- 42 -

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This will be all I can manage for this story for the week, I'm sorry I couldn't write more, but I hope you can enjoy them anyway even though it's not a lot!

Next week will be for Found you, hopefully I get to see some of you there! Love you guys!

As soon as we step outside of the house, Namjoon picks me up to make me sit on Jungkook's shoulders and -

"I'm so tall!" I exclaim happily, all of my soulmates now looking small around me, except for Namjoon and Jin, the two tallest of the group acting like arm rests by my side as I run a hand through their hair briefly before holding onto the vampire under me by the hands to keep me from falling, something I doubt would happen with the six men keeping an eye on me.

"So! Where do we go?" I ask, eager to see or do something because it feels like ages since the last time I went out to do something fun and a date has never been one of those reasons-

"Oh my gosh!".

My shout has them all startling and turning to me, now expecting the worst but my bright smile takes that worry away instantly.

"What's going on baby?" Jimin asks with a cute giggle as he gazes at me with amusement, his hand holding Taehyung's tightly, the two of them sticking close while Hoseok hugs Yoongi's arm, cheek resting on his shoulder with a happy hum.

"It's out first official group date, isn't it?" I ask and Jungkook stops walking, realization hitting him like a brick.

"Oh my gosh!" he echoes my shout, eyes wide and shocked.

"Right, I guess it is our first official group date... even when going to the little restaurant, there was always someone missing" Namjoon muses, to which the others nod, cheeks turning a happy pink at the meaning that today gained.

Not only is it my first official day as a vampire, but we're also finally spending time all of us together outside of home.

It feels weird how fast I started calling their place as mine, it hasn't been that long, yet it feels like I've been part of their lives for years now when in reality, it has only been a few weeks. I guess that's the after-effect of fully bonding with your soulmates, be it humans or vampires.

You just grow that close, that quickly.

"We need to do something special then, we can't just head to the park, that's too boring" Jimin says but Jin seems unsure about it when his lips press into a thin line, eyebrows furrowing.

"I'm afraid that would be the best for now, Jimin-ah, Y/N is still a new vampire, we can't jump too fast or she'll get dizzy. Her adjusting quickly doesn't mean she can't reach her limit, it would be a shame to end the day with a headache".

I deflate on top of Jungkook and rest my weight on his head, his sigh sounding loud in our tight group.

"It doesn't have to be something in a crowded space, hyung, but I'm sure there's something we can do that would be better than simply staring at trees and grass?" he tries and I tilt my head to stare at the eldest vampire whose eyes fall on me, silently pondering over the matter, concern not leaving his face.

"We'll see depending on how she's doing. Let's start with going to the park, we can think about what choices we have after spending some time there, after seeing how she's handling herself" he decides and that seems enough for now, the youngest of our group, me included chirping happily as my very living and in the flesh vehicle starts running ahead, Taehyung and Jimin flanking our sides with screams, the excitement of being out of the four walls a blessing not just to me but to the four of us.

Yoongi huffs, a content smile on his face and Hoseok chuckles, Jin shaking his head with fond eyes while Namjoon...

"Joonie is running after us, go faster Kookie!" I scream and the latter doesn't lets himself be asked twice before he hurries the rhythm, the older vampire behind us looking absolutely baffled before he's running faster to keep up the pace, his arms reaching out to me menacingly and causing me to curl more around Jungkook, fear of being taken away covering the laughter that my soul currently experiences.

"Come here you little teasing mate! Wait until I catch you!" Namjoon warns me but Jimin and Taehyung both get in the way, their eyes flashing yellow as they grimace at our elder soulmate.

"You'll have to get through us first hyung!" they chirp and thus begins the good-natured war between my vampires, their giggles and gasps all we can hear in the streets we run through, although I do hear Yoongi complain from time to time that his legs are too tired for this, something Hoseok finds hilarious because the vampire couldn't be any healthier.

