- 33 -

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I read the comments in the previous chapter and you all made me cry, thank you so much for your support! I'm honestly blessed to have such wonderful readers as you and I don't think I'll ever say it enough times, thank you! I love you all!

I try to turn around but the arms hold me tight so I remain immobile.

"You don't think I've forgotten about the kisses, do you? You go kissing Taehyung on the lips when all I asked was kisses on the cheeks, should I ask for an adjustment of the request?" Jimin whispers in my ear, a chuckle leaving him when he feels my body get covered in chills.

Body hot and burning, I try to remain calm and serious when Jin side glances at me, lips pursed into a badly hidden smile before Jimin pulls me away from the kitchen and up into his arms without so much as a warning where he proceeds to take me up the stairs.

Hoseok waves happily at me when I pout at the living room and Namjoon's grin does nothing to help while all Jungkook does is frown, his eyes following us until Jimin opens a door and locks us inside his room.

The locked part being one that signals just how in trouble I might be. Nothing good ever comes from being locked in a room with one of them, especially not with the maknae line.

Jimin hums happily to himself and sits down at the head of the bed, back against the wall and then proceeds to make me straddle him so I can face him from as close as possible, my hands going to his shoulders to support myself. He smiles at me and tilts his head when I bite my lips in anxious anticipation, body slightly shaking.

"Are you scared of me?" he asks softly, hands sliding up and down my waist, fingers kneading my muscles to help me relax, something I allow myself to do when I don't see anything bad in his eyes. No mischief, no teasing, just pure loving and contentment.

I shake my head and watch as his smile widens, eyes creasing into beautiful crescents. He wraps his arms around my waist to pull me even closer, my nose almost touching his as his eyes don't let go of mine.

"If you were okay with kissing Taehyung, are you ready to kiss us too?" he asks gently and I mentally swear at the way my heart loudly stutters at that, something I know Jimin heard although he doesn't show it except for the way his arms tighten slightly more around me.

"I mean... I'm not against it, no" I mumble shyly, unable to look him in the eyes anymore but our position doesn't really allow me to move and hide, so I remain millimeters from his face. He hums, satisfied and then proceeds to turn his face to the side.

"Now how about you get started on the kisses? My cheeks await the day they finally fall off" he croons, his smile making his cheeks puffy and round, something adorable and even though I currently feel incredibly shy, I'm thankful that he decided to take me away from the others for that. He could've easily sat in the living room so everyone can observe, but he didn't.

"Do you really want them to fall off? I don't want your adorable cheeks to be gone" I whisper before pressing a kiss on the skin.

He giggles and turns his face around to offer me his other cheek. "It's a risk I'm ready to take if it allows me to feel more of those soft lips of yours" he muses and I smile before kissing his other cheek, body and mind growing more comfortable with him considering the context we currently are in.

He continues like that, one cheek at a time, something about making sure that if his cheeks are really going to fall, then we need to make sure they fall at the same time. I lose count of how many kisses I give him and he doesn't seem to be anywhere near satisfied enough as he absolutely enjoys this moment.

"You know, you worked really hard this week to understand mathematics and did it like a queen. It's not easy to do what you did, to understand something you struggle with so fast, yet you did it. I want you to know that I'm proud of you, so proud" Jimin eventually whispers and I pull back to stare at him, see the sincerity in his eyes.

I smile bashfully, touched by his words. "It's all thanks to you. You made years of confusion become so clear and easy to understand" I counter and his eyes crease so much they disappear, his face the sun's little sibling, not so bright that I can't look, but still heartwarming.

"Maths is all about logic, there's no surprise with it once you know how it works. It was only a matter of time until you would get a grip on it" he counters my counter, which has us both laughing softly.

"We both worked hard then" I tell him and he nods with a happy sigh, eyes gazing into mine and I watch with fascination has purple and pink start swirling together in his orbs, something so pretty that I could never get bored of.

"You said it was okay, right?" he blurts out and before I can even reply, I feel his lips press on mine, his eyes closing while mine widen in surprise.

One of his hands leave my back to slide up my side and to my cheek where he strokes the skin softly and lovingly and I close my eyes as his plump lips brush against mine, a soft meeting of love that has me relaxing in his hold, my hands sliding from his shoulders to around his neck to anchor myself onto him as he proceeds to steal my breath away with expertise.

