all along.

Maybe the guy who helped simply told them about what happened? That would make sense, no? If they're a coven, like Rosé said earlier.

They might be quite a distance away, but as long as we're in the same room, they could hear my heartbeat like I'm right next to them. That sometimes freaks me out, to be honest, but Rosé and Lisa once said that they quickly learn to tune it out, so they don't really pay much attention to that after a few years.

The girls grin at my reaction, but they don't need to say anything, the hole that steadily digs in the back of my head is sign enough that I wasn't lied to. Shit.

"They probably heard us, it's not that big of a deal, I'd stare too if I heard someone talk about me" Lisa tries, an attempt to ease my current muffled panic but Rosé shakes her head with a denying hum and a dismissive wave of the hand, far from convinced.

"The whole school is talking about them, yet they don't give a shit, so what's different here?" she says, her eyes falling on me like there's a flashing sign above my head pointing at me.

I purse my lips and look away from her and to my juice, the simple sight of it a lot better than whatever I can see flashing across the girls' face at the moment. It's bad for my heart.

"Well then... maybe it has to do with the fact that he helped you? Anyway, they're already looking away, it's fine" Jisoo states before shoving food into her mouth with a loud hum. "This food is so good by the way, it's too bad they don't make it more often".

Lisa scuffs and points at her bloody steak like Jisoo's words just started a competition. "This is the good shit. Everything you guys eat tastes so bland, I don't even know how you can enjoy something like that".

I sigh and eat the last bite my sandwich has to offer before putting my lunchbox away, my drink the only thing remaining in front of me.

"It's just because of the blood, Lisa. You know we don't have the same needs as you, our taste-buds aren't dependent on it like yours" I tell her and she turns to me with annoyed green eyes, an indignant huff leaving her parted lips.

"Oh thank you, I wouldn't have found out otherwise. Your smartness will never cease to amaze me" she lets out with a pout and I grin while Jennie giggles, a hand going to pat the sulky vampire's back next to her.

I flip my hair over my shoulder dramatically. "I know, it's too bad your brain doesn't allow you access to such trivial information, it's a wonder that you've made it this far, really".

Her eyes flash yellow and she playfully pinches my arm over the table. "Shush, like you're in a position to be saying that" she counters, a low blow that has me covering my chest with a hand, mouth gaping at her, but knowing me well enough, she simply shrugs before rubbing the spot of skin she pinched.

"So, ready for sports? I heard two of the new guys are joining our class" she adds with a curious disinterested tone and I groan before letting my head drop on the table with a thump that Jisoo stops just in time with a protective hand.

"Kill me, please, not sports again" I whine, the knowledge of what we're going to be doing today making me want to run away already.

"How? Any particular location you want this happening at? Can I take your blood? For scientific purposes?".

I raise my head to glare at Rosé who shrugs and looks away, her eyes a bright yellow. "Just helping fulfill a wish, you know?".

I bump my shoulder against hers with a shake of the head, her laughter clear in my ears before getting my maths notes out of my bag, another reason why dying would be wonderful just about now.

"Either way, I'm screwed... I really need to understand this, I don't want the teacher to use tomorrow's test against me. He becomes more insistent with every failed exams and I don't know how long I can keep getting away with it, I swear my grades are really falling down the drain" I let out with a exasperated sigh.

They stare at me with concerned eyes, two of them being pale blues that simply confirm that I'm really not getting out of this easily. Needing to know what exactly I'm going through right now, Jennie sits straighter and grabs my papers to have a look at them.

"Oh, this is rather hard to understand. He just introduced this today and he's already giving you a test?" she asks, not believing the situation and I nod, shoulders drooping low.

"He likes to make me miserable. Probably trying to make me desperate so I can accept his darned offer..." I mumble, the end causing the girls to pause and stare at me.

"What offer?" Lisa asks, her eyes turning wary and I freeze.

I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that.

"If I tell you that it's nothing you need to concern yourself over, could you let it go?" I try, eager to have them drop the subject, not wanting to have to admit that the teacher isn't just bullying me with words but also threatening me, but the big fat 'no' I get in return shouldn't surprise me.

"Shoot, girl. I swear if you don't, I'll make you talk myself. What is he doing to you that you're not telling us? We know the stories but it's usually just him speaking crap to students, is he doing more to you?" Lisa continues, Rosé's arm sliding around my back protective, as if to protect me from something that already occurred, from something that could happen in the future.

I look down and away from them, feeling the weight from more than simply four pairs of eyes on me but I shrug it off, not willing to worry over it. It's Lisa's outburst, some tables are probably glaring at us because we're loud, it wouldn't be the first time.