"Let's stay together! Stop running so fast, I'm not doing that today!" Jin eventually screams from a distance away and when we all look behind us, it's to see him looking so small that it's a wonder we all heard him.

Still, Namjoon takes that time to steal me from Jungkook and it's all screams and tragedy until he shuts me up with a kiss that I quickly melt into.

Damn it, I'm so easy with them.


"Was there something you always thought would be fun to do on a date one day?" Yoongi asks me as we lie down on the grass side by side with Hoseok between us, our head resting on his shoulders, arms meeting over the latter's stomach in a calm embrace.

I don't answer, eyes looking up to meet his as he gazes at me curiously. Had I ever dreamed about what I would want to do on a date if I'd ever go on one in the past? I don't think I have.

"I can't say I have anything in mind, I never really thought that would ever happen, to be honest" I admit, because what can I say? What was the point of dreaming of something so happy when all I could think about was what happened to my family because of me?

At least I had Rosé to keep me company, and when we met Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo, it felt complete enough that I could enjoy my days, at least to a minimum. They would take care of me, and I would do my best to not be a bad friend, I would do my best to keep myself from getting hurt so that the two vampires wouldn't have to struggle with me.

My blood took many occasions from me, from fear that something bad could happen, just like what almost happened at the amusement park. It doesn't take too much for things to go bad with me, so I just never allowed myself to really expect much of a romantic life.

"What about you? What do you guys usually do when you go on dates?" I ask back and Hoseok chuckles, his arm around my shoulders bending so he can set a hand over my head, soft and gentle.

"We've grown a little boring on that one, I guess. Now it's mostly small coffee dates, library dates, spending time over a good meal, a good movie in the background while we cuddle and talk. It's not really about the where anymore and more about the who we are with. Good company makes good memories no matter where we are" he answers easily and I nod, that does sound like what we have done so far.

"That sounds great to me, that's all I want" I hum, but a denying noise as a body thumps to the ground behind me before cuddling to my back, the smell of Jimin's sweet hot chocolate, warm and comforting wrapping around me and putting a smile on my face lets me know that this won't be so easy.

"No no no. Everything has been out of order so far, we have barely even started courting you, we haven't given you anything, haven't created any sweet memories with you yet. That's not good, I simply cannot let this be. The way everything happened wasn't ideal and it disrupted how it should be, but it's far from too late to catch up on our mistake. You will be courted properly, whether you want to or not" he assures me and I can only melt against both vampires with a bashful nod of the head, Yoongi's gummy smile the final blow to my heart.

"Jiminie is right, doll, you deserve the special treatment and the effort. You will have the classic dates at home, but you will also get the romantic, the funny, the unique ones. When you'll have been with us for over a hundred years, you'll realize that there are some things that need to be enjoyed in the early years and that's what you'll have".

"And that starts now! Open your mouth, sweetheart".

Without thinking, I obey, lips parted right as something gets pushed into my mouth and I am momentarily stunned by the chocolate-caramel sweetness that spreads on top of my tongue, taste-buds marveling over the delicious treat that I was just given.

I look up to see Namjoon and Jin grinning down at me as they crouch side by side over our heads and I then notice the medium size box in the latter's hands.

"That's where you went to?" I ask them, eyes reading the name of the shop that is reputed for making little chocolate bites of all possible flavors and shapes, the best in what they do, something I believe without hesitation. That one bite was... wow.

"Yup, we thought it would be nice to have something to snack on, the weather today allows it. Jungkook and Taehyung went to get something to drink, they'll be back very soon too" Jin explains and I hum, eyes looking around us to find barely anyone in the park, if not for the few couples going on a walk together.

It's only because they warned me first that they would be gone for a little while that I'm not currently running all over the place to find our missing soulmates, but I can't deny that I will feel much better when everyone is here.

Another piece gets pushed into my mouth and I bring my gaze to Namjoon who's staring at me with an expectant smile, eyes bright as the flavor of coffee and milk this time covers my tongue.

