- 28 -

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Getting to the restaurant is fun, Yoongi and Lisa somehow finding it hilarious to roast each other while Jennie and Jisoo proceed to tell me everything that happened in my absence. Lisa almost killed someone who talked shit behind my back a few times and spent a lot of time in detention, a few fingers broken here and there.

I look behind me to see a huge grin on the vampire's face. "They deserved worse" is all she says and I grin back, going in for a fist bump, which she gladly responds to. "You're the best, but you don't need to break anymore hands, you know. I'll be fine" I tell her, see a pout form on her face.

"I was just getting started though". My eyes widen. "Are you trying to break everyone at school?" I ask her and she shrugs. "If everyone has something bad to say about you, then yes, I shall break everyone at school".

Yoongi tries to hide a smile but it is very badly concealed. "Yoongi, you can't find that funny, you'd be overwhelmed at the infirmary, you should stop her" I say and his growing smile falls. He turns to Lisa and clears his throat.

"Don't do that".

I snort, knowing that this won't stop her and she knows it too when her sound of agreement doesn't sound convincing at all, a smile tugging on her lips. Yoongi sighs but eventually starts smiling too, the reality that my friends are ready to go that far to protect me worth a lot more than he'll ever admit. When the restaurant gets within sight, Jennie and Jisoo pull me forward to walk faster, but mostly Jennie.

"Youngjae is working today?" I ask and the blush taking over her cheeks is enough of an answer to me. "He is" she mumbles, causing Jisoo and I to giggle. "Our girl is in love" I singsong, which earns me a hit in the waist. I groan and pinch her belly fat, a very satisfying countering but it causes her to retort again, so by the time we reach the door, Jennie and I are groaning in pain as a disappointed Jisoo opens the door.

"You two are like kids" she mumbles as we get inside. "So I was supposed to let her attack me without doing anything to defend myself?" I ask with wide eyes. "Well... yes". Jennie giggles and I attempt to tickle her neck again but Youngjae takes that moment to welcome us at the entrance and quickly takes Jennie in for a hug, happiness clear on their faces as they ignore the rest of us. "Gross" Lisa mumbles to tease them and ends up having to run away when Jennie tries to hit her.

"You guys are wild" Yoongi murmurs into my ears when Jisoo runs after them and I laugh. "You've seen nothing, when Rosé is here, we're even worse". I grin and link my arms with his, watch as his gummy smile appears on his face while Youngjae shoots us a smirk.

"I know there was something going on with the others. Mates?" he asks and Yoongi hums. "The last piece to our puzzle". Youngjae smiles at me and leads us to the back where the others are waiting for us. Eyes looking for Jungkook but seeing him nowhere, a sigh leaves my lips.

Yoongi leaves a kiss on my temple, the act causing me to blush lightly. "He'll be fine, don't worry". I nod, eyes creasing when he smiles at me warmly.

"Y/N, Yoongi, stop flirting without us!" Jimin screams and I turn to see my soulmates all staring at us with longing eyes. I giggle at the sight, their faces into pouts and grabby hands towards us. I'm glad to see that Jimin seems to be feeling better, all of them. Lisa stares at the group with amused eyes while Jisoo and Jennie grin.

"Y/N, what have you done to the toughest group of vampires? The ones known to be cold and serious and full of hate? You've made them into pudding just for you" Lisa teases us and I shrug with a wide smile as I allow Jimin and Taehyung to pull me by force between them on the couch.

"They're all teddy bears filled with love, what can I say?" I tell her, hear Namjoon's chuckle as he stares at me with his dimples in sight. "Bun, what do you want to eat?" Hoseok asks and I look at the menu he hands me.

I hum as I look through it, Jimin and Taehyung showing me what they're going to eat while Yoongi stands behind me in curiosity. "I could go with a sandwich? I don't really know, I'm not that hungry" I say with a shrug. "This one is good, I've had it a few times, it's not too big" Yoongi says as he points to a small sandwich. I nod, entrusting my meal to my older soulmate.

"Hey, where's JK?" Jennie asks and I sigh, not liking the reminder that we parted on such bad terms this morning. Jimin and Taehyung scoot a little closer to snuggle my sides, which I'm thankful for. "Jungkook is busy being somewhere today" Namjoon answers with a smile that also hints on a personal matter that he doesn't want to share, so Jennie only nods, not asking anything more.