"Well... it's nothing much really, nothing I can't handle, plus I don't want to talk about it here, too many are listening and I don't like that. Maybe I'll tell you later, maybe I won't. For now, I just know that I need better notes, if only I could understand, if I could manage good grades in his class, he'd finally leave me alone" I explain without really explaining anything, but that's the most they'll get from me here and they know that.

The girls are far from convinced by my poor attempt, but they know how bad rumors can get and how easy they take off, so they don't insist, something I'm much thankful for. Lisa presses her lips into a thin line and exhales deeply before nodding.

"Just promise to reach out to us if it gets too much. You know I'm not scared of detention, I'm not scared of imprinting the shape of his body into the wall if that's something that needs to happen. Heck, I can do a lot worse than that if you want, you just need to ask" she states calmly, as if she's not currently threatening a teacher and Rosé nods, definitely agreeing with her fellow vampire friend.

I laugh, their nonsense effectively cheering me up and shake my head with a smile. "Killing a teacher would get you more than a simple detention. I don't want you in trouble. But thank you for the offer, I appreciate it".

She tsks at me, arms crossing over her chest, as if that could conceal the light pink to her cheeks. "You're no fun" she lets out, but her badly hidden blushing has the girls cooing at her until she growls like a cornered animal, her ears burning a bright red at their teasing.

I burst into laughter, the worst of the drama now behind us and to my joy, when Jennie offers to go through my notes with me to help me understand, I switch places to go sit next to her and in front of Rosé, the two of them intent on doing their best to have me understand as much as possible.

But an hour later, when I still don't understand any of this shit, it just doesn't process in my head, I groan out of annoyance at myself. That's enough, there's no getting out of this, it's impossible.

I slam my hand on the table, grab the papers, shove them into my bag and raise from my seat with an upset frown on my face, fists on either side of me, an outburst needing to be let out before I explode from the inside.

"You know what? Screw this shit! Let him come at me, I don't care! I'll just fail and then I'll kick his ass!" I exclaim only to then gasp when Rosé forces me back down on my chair with a hiss.

"You're not taking the easy way out! Because clearly, it's not a way out, but right into the lion's den, so you will study, you will understand and you will make that teacher eat his own shit!" she growls and her eyes mix with red and blue, resulting in a swirling purple.

As they say, tough words, tough love, right?

I sigh and get my notes back, powerless in front of her energy. "Now, watch how I solve this, I want you to do the same and explain why you're doing each steps as you go".

With the girls teaming up to help me understand, so many different ways to explain the same things until it starts taking root in my mind, I eventually manage to solve a fair amount of problems and although not perfect, it is most definitely a lot more than what I could do earlier.

And so, it is with renewed hope that we make our way to our next class.


My worst nightmare.

With each steps that bring me closer to the changing room where our sports clothes await us, I can almost hear the Jaws' theme song playing in the background as my incoming doom gets planned by our teacher.

We change into our other set of clothes and once ready, we head to the outside gym space where we're supposed to play volleyball but knowing the teacher, he's going to make us run a few kilometers first to get us warm and ready.

We reach the group of students that is forming at the assigned space and then sit on some bench nearby, eyes looking around in boredom as we wait for things to start, the sun that shines on us already a threat to my sanity as it very slowly burns my skin.

"I'm so glad this class doesn't last more than one hour. We have it everyday after all, more than that and I'd die" Jisoo mumbles and I nod in agreement, feeling her despair as we both observe the grass with pouts on our faces.

"I don't ever want to reach the count of ten hours of sports a week. That's simply too scary" I murmur with a shake of the head, which earns me a light shove from shoulder to shoulder from Jennie who looks disappointed by the both of us.

"I like running so ten hours are not enough. You should move more, it won't kill you, you know".

I roll my eyes at her comment and share a look with Jennie. "That's what they say. Right before they die".

Rosé grins at my comeback and sends me a thumb up from behind Jennie and Lisa, even though she's of those who quite enjoy this hour that we're given four days a week, the monsters.

Still, I respond with a wink when the girls aren't looking and we silently chuckle before our hearing senses suddenly get swarmed by high pitched screams, loud enough to have me startle so I don't even want to imagine for my two vampire best friends.

"What the heck?" I mumble as I turn my head to see the source, fingers rubbing my wounded ears, surely they'll start bleeding soon if the girls don't shut up soon.

"Of course it would have something to do with the new coven" Jennie mumbles and I nod as I take in the sight in front of us.

Two of the new students come out of the building side by side, bodies extremely close to each other, as if the simple thought of parting ways would hurt them. They approach our area with the grace that only vampires can have and then stop to sit on the bench adjacent to ours, away from all the people, their expressions cold and closed off.