Eyes round because this one is just as good as the first, I look into the box to see many different colourful squares and little round ones, but my eyes then take notice that it's a two layered box. That means there are others under those I can see.

Jin brings it closer to me when he sees me looking curiously and a bright yellow one catches my attention. I grab it carefully and pop it into Hoseok's mouth without warning, his widened eyes looking surprised before they crease at the taste that welcomes him.

"It tastes like apple crisp!" he moans and I giggle before grabbing another one, a purple one for Jimin, then a white one with swirls of golden on it for Yoongi.

I observe with a happy grin as they all melt into the taste, eyes closing to better enjoy it, but then Jimin is pulling on my shoulder to make me lie on my back and the next thing I know, his lips are on mine, tongue pushing in to find mine and the taste of raspberry and dark chocolate tingles at my senses right away.

With a smile into the kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me and he chuckles, delighted as he pushes his plump lips onto mine with more fervor, his love seeping out of him in waves of sweetened cocoa, fragrant and savoury, heavy on my nose, but perfect on my tongue, the scent you can smell when you're baking a cake, it makes me salivate for more.

I sigh into him, soul content to be in the warmth of my soulmates and he swallows all of it, unable to part from me, not wanting to, until a gasp reaches our ears.

"You're starting without us! That's not fair!".

Jimin separates from me and pulls himself upwards on his hands to allow me to turn and see Jungkook and Taehyung running over with drink carriers, mouths open in shock.

"Oops" the sweet vampire murmurs with a grin before kissing my cheek, then grabs a piece of chocolate and right into my mouth where the taste of cheesecake has me melting even more, much to the guys' amusement.

Hoseok slides an arm under my back and rolls me around until I rest on top of him, a satisfied hum leaving him as the two running vampires finally reach us with a huff, although their eyes show that they're nothing else but happy to be seeing our pleased smiles.

"I feel so happy, so in love with all of you, it's... a beautiful feeling" I admit softly, fingers going to caress Yoongi's cheek as he gazes at me silently, eyes always looking like he's memorizing every inch of me, committing everything that I am to memory, as if scared that he could forget.

I breathe in deeply, all of their scents merging together, but I can still distinctively tell them apart, Yoongi's soft cotton smell, straight out of the drying machine, fresh, clean, but there's also the hint of tangerines, of its sourness, its sweetness, and together, it's exquisite.

Hoseok's more of a salty sea breeze, it makes me feel like I'm at the beach, the waves nearly reaching my feet before they pull back into their heart, their core, sand beneath my feet, scratchy, yet soft, light earthy tones that help ground the sea that exists around him, that pulls me in.

For Jin, it's a scent that suits him really well. Sour apples, raspberries, he smells like my favourite fruits, like I have a bowl of nicely cut pieces right under my nose, so close that I can almost taste it. He smells like a romantic night cuddled together on the couch, fruit snacks shared between the two of us, a tinge of hot, melted chocolate, whether it comes from Jimin or from the real chocolate nearby, maybe both, I'm not sure but it's delicious and I want more.

And Jungkook, Jungkook's scent suits him very well too. It's calming, soothing, comforting. He smells like clean bed sheets, it's the scent of when you let them dry outside, the open window allowing in the smell of vanilla detergent when the breeze carries it over, it makes me want to burrow my face into it and breathe in deeply over and over again, to have that smell follow me everywhere I go and the idea of stealing his sweaters suddenly sounds very attractive, something I will probably do later.

With Namjoon's forest, Taehyung's minty meadow and Jimin's sweet coca, I feel complete, like I've never been allowed before and I wish this moment could last forever, I wish it could never stop, that we could remain here, cuddled, smiling and laughing, through day and night, just the eight of us together.

I didn't know I could love so much, didn't know it would overwhelm me like that, that the change would not only take my humanity from me and make me into a vampire, but that everything that I am would also focus entirely on the living people that welcomed me into their embrace and took all of me, my secrets, my dangers, my problems without complaining.