I feel the girls' eyes on me but they don't push, my expression telling them enough by itself. Yoongi goes to sit with Namjoon and Hoseok and once the orders are made, Youngjae knowing his soulmate's order by heart already, he leaves to go get things ready, his absence leaving a pout on Jennie's face.

"So, how has it been going with you two?" I ask her, willing to put the attention on her to change the mood. She blushes and Jisoo giggles. "Oh, girl, as you can see, it's been going so well we've wondered a few nights so far where she was before she would grace us with a message that she's with her man".

I watch as the blushing deepens on the lovely girl's face and I chuckle. "Then I guess it's been going well" I say, her happy nod telling me all I need to know. A happy friend is all I want. The day she comes crying because of him though... someone will die.

Youngjae comes back with the drinks and I shoot him a smile, causing his to freeze in confusion. Lisa laughs. "You should be careful with Jennie, Youngjae, Y/N here has her eyes on you" she says and my smile widens, glad that the message was clear as day.

While Jennie shoots me a frown, Youngjae nods, suddenly very serious. "I promise I'll do my best to care for her just like she deserves, she's my everything already". With a blushing girl in sight, I nod, satisfied.

"I still won't hesitate to rip you apart if she comes to me crying one day" I tell him and he nods solemnly. "If that is what I deserve should it ever happen, then so be it. I won't resist my fate" he says with a bow and I giggle, Jennie's gaping face everything at the moment.

"Y/N, stop scaring him!" she exclaims while standing up to wrap herself around him, her vampire soulmate smiling from ear to ear as he turns around to hug her and calm her down. "It's okay, baby, it's okay" he whispers and she mumbles some more in a pout before going back to sit with Jisoo and Lisa, the two of them sending me a thumb up at my perfect acting, which our victim sees, obviously.

"I can't with you, girls" Jennie lets out in a sigh and we burst into laughter. With the mood getting comfortable, Jimin decides to help me study, not so much to keep the teacher away from me since we all know my result won't change anything, but more for me, to show me that I can get better, with adapted teaching methods. The progress I make is quite honestly mind blowing and the proud look on Jimin's face warms my heart.

But even while keeping myself busy, I can't help my thoughts from going to Jungkook, worries and concern for him making me bite on my lips more than once. A finger going to free my lips from my teeth gets me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Jimin staring at me with soft eyes as he moves his hand to my cheek.

"He'll be fine, Y/N. When he comes back tonight, we'll give you two some space to talk, I'm sure he'll want that too" he whispers, his words giving me hope that this won't last for too long. I nod, thankful. Taehyung's head comes to settle on my shoulder and he sighs.

"I wish he would at least accept our calls though, I'm sure he's feeling really bad for causing you to get hurt. I don't like him going through that pain alone" he mumbles softly. I hum and lean my head on his. "I know, Tae, I don't like it either".


The rest of the day goes by slowly. Yoongi walks us back to Uni and leaves to go back to the clinic, a smile and a promise that we'll see each other soon sent my way before he waves goodbye to the others.

Sports is boring as always and I'm allowed to participate a little with the running, which I didn't miss. Hoseok stays by my side even though I'm slow, which I appreciate. Jungkook's absence is strong and the looks I'm shot are accusing. It takes Lisa and my soulmate to growl lowly to eventually make them look away, but it doesn't get rid of the feeling in the pit of my stomach that Jungkook is in pain because of me, just as he thinks I'm in pain because of him. We really need to take care of this situation.

History with Taehyung is calm. With individual studying, Taehyung is quick to slide his desk to mine, even though the teacher was very intent on this being individual. He eventually relents when everyone starts pairing up with their friends and sees that we are actually studying.

I help Taehyung understand a few things and guide him through the notes to make sure he has a line to follow before the exam. I'm a little nervous about this one since they always ask for so many details, but it usually goes well. If I add just enough info that it makes sense, the teacher doesn't waste too much time before making pass with a good grade.

There was that time though when I failed and he said he'd never laughed so much while correcting a paper. My teenage rebellion as an answer to which rebellion happened in the 18s apparently made his day. I hadn't really studied so I just wrote whatever, it didn't count for much anyway.