The banshee screeching doesn't stop, but it at least lowers to a more supportable level, although the damage has been done, my ears are ruined, a look that every students who aren't taking part in the screaming share.

I let my eyes fall over the two vampires' faces, my curiosity once more getting the best of me. There's just something about them that seems fascinating. They're so pretty, both with clear honey skin, beautiful brown eyes that seem to hold so much more than what their cold appearances show.

There's a hidden warmth that is reserved between themselves only and it serves to make them that much more mysterious, it's no wonder that they're already getting fans all over the campus.

I look away just in time when I see them tilt their head my way and purse my lips, hoping that I wasn't found out and mentally scolding myself.

Again, here I am staring at them without any shame, that's not like me, I don't usually care much about new faces. It must be that I'm not used to seeing such handsome men and it's captivating all of my attention.

That's a thought that stings, that I might not be so different from the groupies after all, but I have to give myself the praise where it's due - at least I'm not acting like a fool, nor am I invading their space. I'm just... staring from a distance. Totally fine.

The teacher soon arrives to get us moving, his calling us lazy couch potatoes clearly not pleasing all students, although I can't help but raise my hand when these words leave his mouth, something that has him bursting into laughter before he makes us run a few rounds around the running tracks so we can then get started with the ball game.

Jennie starts right away, her feet taking her away from us with ease and I pout when she waves her hand at us without looking back.

Lisa and Rosé both shoot me an encouraging smile as they too get going and Jisoo helps me by pushing me forward to start running, but she eventually finds her own pace, which is, although slow, still faster than mine, it ultimately leaves me alone behind.

I huff, already tired, Rosé making me run this morning clearly having stolen all of my energy for the day and when my eyes notice the two new vampires running quickly in front of everyone, I give up and look away, for my own mental health. These guys are insane.

"Fucking... shit... running... who.. does that... for fun... nowadays" I mumble, lungs already burning and out of breath as I watch everyone running past me, some of them almost done with their rounds.

I'm going to be the last one running again before I can join, right?


Yep, here I am, having to complete one last round while the others already start getting into groups to play.

I can hear some laughter as I pass by them and my dignity takes a blow. It's not my fault if I'm slow, if I go any faster, I won't even make it to the end, let alone play volleyball right after.

"Come on, Y/N, almost done, you can do it!" the teacher screams from the other side of the running tracks and he shoots me a smile when I turn my attention to him, his hands clapping to encourage me.

I nod at him and keep going, mind trying to tune out anything that might sound offensive. If there's one thing I like about this teacher, it's that he doesn't make me feel bad for not being as good as the others. I have my own pace and he accepts that.

But that's it. I don't like what he teaches.

I almost fall to the ground when I reach him and he pats me on the shoulder, a praise given to me before he's sending me to join the girls' team, a recommendation to sit down and rest a little before taking part with the others, which I will gladly do.

I spot them easily and observe as I start making my way over slowly. They're doing two against two games, which gives me some time to just take it easy. I let myself drop on the grass by the side and lean on my back as I try to get my breathing under control again.

"Hey, Y/N, still alive I see!" Jennie says with an amused voice and I groan.

"Don't tease. I tried my best" I retort, to which she laughs.

I stare at the blue sky in front of my eyes. A few white clouds here and there sailing across the endless sea, it's a peaceful sight that has me instantly calming down, mind easing from any stress I've had since I woke up this morning.

"I wonder what it's like to be a cloud" I blurt out before screaming when the loud smack of a ball hits the space right next to my head.

I felt the damn wind as it moved away from my face. How strong was that swing?!

I raise my head with baffled eyes to see Jisoo staring at me with wide eyes, hands in the air while the others laugh their ass off and I huff, insulted and shocked. Is that how friends treat each others now?

"I'm sorry! I swear I wasn't trying to get you!" she apologizes before running to get the ball that's still rolling away from the group. Even the poor thing seems done with me.

"Don't know about being a cloud, but you sure were lost in one" Lisa says as she helps me up on my feet so I can take her place.

I mimic her speaking with a grimace, still not over my near death experience and she rolls her eyes with a pat to my head before she sends me forward so I can take part in the game.

I stare at Rosé, a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. That vampire is freaking strong and to have her in front of me? Bad. That's bad.

"Please be nice" I whisper, knowing very well that she can hear me, but the grin she shoots me in response does nothing to reassure me.

"I'll try" is all she says before Jisoo throws the ball in the air once she comes back. "Or not". Rosé hits the ball hard and I step out of its path in a hurry to avoid getting it in the face. She can't be serious! How was I meant to stop that!