It's a love that could make me burn down the entire universe if something were to happen to them, and I have no doubt I would, without a single hint of hesitation if it had to come down to it.

Is it a feeling alike to recklessness or am I really able of such a display of strength? I hope we never have to find out the extent of what my anger can do.

"Are you really? Do you mean it?" Yoongi whispers, his hand going to cover mine over his cheek, so delicately, as if being too sudden could destroy the mirage that this reality seems to be to his eyes.

I nod and smile at him, eyes creasing happily, but when I feel something wet against my fingers, I immediately tense up, corners of my lips curving downward as I take in the tears flowing out of his shut eyes, mouth going to press softly against my wrist, near Namjoon's blood mark, not quite a kiss, like he just needs to feel my warmth under his lips.

The others get closer, the mood surrounding us vulnerable as it grows thick with emotions, my words apparently affecting them all a lot more than I thought it would.

"Oh my baby muffin, this... you have no idea how much this means to us" Jungkook murmurs as he comes to take Hoseok's place to take me in his arms without taking me away from Yoongi who's still holding my hand tightly, his slightly trembling as he processes that this is real and not his imagination.

I look up at the others to see Jin wiping his cheeks discreetly, Namjoon smiling and murmuring something to him before he's kissing his cheek while Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok hug each other with endeared eyes taking us in, pink, purple and blue all I can see, and no doubt my eyes are reflecting the same colours.

Jungkook starts giving me ticklish kisses to the neck and when I start giggling and squirming in his hold, it helps ease the mood into something lighter, Yoongi's slightly puffy eyes creasing before he's joining in on the teasing, my blissful screams echoing far into the park along with their laughter.


"Are you sure that you're alright?" Jin asks again as we walk through a busy shopping district with outside stands and cute little shops, an area I never really went to visit before, although the girls had tried more than once in the past.

It just never really felt like such a good idea with my blood being the way that it is but now... something tells me that with my seven vampire soulmates, I will be fine.

It took some convincing to come here, but with mine and Jungkook's puppy eyes, it was a lost cause for our eldest soulmate right away, he couldn't possibly refuse us and we had cheered all the way over, until our group got separated, curiosity taking us all in different directions, which thankfully isn't affecting me as much as I had feared. The instincts are starting to settle more and more.

I nod at him and smile when he tucks my hair behind my ear to free my face, his eyes meeting mine, as if still unsure as he peeks into my orbs for longer than necessary, lips slightly pinched before he's humming.

"I promise I'm fine, Jinnie, really. I feel good, no noise is bothering me, the smells are tolerable and visually? I feel a lot better now because there's more I can see. It's like someone could sneak around behind me and I would sense it, I feel perfectly in control" I assure him, ready to convince him as often as I have to if necessary.

"Give her a break and enjoy yourself, hyung, I'm sure she'll let us know if it becomes too much, just look at her face, she's glowing, don't take that from her" Yoongi chides our eldest soulmate with a gentle rub of the hand on his shoulder before motioning for me to join Taehyung and Jimin at one of the stalls, the both of them eagerly waiting for me to see them as they wave me over.

I squeeze Jin's hand once more before joining them, wondering what's going on but then Jimin is raising a necklace to my neck with a tilt of the head before he's turning to Taehyung who picks a pair of earrings and when they both nod, the woman behind the stall is only too happy to accept their payments before the two vampires accept the bag with a bright smile that blinds the human.

Without having a choice in the matter, they pull me by the hands to Hoseok and Jungkook who are waiting by a shop and once they see us getting closer, they open the door and make us get inside.

"Guys, guys! What's going on?" I ask them when they urge me straight towards the back of the store where Namjoon is waiting by a curtain and when he sees me, his face lights up, arms taking me in for a quick hug before he's pushing me inside of the large cabin, curtain then closed behind me before I can even process what's happening.