(This, ladies and gentlemen, is a true story. I failed but damn was I proud for at least making him laugh)

When the bell rings and it's time to go, Taehyung walks with me out of the building, but when I freeze and he bumps into me, his eyes then going up to look at what I'm staring at, he freezes too.

I have to force myself out of it before my feet take me quickly to the campus's entrance where my missing soulmate is gazing at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Jungkook!" I exclaim as I throw my arms around him for a strong hug, his arms darting up in the sky to avoid touching me and I can easily imagine the wide eyed panic look he must be giving to Taehyung.

"Just hug her, Kook, it's fine, she's wearing long sleeves" he says as he comes to stand besides the two of us.

Very slowly, I feel arms slide to my back and he sighs as he pulls me closer to him. "I'm sorry" he whispers, voice so very soft and quiet. I shake my head. "You've nothing to be sorry about. I'm happy you're here" I tell him, hear the beat of his heart increasing slightly.

"No, let me apologize. I ran away instead of making sure you were fine. I gave you a large papercut, I made you fall down the stairs and then just fled the house. That wasn't a reaction worthy of a good mate" he counters, his voice trembling with each words.

I squeeze him tighter into my arms and nod against his chest. "I forgive you, Jungkook, I always will. The pain always fades away, I was more worried about you. Did I do anything wrong? Did I hurt you in some way without being aware? You can tell me, I promise I'll be more careful".

He pushes me gently by the shoulders so he can stare at me, his frown greeting my sight. "It's not you, not at all. You did nothing wrong" he says, his words sure and leaving no open door to counter them.

He runs a hand through his hair and turns his body away from mine, eyes looking up at the sky. "I just..." he starts but sighs before looking down. "I just felt... jealous? I'm not even sure myself, I didn't like this emotion that was taking place and I felt guilty for even feeling that way. I didn't want you to see me that way and ended up doing what I did, it was dumb and I regret it" he says and stares into my eyes with raw vulnerability.

"Jungkook... you were... jealous of the others, or jealous of me?" I ask softly and he looks down again, his hands tightening into fists. "Of you... I'm sorry, Y/N, that's very stupid of me and-"

I hug him again, cutting short his apology which doesn't need to be said. "It's okay, Jungkook. I understand. Your emotions matter just as much as anyone's, so don't ever feel bad about them. I suddenly appeared out of nowhere and got all the focus on me, causing problem after problem, worrying everyone. I might not have been much different were I in your place, you're fine".

His arms wrap around me once again and he hums, body seeming less tense than earlier. "Like I said, you did nothing wrong, it's not you, but thank you... I promise I'll do better, I won't act like a baby anymore" he murmurs. I smile and pat his back.

"You can always be a baby Jungkook, I'll show you just as much love then as when you're that incredibly sexy vampire or cute doe eyed snugly mate hidden under a jumble of clothes that make you look much more tiny than you are" I say, hear a genuine smile in his giggle.

"So you think I'm sexy?" he asks as he pulls back to stare at me. I blink and blush, suddenly aware of my words. "I mean... who wouldn't? I'm sure Taehyung agrees with me" I mumble before turning to look at the very silent vampire gazing at us with satisfaction. "I agree wholeheartedly. But you've seen nothing yet, baby girl" he says with a grin.

Jungkook blushes too and clears his throat. "You're going to the clinic right? I came back because I figured  we could go together" he mumbles and a wide smile appears on my face. "That sounds great, let's go together" I reply, happy that things got better so fast. We didn't have to hunt him down across the globe, so there's that.

"Aww, I didn't expect to see this when I walked out of the building". We turn to see Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok walking out of the building, a huge smile on their faces. I step aside to allow them to hug Jungkook since they were also worried about him and the smile of relief on his face is heartwarming.

Namjoon turns to me after releasing Jungkook. "Ready to head to the clinic? We can go with you" he says and I turn to Jungkook who also stares at me, the both of us not really feeling like refusing them, but also kind of wanting to spend that time just the two of us.

"Nah, hyung, Jungkook and Y/N already made plans to go by themselves, let's wait for them back at home" Taehyung comes to the rescue and when they all nod, Jungkook comes to stand by me, shy and a weird distance between us, which makes Jimin giggle.