His smell is addictive and transports me into a world of safety, one in which I lose myself willingly, one in which I allow myself to focus entirely on him, to taste his lips as much as he tastes mine and I feel so complete, this dance he takes us into one of promises, promises to keep me safe, to love me, to cherish me and I hope he can see just how much I'm growing to love him as well as I let my lips meet his over and over again, eagerly and contently.

Suddenly, a sharp sting in my bottom lip makes me whine in surprise but Jimin keeps my head still with a hand going to the back of my neck with a hum before I feel his tongue gently swipe over where he bit to heal the wound.

In a need of air, I pull back and open my eyes to meet his just in time to see him break into the happiest grin I've ever seen him do.

"I could kiss and taste you forever, I don't know how Taehyung managed to bring you back home after kissing" he muses and I blush, not expecting that kind of comment, my thumb going to touch the new puncture of teeth in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't help myself" he apologizes, his own thumb going to join my own to take a look at the pink flesh, eyes unable to hide the pride that he feels at seeing his mark join Taehyung's.

A throat clearing on the other side of the door has me jumping while Jimin only sighs. "What do you want, hyung?" he asks with nonchalance while my eyes widen. Who's there?

"Well, now that you care to give me your attention after stealing our mate away to kiss her in secret, I would like to invite you two to come eat dinner, only if it's not too much of a bother, you know? I did slave away in the kitchen for that but it's okay if you don't want to, I'll just go and cry in a corner all by myself" Jin's voice says in a lightly dramatic tone before stepping away.

I bite on my lips, unsure if I'm allowed to laugh because I really want to, but one look at Jimin tells me I would be safer not laughing. I zip my lips and we both make our way out of bed with a quiet chuckle, hand in hand.


"So you're saying that you heard in the bathroom that someone's going to attack you? Possibly make you bleed in front of everyone?" Namjoon repeats with a frown.

I nod slowly and hide within Taehyung's hold when I feel Jungkook staring a hole in my head. Taehyung glares back at the youngest vampire so he can give me a break and hugs me tighter to reassure me.

"You should've told us sooner, baby, what if she really intends to apply her threat?" Jimin whispers from my other side, his arms side hugging me as well and encasing me between the two of them.

I look down and shrug slightly. "I just feel like... I don't know, too much is happening right now and I'm throwing all of this on you, it's barely been a week since we've all fully bonded yet it feels like years because of all that happened" I mumble softly knowing they have no trouble with hearing me.

I look up to meet Jungkook's gaze but he's looking at his knees with a dejected pout. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Kookie, I swear I just didn't want to worry you, I thought it could wait until we get back home" I tell him, knowing full well that it's a pathetic excuse.

In reality, I'm just scared. I'm scared and it feels like no matter what I do, no matter what I say, whether they know or not, it feels like things are going to turn to shit anyway. There's no way out of things turning badly and it makes me anxious to not know when it's going to happen.

The bunny vampire looks up at me just as I look back down and I hear him sigh before he stands up to come crouch in front of me. "Muffin, I know you're not used to depend on others so much but all this, we have a responsibility in what's happening to you. You got a lot of attention from being with us, the least we can do is offer you protection, to watch over you. If you don't tell us what happens, how are we supposed to keep you safe?" he murmurs, hands going to get mine to hold gently.

I bite on my bottom lip, eyebrows narrowed. "Because I feel like there's no escaping my fate. I know I'm going to turn into a vampire and I doubt it's happening because I want it. Something bad is going to happen, I don't know when but it feels like it's getting closer and closer and that freaks me out" I explain and silence greets my words.

"... Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Jin suddenly says and I look up to see them all sharing a weird look. "Thinking what?" I ask, confused.

The eldest stands up from his seat on the couch and crouches next to Jungkook who scoots aside to give the older vampire more space. Jin takes my hands in his and presses his lips into a thin line before looking me in the eyes, apprehension in his orbs.

"I think... we might have a solution to this problem" he says, words that have me frowning and sitting up straighter. Is he talking about...

"We could change you before it happens forcefully. I just don't know what impact it would have on the future, we all saw the memories, I don't know what it would do" Hoseok says from his seat next to Yoongi, eyes very serious.