"Y/N! Come on, don't be a baby! It's inoffensive! I swear I'm not using that much strength" she teases me while Jennie groans, ball in hands. She gives it to me with a frown, her eyes narrowing with her hands on my shoulders, a pep talk on the way.

"Rosé tricks your mind into thinking that you can't get the ball, but I promise you - you can. We can win this, I know we can" she assures with confidence but I am far from convinced, oh far from it.

"Rosé is murderous at this game, how can you not worry even a little?!" I shout as she walks back into position and I watch as her chest puffs up as she gets ready to retort, hands raising to get ready for the ball, but a voice stops her before she can even open her mouth.

"Girls, less chatting, more playing, go go go!" the teacher screams our way and I sigh before getting into place.

"Kill them, girl" I tell her before throwing the ball in the air and she nods as she jumps before hitting the ball at full force, getting it to pass right by Jisoo's head, the latter's hair flowing behind her as if invisible hands are ruffling it before the strands settle back down.

Jisoo turns to Rosé with shocked eyes and the latter cracks her knuckles, now really getting into it. "You guys just started a war".

I stare at her and my soul drops.

Oh no. Eyes bright red. We're about to die.

"I want out! Lisa! I'm too young to die, help me!" I plead as I rush to her with puppy eyes, hands rubbing in front of me in a plea and after a few seconds of trying to ignore me, she sighs and gets up to her feet.

"Jisoo, take a break. Jennie, switch teams" she says before pulling me back to the game with her and my eyes widen because no! That's not what I meant!

But there's no getting out of it and when she starts a staring contest with Rosé, her own eyes becoming a shade of red as she gets into it, I give up on life.

I shall accept the outcome, which will surely result in my end. Goodbye, cruel world.

"Ready?" Lisa says to the other team and Rosé smirks. "Are you really asking?".


Dead. I am dead.

"Oh come on, it wasn't so bad? I swear I tried to go easy on you" Rosé whines when I avoid her for the third time in the changing room.

I turn to her quickly, the suddenness of my move shocking her and causing her to step back one foot.

"Girl! I have bruises! You bruised me with a ball! I almost got it in the face like five times before the teacher had to step in to avoid this getting too dangerous! Lisa and you were getting out of hand and even Jennie eventually stepped away to avoid getting smacked in the face!" I complain and she scratches the back of her neck sheepishly, eyes turning a guilty glow.

"Yeah... I guess you're right, we went a little too hard... I'm sorry, really I am" she apologizes, eyes looking down to the floor like a poor pup. I sigh, a hiss leaving me when stretching my body lightly stretches a bruised spot of skin.

"Yeah, okay, maybe I should bring you to the nurse office? I didn't think it was that bad, show me the bruises" she tries when she sees that I'm truly in pain right now but I shake my head and grab my bag once fully changed.

The girls already left a while ago to run to their next class since they have to change buildings so it's just the two of us now. Lucky for us, we have more time before our last class starts so we can afford to take our time, but we should still get going soon.

"Nah, it's fine, I'll survive. Let's go" I say and she nods, hands grabbing her own belongings before sticking close behind me, eyes taking in my every moves, every expressions, every hitch of breath as we too exit the building.

At least she feels bad. That might earn me a warm meal made with love tonight?

In all honesty, I'm not really mad at her, she just needs to realize that her vampire strength is a lot more than what us humans have and when passion takes her over, the same goes for Lisa, she loses some senses, one being 'carefulness'.

I turn back to see her staring at the floor with pale blue eyes and I stop walking, which makes her bump into me with a surprised noise. Her orbs raise to meet mine and I smile at her.

"It's okay, Rosé. I might not be as strong as you are, but I'm a different kind of strong. This won't kill me" I assure her, I wouldn't want her to look like a kicked dog for the remainder of the day and her blue becomes darker, calmer before flicking back to her regular color as she smiles back softly.

"I'm sorry. I promise I'll try to be more careful next time. I shouldn't forget at my age that humans are more fragile than vampires, that's what you get when you come back from a vampire-only school" she mumbles and I grin before hooking my arm with hers.

"I get it, it's fine, as long as you don't do it again. Now let's go before we get locked out of class".

She giggles with a nod before pulling us both forward towards our destination with a happy jump to her feet, something that relieves me. I prefer much more when my sweet vampire is in a joyful mood.

We enter the classroom with a few minutes to spare and grab a seat at the usual place, which is, of course, right at the back.

The usual chatter can be heard and I relax on my seat, my muscles sore and tired, along with a regular thumping feeling that echoes over my waist, right where the maths teacher had a grip this morning.

They got me good, this will be one nasty bruise.