"Get changed first, you can put the clothes you're currently wearing in the bag next to the outfit we got ready for you, we've seen you in our clothes for long enough now, you deserve to wear something made for you" he explains before I hear him take a seat on one of the benches nearby, the others happily walking around the shop until Jin and Yoongi finally join us inside as well.

"Stop looking around and go take a seat, I'm sure Namjoon-ah already put more than enough aside for her, I fear the amount of shipments we're going to get tomorrow" Jin requests, words that have me stilling because... what?

"Can you blame me? Everything here would look perfect on her! Plus she's been wearing our clothes every single day, I want her to have the choice to wear something of her own if she wants to, something pretty, comfortable, there's enough of different styles so she can have fun" said vampire defends himself, all the while ignoring the fact that I can hear everything.

"Guys? You do know that I have clothes back at the apartment, right?" I let out quietly, words that are followed by silence.

Sure, they weren't... amazing clothes, most of them were quite old actually, some given to me by Rosé or Jisoo but still...

"Just get changed, baby, I want to see you in a dress" Jimin chirps, definitely not about to let me get out of here before I follow their plans.

"Okay, okay! But seriously! How did you guys do all that when I wasn't even that far behind with Jin and Yoongi!" I ask, hear their laughter and then...

It hits me that Yoongi did not ask me to help him choose a headband for Taehyung because he so desperately wanted a new one like I was told, or when Jin asked me to help him choose a new recipe book, as if he didn't already know most of them by heart.

"You did a good job, hyungs, thank you for distracting her for long enough" Hoseok croons, his tone meant to let me know that I was indeed tricked.

I let myself believe foolishly. Taehyung already has a handful of favorite headbands and they're all top quality, why the heck would he wear such a cheap one?!

I admit defeat, I still have a lot to learn in this cruel world.

"Stop torturing yourself and get changed before I come do it for you!" Jimin whines, his feet stumping on the floor sending me the image of a very cute vampire who can also be the devil incarnate if I'm not careful and with that, I nod before turning to the pretty dress hanging on the wall, pretty small heel shoes on the floor right under it.

I caress the fabric under my fingers, the softness and texture honestly surprising me, because it's nothing like what I own, not at all.

And is it my style?

Holy shiny Jiminie.

Yes, absolutely.

"Who chose this dress?" I ask as I start getting undressed, my excitement over seeing myself in it now going up the more I gaze at it because I keep finding more details, like the hidden flowers in the collar that add some texture to the thin fabric, or the lace at the bottom of the skirt that you can see only if you pay attention to it, but not having it would still change the whole look, or the peach colour to the sleeve elastics that seems to just link every elements together as well as bringing a light pink out of the cream of the whole outfit.

"Joon hyung and I did, Hobi hyung chose the shoes" Jungkook answers and I hum, the fact that they all worked together to make this happen for me something I find incredibly heartwarming.

"Well it's lovely, I love it a lot, both the dress and the shoes" I say and the giggles I get in return are everything.

I put them on and after adjusting everything, I look at my reflection in the mirror, feeling really good with myself. I look less like a potato bag and more like a... me.

A Y/N who likes to dress up from time to time.

"So? How is it? Do you need help, peach? I don't mind coming in to help you".

Of course he wouldn't mind, they all wouldn't mind.

"If not him, you can ask me, sweetheart, Joonie would probably destroy the dress" Jin adds, to which I can only snort because that is something I see happening.

"Thank you, but no thanks. I'm all done" I tell them before sliding the curtain separating us open and the seven of them instantly freeze, eyes wide as they fall on me, Jungkook even almost falls before Hoseok catches him absentmindedly, their attention solely focused on me.

"Oh damn baby, you look... it suits you so fucking well" Jimin blurts out and to say that Jin simply nodded to that statement, it proves how much all of them aren't really aware of anything else but me right now.