I look down at my hands. Could my memory of Jimin change? Could he not get hurt because of me if we do that? What about the one with Yoongi? What would happen with this one? The one I had from Hoseok was very sad as well, would that change?

The memory from Namjoon tells me I am going to become a vampire, a few of them have seen hints that lead to that, it's inevitable and I don't mind, really. It's sudden, but if that could make us avoid all the troubles coming my way...

"That wouldn't stop the teacher though right? Would my blood still be addictive?" I ask, to which Yoongi nods.

"It would, but you would produce less. Vampires are believed to be dead beings but really, we still function like any other living beings, our system just doesn't need to work as fast. You already have vampire blood in your veins so it's just a matter of making it take over the human blood, the process wouldn't be as..." he stops talking, unsure of the words to use.

"Excruciatingly painful" Namjoon completes the sentence for him, one that has my eyes widening in horror. "Is it really that bad?" I mumble, suddenly terrified. Taehyung rests his head on my shoulder, one hand going to draw shapes on the skin of my arm.

"I'll be honest with you, peach, I don't think it can be worse than whatever's awaiting you at the moment if we let things go on" Namjoon says, concern on his face and the others nod halfheartedly.

"He's right, sweetheart. This would be a way to gain the upper-hand on the future, us trying to win against it. We need to try. It might not be enough to stop everything from happening, but at least, you wouldn't be subject to being a prey as often, you would be able to defend yourself. Your blood would definitely be less intense too so that's definitely a plus" Jin defends the case and I know it sounds like the best option we have right now, possibly the only one we have.

I nod slowly, afraid but ready to get through with it. "Alright, let's do this... I think it's pretty much the only thing we can do and... I want to believe that it can change the future. I don't want terrible things to happen" I say, watch as hope fills their eyes, one that is mixed with apprehension but hope nonetheless.

"When should we do this?" Jimin asks, worry on his face.

"After school tomorrow?" Hoseok tries but Jungkook denies loudly with a groan. "Heck no, she's not going back to school when there's a threat on her head, that's like throwing her right into the wolf's den" he counters, words that have Yoongi and Taehyung nodding at the same time.

"He's right, going there for now is a disaster away from making this idea just that, an idea. I think tomorrow we should all remain at home, I'll call the school and explain the situation briefly, he'll allow us to skip since anyway, tomorrow's the last day of revisions. We can think about how to go at it then, start prepping everything, give her the time to process all this" Jin lets out as he stands up to start pacing the room.

"I think that sounds like a plan. How do you feel about it all, peach? Is that alright with you?" Namjoon asks me and I shrug a little, not sure of what I could say. Does it really matter right now? How I feel about this?

"Doll, if you think that you don't have a choice in the matter, you're wrong. You can tell us if something bothers you" Yoongi tells me softly, piercing eyes reading me like a book. I sigh and rub my fingers together.

"I'm just a little scared... Being a vampire and being a human... both are very different. One drinks blood while the other doesn't. One has over-developed senses while the other doesn't. Will I be able to control myself? What if I hurt someone? What if I make a shitty vampire? Is that possible? Can someone fail at being a vampire? I-"

A finger on my lips suddenly shuts me up and only when sure that I won't sputter out nonsense anymore does Jimin pull back with a small smile. "From what I understand, you're afraid of being a... bad vampire" he resumes for me and after taking a few seconds to think this through, I purse my lips in embarrassment with a nod.

"Aigoo, of all the things to worry about, you really are a cutie" Jungkook coos, hands going to pinch my cheeks once he makes himself comfortable on Jimin's lap. I pout at him and burrow myself into Taehyung's arms.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious" I whine, to which the seven vampire chuckle warmly.

"You will make a wonderful vampire, baby girl. You remember the guide of colors you gave me this morning? I used it today and it's crazy how much understanding colors helps. I felt more comfortable thanks to that and that's all thanks to you. You have a knowledge that can serve you in a way that other new vampires don't have access to. As for the rest? That's practice. You have the seven of us, we'll help you, I promise you that you'll be fine" Taehyung murmurs with his melodious deep voice, his cheek resting on the top of my head, arms enveloping me tightly.

