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I have not made it through the night.

"Taehyung... wake up please" I murmur when he almost gets on top of me, his whole body trapping me in his. It's not like I didn't try to make him release me, it's simply impossible. "Hoseok?" I try, my hands sadly not reaching as he peacefully sleeps on his side of the bed, my existence completely out of his mind.

I can see the alarm on the bedside table. It's currently 3:30. I'd expect vampire hearing to be beyond amazing, but apparently, when they sleep, they're just as useless as a human's.

"Can someone please help me" I whine when Taehyung buries his face in my neck and takes a good sniff. It's not like I expect him to mark me that way, I know how it will happen, although I don't know when, but I'm low key still freaking out right now. "Namjoon? Yoongi? Hoseok... Jin? Anyone?". Nothing. Complete silence. He sniffs my neck again, a small hum exiting his throat.

"Jimin... Jungkook... please, I need help" I whisper, currently terrified. I can feel Taehyung's teeth poking my skin. The scent of my blood under my skin is waking up his instincts even while asleep. Was my memory not the marking but just a beautiful moment after drinking my blood? Am I to be marked in the middle of the night by a sleeping soulmate?

The door suddenly opens to reveal a pair of red eyes that flash in the darkness. I have no idea who they belong to, but I need his help. "I can feel Taehyung's teeth poking my neck" I whisper in a shaky voice and it doesn't take long before he takes action.

While he takes care of Taehyung's body, pulling him away from me and making him unwrap from around me, a second pair of hands suddenly grabs me by the wrist to take me out of the bed and for a moment, I freak out before realizing it can only be Hoseok. He finally woke up.

I'm led out of the room and downstairs in the kitchen where I'm then forced to sit on a stool by the counter. The light turns on to reveal Hoseok with his bed hair and focused red eyes. "Thank you, Hoseok... for a moment, I really thought he was going to mark me in his sleep" I mumble and he nods as he gets a first aid kit. I tilt my head at him as he comes to sit down next to me.

"I'm sorry for not waking up earlier. He was indeed about to mark you" Hoseok says and I gulp. "Please don't be mad against him... your blood is really inviting when our consciousness fades. I had to move away in the middle of the night to keep my cool and manage to get some sleep".

He gets some disinfectant with a cotton pad and stares at my neck before dabbing it softly, the act making me wince. He pulls back to reveal some blood. I guess he did pierce my skin after all. I look up to meet Hoseok's worried eyes, a beautiful orange that reveals how troubled his heart must be. "I'm not mad. I guess it's expected. I'm sorry that it's making things so hard. I should've left yesterday after all".

Hoseok shakes his head, the orange slowly fading away. He gets a special bandage to cover my wound, one that blocks the smell of blood and leans back after closing the box. "We don't know what would've happened if you left home alone. You won't have any scar, the teeth didn't pierce the skin deep enough, so you don't need to worry about that". I hum softly and turn when I hear feet reach us in the kitchen.

Jungkook appears and looks at my neck, only coming closer when he sees the wound covered. I notice the red mark on his neck and can tell it served very recently. "Thank you, Jungkook" I murmur and he nods slowly, worried eyes looking into mine before coming to take a seat by my free side.

"He didn't scare you too much, did he? I woke him up and he really regrets it... he thinks you won't want to be with him anymore" he whispers and my eyes widen. "What? No, why would I reject him because of that? I mean, we could've prepared a bit more, but I don't think any of us expected this to happen. Is he still in the room?" I ask as I stand up from my stool. He nods and looks at the stairs.

I make my way up again and head to the room, noticing how the door is closed. I knock softly and wait for a voice to speak up, but there's nothing. "Taehyung, it's me, can I come in?" I murmur, try to take notice of any sound of approval.

The door slowly opens to reveal a sad looking vampire and he steps aside to let me in before closing the door behind us. I go to sit on the bed and pat the space besides me. He looks down, avoiding my eyes as he comes to sit down.

I hesitantly take hold of his hand, wondering if it's a bit too much right now, but when he clenches on my fingers, I know it must be reassuring him, only if a little. "I'm sorry... I didn't want to... the smell reached my dreams and I wasn't aware of what I was doing" he says, voice thick with guilt and for a moment, I almost think he's going to start crying. He doesn't though, but grey/turquoise eyes are enough to tell me how he's currently feeling.

I turn my body towards him and gently make him lay down his head on my lap. I then start running my hand in his hair. "I'm not mad, Taehyung. I know you didn't mean to do what you did. If anything, I think you feel worse than I do right now" I whisper, watch as he looks up at me with a small tear trailing down his cheek. I wipe it softly and smile at him.

"You won't scare me, Taehyung. I know that the smell of my blood doesn't make you rampant, it just... makes you try to go in for a little taste, I can live with that" I say with a chuckle, watch as his eyes turn a light yellow color, a small smile gracing his lips. "Well if I have to say it, your blood truly tastes like the best I've ever had" he says and I hum, the words leaving his mouth not making me feel as uncomfortable as it would have this morning. I guess the soulmate thing is starting to set its place in my mind. Anyone else saying that would make me run for my life.

"How did you feel when you tasted it" I ask softly, watch as his smile falls a little. "Before actually registering how it came to happen" I add, noticing how the guilt comes back slowly. He looks away before meeting my eyes again.