The history teacher enters the class with one student quietly walking behind him and our attention naturally goes to him as silence takes over.

"Guys, a new student is joining us starting today. His name is Kim Taehyung and he doesn't speak much so just don't bother him, alright? Let's focus on class, as always. Taehyung, you can sit at the back next to Y/N, she's a calm one, she won't bother you".

The handsome man nods and walks down the row that the teacher points at until he reaches the desk by my side while I try to keep my face neutral, my ego preening from the praise and I note that, just like the others, he's not sparing a glance at anyone.

Now with a responsibility to carry to my death as the calm one of this class, I turn my gaze to my my history book to give him some rest from the attention, the orange glow gracing his eyes clearly stating that he's uncomfortable and wary.

Can't blame him, I would be too if I had to spend the whole day being swarmed by people who I don't even know and probably don't want to know either.

Either way, it's not like this concerns me. The only thing I can think about right now is how this is the last class of the day before we can head home and once I'm there, I'm so going to nap.

A well deserved nap.

"Alright, today, we're going to talk about humans and vampires. It's no secret that relations are still fragile, even to this day, but as I can see many of you being good friends no matter your race, it's going on the right way. Still, it's important to be aware that not everything is as pretty as they seem".

He starts talking about the unneeded wars for rights that both vampires and humans fight for, the discrimination both seem to live from the other and how it affects us as future generations.

Parents who aren't ready to accept that things can go well, both races calling it deception, as if all we want to do today is stab our friends in the back, but it's a reality that does exist and it depends on us to make things better, to show them a world where peace is possible, that it doesn't always have to be taken care of with violence.

It's a very interesting topic and I would listen very intently if it wasn't for a regular and repetitive sound that can be heard next to me, not quite annoying, but definitely disrupting my concentration.

I peek a look at my side, wondering where it comes from when my eyes fall on the new vampire's fingers drumming on the desk, following a tempo that exists in his mind.

I'm screwed. The remainder of the class will be spent focusing on the fingers and the noise they create. My attention on the teacher is now a lost cause as his words come in and out right away.

I bite on my bottom lip and look at the clock.

There's still an hour left, I can't possibly keep going like that, the not annoying sound will soon become worse than annoying and I will want to rip the vampire's hand right off his body if he doesn't stop, which I somehow doubt being a good idea.

Rosé notices me starting to play with the hem of my sleeve, my brain wondering if it would be safe for me to tell him to stop moving his damn fingers, or if he would even listen.

But I can't handle it anymore. I need to try.

I turn to him and stare at his fingers, the source of my growing discomfort. "Hum... excuse me. Kim Taehyung ssi?".

I call to him with respect, not wanting to act overly friendly when he doesn't know me, when he clearly asked the teacher to make sure this doesn't happen. He turns to me and I can feel his gaze burning my face, but I don't dare look up.

He must be so annoyed and I'm not ready to face the look on his face.

I point at his fingers and hesitate to speak up, but he seems to get the hint without me needing to say more.

He stops hitting the surface of the desk immediately and the silence that follows just as the teachers stops to drink water feels like pure heaven to my ears right now.

"Thank you, and sorry. I just can't concentrate if there's too much noise around" I explain, just to make sure that he doesn't think of me as someone controlling, but he nods and we both turn our attention back to the teacher.

Rosé nears my side and leans against my ear to whisper.

"He looked at you. Like actually stared at you". She pulls back to stare at me with a bewildered look on her face but I just shrug, as confused as she is about this.

Maybe they just don't like pushy people and ignore out of need more than out of annoyance? Anyway, it doesn't really matter, I'm just glad to finally be able to hear the teacher's words and actually register them.

The rest of the class goes by without anymore problems and once we're finally allowed to leave the campus grounds, I do so without being asked twice.

It's the only time of the day where you'll see me happily sprint out of a building.

"My bed is calling for me, Rosé, I'll see you at home!" I tell her in a hurry and run to the door without waiting any longer, but as I near it, a heavenly smooth chuckle reaches my ears and I'm not alone to turn back to the source of the sound.

Taehyung's face falls at the realization that it wasn't subtle at all and with red cheeks, he grabs his bag and walks past me and out of the class without looking at anyone.

Whispers start spreading all around me, wondering what was so funny that one of the ever so quiet guys would let out a sound. A chuckle at that. Something amused him.

And for some reason, I can't help but feel like the cause might be me but I quickly shake my head to dispel the thought, ridding myself of my wild imagination.

"Don't delude yourself, Y/N. Just go to bed, you need it more than you thought" I mumble to myself and resume my run out of school and to the apartment.

I hope you like this story so far! I know it's only the second chapter, but please let me know what you think!


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