"You two look so awkward together it's adorable. Just kiss already" he chirps, his eyes flashing a bright yellow as he amuses himself with the bright red on both of our faces. "Hyung" Jungkook whines in a whisper, which I hear while Hoseok and Namjoon chuckle.

Looking at Taehyung is a mistake when he uses his fingers to simulate a kissing scene with smooching noises and I quickly turn around in a hurry to get away from this embarrassing bunch of vampires. Their laughter reach me as I hurry out of the campus and the sound of feet hurrying after me makes me look back to see Jungkook come over with a grin.

"It will happen though" he says with a smug tone and I move faster, his giggles resonating in my out of control heart, his smell wafting over to me like a sweet invitation. "Weren't you supposed to be shy earlier?" I mumble under my breath. "I was, but seeing you even more embarrassed than me makes me feel better about it so I end up simply enjoying myself" he responds with satisfaction in his voice.

The smell keeps increasing and I breathe it in, remembering the explanation about bonding, how it means that the soul longs for its mate. I've been itching to bond with him anyway, might as well make this a little fun for me. I stop walking and turn around to face him, his smile fading to become simply confused, doe eyes staring at me with a little fear. I hide a smirk and step closer to him until only a few centimeters separate us.

He stares down at me, nose clearly catching scent of mine and before he can say or do anything. I bring my hands to his cheeks, strong tingles attacking my palms and spreading through my arms and to the rest of my body, excitement making me feel very content of what I'm doing. I pull his face down so he can crouch to my level, surprised eyes a mix of orange and pink staring at me as I then turn his head to the side to leave a kiss on his cheek.

The contact of his skin on my lips is like a huge wave of feelings taking over me and for a moment, my mind blanks, the only thing that matters at the moment the sight of him and his warmth. I release his face and step back to enjoy the bright scarlet taking over his whole body as his eyes keep still on me, body frozen in place.

I hum to myself and nod. "You're right, it does make me feel better about it" I say before turning around and leaving him behind with a light jump to my steps.

"Y-you-" I hear and when I make the mistake of looking back to see him ready to run after me, it triggers a natural reaction within me which is to run away. It doesn't matter who it is, I'll freak out. I yelp when I see him swing his arms forward in a quick start, my heart skipping a beat as I try to run faster to avoid him reaching me and I make a sharp turn to my left to reach the clinic which is still pretty far away.

"Why are you running?!" Jungkook asks in a laugh, but I don't laugh along. "It's scary! Stop running!" I scream, his loud laughter ringing in the street as if he's having the time of his life. "I'll stop running if you stop first!" he replies and I shake my head, heart now ready to burst out of my chest when I hear him get closer.

Now, mind you, he could have me pined on the ground already, which would definitely end my suffering a lot faster, but the bastard prefers running slower, instead getting closer to me at a slow rate to trigger me a bit longer, his laughter almost scary sounding as he enjoys my reaction.

"Jungkook!" I scream and after another second of pure terror, I notice the hole in the cement too late and set a foot right at the bottom of it. What follows next happens too fast and I barely notice the pulling around my neck as Jungkook, in a panic, grabs the back of my turtle neck before wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me from toppling to the ground.

His shocked laugh reaches my ears as he lifts me up to free my foot and puts me back down next to him. "That was close" he says with wide eyes, light amusement in them as I breathe loudly, shock written on my face.

"That wouldn't have happened if you didn't run away, I just wanted to do this" he says before leaning down to kiss my cheek. My heart stutters and he looks proud as he then pats my cheeks as I keep staring in shock, but not for the same reason anymore. He just turned the situation against me, I think to myself as I feel a hot wave take over my face.

He giggles and goes to adjust my turtle neck. "Sorry about that, I grabbed what was closest to my fingers, does it hurt?" he asks but before I can reply, his eyes widen, brows furrowing at the red marks on my skin. He rolls down the neckline to see it better.

"Y/N, tell me I didn't just do that, please" he asks, a lump in his throat as he softly runs a finger on the marks. I give him a small smile and put a hand on his. "It's not you, Jungkook, I'll explain later" I tell him, a little sad that the nice mood enveloping us is now gone. He looks up into my eyes, needing to confirm with more than words that it's not him.