"I felt like I was finally home after a hard day at work. For vampires... the blood of a mate is a sign of comfort, of trust and of love. Yours made me feel all that. If you're wondering, I don't long for more in a way that would make me lose control. I do want to taste more, but not to... I mean... I am one of your vampire mates after all, it's normal" he mumbles sheepishly and I chuckle.

I take a moment to register his words. It didn't make him see red and want more. I guess what they say about soulmates really is true. A soulmate can't lose control over the blood of another soulmate.

"As long as you don't jump on me while I'm not paying attention" I tease him and his mouth forms a pout. "I wouldn't do that. What happened tonight won't happen again, I promise". "I believe you, Taehyung. Do you feel better now?" I ask and he nods, eyes starting to become droopy as my hand still moves in his hair.

"Can... can you stay? I won't thirst for more, Jungkook fed me earlier, I promise I'll be good" he asks with hesitance in his voice. How adorable. As much as Taehyung can seem intimidating and sexy, right now, he's just a cutie pie. "Of course, Taehyung. It's too early to stay awake anyway" I say and he grins before raising from my lap and slides up the bed to take place on his pillow.

He then turns to me and opens his arms, eyes expectant. I stare at him, body immobile as my thoughts go in every possible directions.

He wants me to voluntarily take place in his arms? Isn't it too early for that? Then again, it's Taehyung, he's always cuddly, always looking for affection and attention. So I shouldn't be surprised. I notice his pout form on his face and I bring my lips into a thin line.

"Not the puppy eyes, Taehyung" I warn him, but he only increases the intensity. Some grey starting to take place. Oh no. I slowly but surely crawl up the bed and once next to him, hesitate on actually getting into his arms. He whines and I sigh before letting my head flop on his chest.

Oh my. Well-built, solid, defined- No, Y/N. We talked about this before. Think about grass, trees, soft blankets- oh man his arms- aw shit.

My concentration gets broken when he closes his arms around me and I feel my heart double the speed. "From the sound your heartbeat makes, I could believe I'm making you a little nervous, am I wrong?" he whispers deeply into my ear, causing me to shiver. "Y-you're absolutely wrong" I reply, cursing myself mentally for stuttering. "Oh, I see, please excuse me for my mistaken assumption then" he whispers, but he might as well call me a liar.

Biting my lips, I decide to try and convince the both of us that I'm actually fine, so I make myself more comfortable. Twisting a little so my head rests in the space between his shoulder and neck. A leg between his to keep it from sliding. There, see, perfectly fine-

"Your heart is beating even faster, Y/N".

Damn it. I laugh awkwardly. "You know what, I think I'll sleep a little more on the other side of the bed" I mumble before trying to flee his arms, but he strengthens his hold. "Too late, I locked my arms and lost the key, so you're stuck here now. Forever".

I silently curse. I can't sleep like that. "Don't worry, you can fall asleep. It would be a lot easier if you were marked but that will have to wait. In the meantime, just close your eyes" he says and brings a hand to play in my hair, just like I did for him earlier. The vampire's just casually reading my mind  like it's the most natural thing to do.

I close my eyes and decide to give it a go, since I don't have a choice anyway. I breathe in long and slow, focus on the way his fingers make my eyes heavy and sleepy. "Just like that... goodnight, baby girl" is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.

Hoseok's POV

When we realize Y/N is not coming back downstairs, Jungkook and I head up to make sure everything is alright. But the more we get closer to the door, the more the silence becomes obvious.

I open the door and stop in front of the bed. Jungkook reaches my side with curious eyes and turns to stare at it too. "Oh" he whispers once he sees them. A soft smile pierces through our serious faces. "They're cute" I mumble, eyes not missing the content look they both sport.

"She couldn't resist him after all" Jungkook says in a chuckle. I hum. "He'll get her used to cuddles very quickly at this rhythm. It'll make things easier for me" I say with a smug grin. Jungkook elbows me in the waist.

"Just get in there and make sure the bond completes without problem" he mumbles, a hint of longing in his voice, which gets confirmed when I see his pale green eyes. "Aww, is my Kookie getting jealous?" I coo and he turns away, cheeks pink. "J-just a little" he murmurs before walking towards the door.

Before exiting, he turns to her one last time. Eyes softening, I hear a small "Soon" leave his lips before he goes to his room.

I smile and make my way to the bed, allowing myself to get closer to her after getting a glass of blood earlier. I hold her hand and smile to myself. I think we'll all manage to get used to her presence, and her to ours pretty fast. To go from friends to mates. To make that change of mental perspective.

Her reaction to earlier, once out of Taehyung's arms, surprised me. She wasn't mad, a little scared, yes, but that's normal. Then she still managed to get worried about him. She saw the blood from her neck and yet, her face remained calm.

I feel a little proud at the memory, because that means she's more comfortable with us. In just a day, she's gone from believing we could lose it, to believing that we can handle it. She knows we won't become crazy and try to kill her, or each other, today proved it. Taehyung just got a little tempted in his sleep, it was a natural reaction towards a mate and her blood being how it is, the temptation pierced the veil enough that his body reacted.

We'll just have to make sure we're well fed more often and it shouldn't happen again. Not without her permission. The blood tests Jin did will come in handy for that exact reason. If we can register now the taste, the smell, it'll make resisting easier, because we'll know what to expect. Seeing how Taehyung handled it, I know the others will be fine too.

Closing my eyes, I give into the temptation of a good rest, her hand safely kept in mine.

Sorry for the smaller than usual chapter, I just wanted to write a little something for it since it has been a while since the last time!

I love you all, stay safe!

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