I take the time to process his words. He's right, I won't be alone. I have them all with me. I hug him tight in thanks and feel his lips press a kiss on my forehead, something that makes me smile.

Hoseok hums and claps his hand softly. "If we're all staying tomorrow, how about we have a small movie night to relax? We could make the living room more cuddly with cushions and blankets and spend the night here, what do you think, bun?".

I look away from Taehyung's chest to see the sun smiling at me. "That would be really great" I whisper, my heart warming up at the idea of spending time all of us together, just doing something simple the eight of us.

Namjoon and Yoongi smile at me, adoration flashing through their eyes while the others except for Taehyung jump up to get to it, even Jin looking excited about this idea as he runs up the stairs quickly.

"How about we start looking at what we can watch, doll?" Yoongi offers as he moves to sit where Jimin was next to me with the TV controller. I nod and turn my eyes to the screen once the Netflix logo appears.

In the meantime, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok and Jin start building a multi-layered blanket floor in the middle of the room after pushing the coffee table out of the way, pillows and cushions thrown all around the space to create a fort and I can't help but laugh when I look down to see Jin laying on his back, a pensive look on his face.

"Something wrong Jinnie?" I ask when he frowns and turns to his side. He looks up at me and pats the space next to him.

"Come here and tell me if it's comfortable enough. I don't want anyone waking up with body aches tomorrow" he says and I free myself from Taehyung's hold to reach my other soulmate on the floor, a surprised 'wow' leaving my lips at how soft the floor is.

"I don't know what you're worried about, I don't remember ever lying on the floor like that and then wonder if there's a mattress under me at the same time" I muse aloud and he props his body on one elbow to gaze down at me, upper body hovering slightly over mine.

"Are you sure? You won't feel uncomfortable at some point in the night? Maybe we should gather two mattresses instead" he mumbles but I'm quick to stop him with a laugh, a hand to his chest to push him back down.

"You really don't have to go that far, this is perfect" I assure him with a smile and he stares at me for a moment before letting himself be convinced, a shy smile taking place on his lips.

"Alright then, as long as you're happy" he muses before caressing my hair gently, warm eyes gazing into mine until Yoongi decides to join us, his body lying besides me before he pulls me into his hold, his chest pressed against my back and causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

Jin chuckles and scoots over closer to join the hug, a laugh leaving him when Taehyung tries to joins us as well, a whine leaving the younger vampire when he doesn't manage to get close to me, which would have required one of the two eldests to move back.

"Don't you dare whine about this, Tae, you got to kiss her, you've had enough for today, let us have some time with her too" Namjoon tells him as he too comes to join us on the floor and soon, Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok come back with bowls of candies, chocolate and crisps.

I gasp at the sight and reach out for the one Jungkook is holding with the cutest grin I can manage. He does a cute angry face while pulling the bowl out of reach from me but a quick look at Jimin as he motions for me to remain quiet has me keeping my face on until Jungkook cries out in surprise when his bowl gets switched with another one.

Jimin happily jumps over to me and gives me the bowl before stealing a kiss and then grabs a ready to attack Jungkook to keep him away from me with a laugh. Jungkook whines loudly while Hoseok laughs even louder, none of the others bothered to really say anything as they observe with a sigh.

As for me? I absolutely enjoy taking a big handful of the bowl's content and eat it with a smirk under Jungkook's horrified staring.

"She's a monster!" Jungkook exclaims and I giggle.

"Yeah, a Kookie monster" I let out before doing a badum tss with my hands.

Jin bursts into laughter and it soon has the whole room laughing along, a pouty bunny trying his best to remain serious as he glares at me with amusement.

"Admit it was good" I tell him as I let him grab some of his obviously favorite snack but he just grumbles. "It was terrible".

Taehyung hugs him with a boxy grin. "Admit it, you loved it" he coos but the younger instead tackles him to the ground where they start a playful fight until Namjoon claims that it's enough, a movie needing to be watched before we all end up snoring from boredom.

We all take some time to make ourselves comfortable, me remaining between Jin and Yoongi and that's how our movie night finally begins, hearts happy and worry far behind us.

I hope this was an enjoyable chapter to read, it sure was fun to write!

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