I bring a hand to his cheeks and caress it softly. "Believe me, it's not you, I promise. The math teacher did that" I say, see relief flashing through before anger takes over. "He laid a hand on you?" he growls, eyes turning red and I have to hold his hand to avoid him turning around.

"I explained the situation to Yoongi, the others have yet to hear the whole situation yet but they've seen my neck, we'll probably have a talk later with everyone to find a solution" I tell him, wait until he nods at my words to relax and soften my hold on him. I roll my neckline back up to hide the skin and proceed to intertwine our fingers together.

He squeezes my hand which is much smaller than his and we start walking to the clinic. We stay in silence for most of the walk, but I can see emotions flashing through his eyes as his thoughts go in all directions.

"I'll kill him" he says after a while and I huff softly. "No you won't". He turns to me. "I won't kill him. I'll just make sure he can never bother you ever again".

I hesitate and tilt my head left and right. "Tempting, but I'd rather have you by my side. Knowing my soulmates in prison... no thank you" I say as I pull us to the right, then carefully crossing the street to reach the building which is standing not too far now.

"I don't mind going to prison if it's too keep you safe" he counters but I turn around in front of him to block the path. When he sees my frown, he sighs. "Okay, okay, we'll find another way. But I won't hesitate to take care of him if I see him doing anything. There's also a thing called Self defense and I will make use of it" he says, subject closed as he goes to open the door for me.

"Maybe I'd need to become a vampire myself, I'd be able to defend myself" I mumble as I take a seat on the bench to remove my shoes and wear the usual pair of slippers, Jungkook doing the same next to me. "Let's talk about this another time" he says, something in his voice that tells me I shouldn't joke around with that.

I nod and stand up, hand getting grabbed by his again as we make our way inside.

I hear Yoongi's voice before I see him and when I turn to look at the counter, I can see a few customers being served by him. Jungkook points to the chairs. "Let's go there and wait until they're done" he says and I nod as I follow him.

Yoongi notices us quickly but keeps his attention on the old lady who asks him a few questions about her medicine and the symptoms. It's sweet to see him interact with her using a soft and kind voice, not seeming too bothered at having to repeat the same thing too many times, fingers eventually going to grab a paper on which he writes everything she wants to know.

The door opens and I look to my left to see Jin walking out of his office with an old man. "Now you be careful, Mr. Lee. Your old bones can't allow you to run as well as before so don't overdo it" Jin says with a kind smile. The old man chuckles and waves a hand at the vampire before heading to the counter to join the woman who seems to be his wife, seeing as he pecks her cheek.

Just like Jungkook and I. I can't believe I did that. Of all things I could do to embarrass him, it had to be a kiss on the cheek. Feeling my body heat increase with each passing seconds, a body crouching in front of me startles me out of my skin before I notice Jin staring at me with concern, a hand going over my forehead.

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" he asks and I quickly shake my head, lips going into a tight line. There's no way I explain why I'm blushing. Jungkook's hand lets go of mine to climb to my cheek and I watch as Jin's eyes widen.

"I think she's still embarrassed" Jungkook says as he pinches my cheek, laughter leaving him when I slap his hand away.

"Embarrassed by what?" Yoongi asks as he comes to join us, eyes having seen everything that occurred. "Well you see, Y/N-" I bring a hand to Jungkook's mouth with a glare. Both older vampires quirk an eyebrow at me.

"It's nothi- What he fuck, Jungkook!" I exclaim when I feel him lick my hand. I pull it back to my knee where I wipe it with a frown while he laughs. "She kissed my cheek to start the bonding process then took off when I tried to do the same. Which I did do after she almost fell down".

I groan and hide my face while he pulls me to his chest with a giggle, as if nothing bad happened today.

"Well... I guess that's good then. I certainly didn't expect the two of you to make up so fast, let alone bond" Jin says, eyes still curious and lightly confused. Yoongi chuckles. "I prefer that rather than seeing sad mates, why don't you proceed with the examinations so we can head home?" the dark haired man says.

Jin smiles and nods before making me stand up by the shoulders, hand then going to expose my face. "Let's go, Yoongi told me a little bit about what to expect" he says, smile softening a little as it falls to my covered neck.