It makes me giggle, to see them in that state. They don't see me dressing up often if at all, University is not where you'll see me ready for a catwalk and outside of it, you also won't see me get out of my way to look amazing. I guess I'm just... on the basic range most of the time.

To be wearing a dress? I don't even remember the last time it happened.

I grab the bag containing Yoongi's clothes I was previously wearing and step out of the cabin to where they are, and thankfully, Taehyung is the first gaining his senses back when he comes to hug me tight, loving eyes closing to squeeze me in his hold.

"Every time I look at you, you've grown more beautiful, baby girl, this dress looks amazing on you" he muses and I smile as I hug him back, myself feeling pretty well about it. I feel like I could wear it to sleep, it's that comfortable.

"I chose well" Jungkook chirps happily, to which Namjoon clears his throat. "We, pup, we chose well" he counters, eyes warning the younger vampire to not take all the credit, something that makes me grin.

Yoongi takes the bag of clothes from me and brings it to the counter where the clerk grabs it to put with other bags nearby, but before I can register how many of them there are, Jimin suddenly turns me to face him before Taehyung steps closer to hook earrings in my ears, a necklace secured around my neck and when they make me face the mirror again, I observe the jewelry that now complement the final result perfectly.

"These look lovely" I hum softly, watch as the seven of them stare at me with hearts literally shooting out of their eyes, so much that I start growing self-conscious, especially now that I like how I look, it makes me feel incredibly bashful.

"This is all very nice, but why..." I can't help but ask, mind honestly confused about what they're doing. No doubt this is part of the courting they'd spoken of, although I sure wasn't expecting a whole new wardrobe, but to make me change like that in the middle of the day? It has to lead somewhere, right?

Jin gives me a smug smile as he steps forward to pull me tight to his chest, his eyes flashing bright as he gazes down at me from so close, his scent all my nose can smell right now.

"We have something ready that we need to head to very soon, so if you would please follow us, you'll find out soon enough" he answers, words that make me even more puzzled, but I nod nonetheless, knowing that with them, I am safe.

Heck, I would follow them into the depths of a volcano if they wanted me to.

"Okay then, lead the way, delicious handsome man" I murmur, hear the way his nose flares as he breathes in harshly before he's leaning down, lips a tiny distance away from mine making my heart skip a beat.

"Don't tempt me, little mate, I intend to be a gentleman until I get you all to myself, don't make me mess this up" he whispers, each words sending tingles of warmth against my mouth before he's pulling back, the darkness that I could hear in his tone completely gone as he smiles brightly at me while I feel my face burn.

"Shall we go now? We don't want to be late, do we?" he says and I hesitantly nod, bottom lip sucked in my mouth to bite on as I try to calm my heart, but seeing the many pairs of eyes that get pulled to the sight has the opposite effect and I decide to hide in the large-shouldered vampire to calm myself, his delighted chuckle ringing against my ear as he wraps an arm around me.

"You cute little sweetheart, you have no idea what effect you have on us, do you?" he says sweetly with a kiss to the crown of my head.

"That means we haven't shown her enough, we ought to change that very soon" Yoongi croons and I gulp, mind screaming at me that I'm becoming a prey, that I might be in danger if I don't do anything but honestly...

I don't want to run away. I want to let them do whatever they want to me. Is that bad?

"Oh we will, no doubt. But first things first, we have a boat to catch".


"Namjoon-hyung!" "Hyung!" "Namjoon-ah!" "You little-".

The giant takes a moment to process what he just said before his lips part sheepishly.


"Don't Oh us! You little rascal! I ought to- UGH!".

I burst into laughter, unable to help it as the ridiculousness of the situation hits me like a wave.

Why does it feel like I keep falling deeper for them with every passing hours?

I don't think I'll be able to survive for too long at this rhythm, not with them all acting so cute.

There's no way.

I hope this wasn't too cringe! The guys have something prepared, what do you think it will be? (it is not only to do with a boat!)

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