Jungkook and Yoongi follow in the room to the exam table where Jin helps me jump to take a seat. He then raises the bed until I'm high enough for him and slowly lowers the neck line to take a look at the skin.

I see him breathe in and out as his eyes flicker to a shade of dark red. "Does it hurt?" he asks softly and I shake my head. "Not anymore. You know I heal fast" I say, see him nod while Yoongi keeps Jungkook aside, a hand on the knee to comfort his younger mate.

"Can you explain what happened?" Jin asks as he presses fingers to the skin carefully. I hesitate a little and turn to look at Yoongi. "We'll talk about it later with the others" he says, to which Jin agrees easily. "Alright, but let me know if there's anything I should know now. Let's take a look at your hand, then we'll go get a scan of your waist and wrist" he says and I hum as I lift my hand up for him to unwrap the bandage.

Jungkook looks down in shame at the mention of my hand and I wait until he looks up to smile at him. "I'm sure it's already healed, don't worry". He keeps his eyes on it and when I look down, it's to see a very faint cut that's already healed. "It's effectively fine now. The scar should disappear after a week or two" Jin says and I smile in satisfaction.

"What about when she fell down the stairs?" Jungkook asks and Jin hums as he makes me jump down the bed. "If there's anything out of place, I should see it in the scan but I would've noticed it this morning".

At the latter's directives, I head to the room next door and walk to the scanning machine. I sit on the bed and lie down on it, only willing to do this to satisfy my soulmates because I feel just fine, really. "You know the drill" Jin says as the machine activates and it proceeds as usual.

Once done, I get off and come to stand next to Jin who wraps an arm around my shoulders to keep me close while he presses a few buttons to print the scans. He looks down at me with worried eyes. "Are you sure you're alright?" he asks.

I shrug softly. "I don't know, Jin. I want to be, but the threat wasn't small this time. The math teacher uncovered information about my past and I don't know how he could've gotten it. I don't like this" I whisper. He strokes my arm softly and grabs the papers. "We'll take care of this, you're not alone" he says before leading me back to his desk where Yoongi and Jungkook are now seated at to get a closer look at the scans.

I look around, trying to find another chair where I can sit but Jin pulls me with him before making me sit on his lap. I freeze at the sudden position before eventually relaxing in his hold, body warm and secure around mine.

Yoongi grabs one copy of the scan, Jungkook's eyes going over it with him while I do the same with Jin.

"Your waist is fully healed. There's nothing anymore, not even the faintest sign that it was fractured" Yoongi mumbles before looking up at me with wide eyes. I shrug. "I don't get hurt for too long" I say, see his eyes crease with a huffed smile.

"What about her wrist? Anything new?" Jungkook asks, still worried that he might have hurt me more this morning. Jin hums. "The wrist hasn't seen too much progress but it's getting there. As for the rest of her body... everything seems in perfect order".

I sigh in relief, hear Jungkook do the same. "That's good, very good" the latter whispers and I smile at him, his smile much more genuine now that he knows I'm not even more wounded.

"Then I guess it means I get to keep this for longer" I say as I point at my cast beautifully decorated. Yoongi looks away with a light blush and I grin.

"Right Yoongi? With the little hearts" I tease him and I laugh when he suddenly stands up from his chair to leave the room.

"I'm going home".

Jin and Jungkook laugh with me at the shy reaction and we get up to leave with him as he waits for us at the front door, a pout on his face. Jin smothers him with soft kisses on the face to bring a smile back, which works wonderfully well.

"Could I draw on it too?" Jungkook asks as we put on our shoes. I grin. "Of course, I'd love to see what you come up with" I reply, see his eyes light up a beautiful pinkish yellow. "I'll make sure to do something beautiful then" he whispers, eyes already staring at the available space on my cast to come up with something.

I smile and accept the hands Jin and Yoongi give me as we proceed out of the building, Jungkook holding Jin's other hand. If only every day could be just like this moment right now.

A lot of things can happen in two weeks. In that sense, I'm ashamed to yet again welcome you to come and read my newest book which is a random updates. Who are you? - BTS x Reader - Normal life AU.

Bye 👋

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