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Hello hello, please enjoy this second update! A third might come your way as well!

I pay the driver and step outside of the car to end up in front of a cute little building. It looks like a cozy home.

And that makes me highly uncomfortable because a part of me starts wondering if this is really the place, if I'm not just about to enter someone's house uninvited. But the sign next to the door indicates clearly that this is the place.

"Yoonjin's healing. I guess it's now or never" I mumble before breathing in and I step closer to the door, opening it to enter into a simple entry where there's a bench, some slippers and a bottle to disinfect your hands.

I sit down on the bench, carefully place my shoes on the rack after removing them and grab a pair of black slippers my size. I then stand up, disinfect my hands and anxiously enter the second part of the of the building which consists of one half being a pharmacy while the other half looks like a waiting room. A door with the name 'Kim Seokjin' stands by the chairs and while I look around, I hear a voice call out to me.

"Can I help you?". I turn to the counter where I can see a beautiful man with fluffy black hair and a white coat on his regular clothes staring at something in front of him. "Might you be Y/N L/N? For the waist injury?" he asks again, still not looking up as he gets a pen from a pen holder. "I am". He hums and motions to the chairs with his eyes. "You may take a seat, Doctor Kim will call you in soon".

Are people scared to look others in the eyes nowadays or is it just a new thing people do? With a shrug, I go to sit on a random chair and wait for anything to happen. The healing patch really did wonders because I feel so much better already, the cold feeling numbing the area that hurt, if only for a while. The nurse did say it would fade after an hour or two.

I look at the man walk around his shelves, probably preparing some prescriptions or taking notes of his stocks. Or whatever is it pharmacists do really.

Suddenly, the door opens. "Y/N L/N?". I stand up and turn towards the door to see a man standing by the door, papers in hands.

He's so handsome, goodness me. Feeling shy already, I stare at the ground when I see him about to look up from the papers. Don't make this awkward, Y/N, don't make this awkward.

"You can come sit here, I don't bite" the man says softly and I nod, still not looking away from the floor as I reach a chair in front of his desk. He hums while reading over the papers and closes the door.

"So... Rosé, your friend, called to say that you got badly injured at the waist, but with some painkillers, it got better. Then today, while playing... softball, you got hit by a ball and suddenly screamed in pain. A nurse told you it might be broken, right?" he resumes the situation and I nod.

My hands are already sweating, my heart beating out of my chest. Being alone with a doctor already makes me nervous to begin with, but a handsome one at that? I might just die today.

"Alright, I'm going to ask you to lie down on the exam table so I can take a look. Which side of your waist is it?" he asks as he puts on some gloves and I stand up, shyly pointing to my right side. I can feel him stare at me from the corner of my eyes and my cheeks start getting warmer.

Not now, oh please, not now. He chuckles and helps me walk closer to the table when he sees I'm not moving. His hands feel cold but so nice on my shoulder. He lowers the exam table to make it easier for me to get on it and makes me turn on my left side so he can see better. I feel the bed rise higher and I wait for him to do something.

He moves my shirt to the side just enough to reveal the patch and carefully proceeds to remove it to see what's under.

"Oh, nasty little bruise it is, it must hurt a lot" he says with an empathic voice and I nod. "The patch really helped though, for now I don't feel pain" I say and he starts feeling the skin and bones under. A cry bubbles out of my mouth as I try to move away from his fingers.

I see the corners of his mouth turn downwards and he sighs. "It doesn't look good, Y/N. Did you take painkillers today? Or any type of medicine at all?" he asks after getting a notepad and writing some notes on it. "Two painkillers this morning, but that's it" I reply and he nods.

"Then, I'm going to take an x-ray of your bones, I think you may have a fracture of the pelvis bone" he explains and I nod slowly, taking in the information he's giving me. "Is it bad?" I ask and he shakes his head. "It's nothing that can't heal with rest. I just need to see the extent of the fracture, make sure nothing else moved. Can you stand up?".

I sit up after wincing and let myself fall on my feet down the bed. He makes us move to an adjacent room where a series of machines are spread apart in different sections of the room. They're equipped for every possible situations, I think to myself as I look around with wide eyes.

He seems to notice it because he chuckles. "We're not an ordinary clinic". I can see that. I don't reply but instead follow him to a big cylindrical machine in the far left corner. He gets things ready and then helps me sit and lie down on the part of the machine that will slide inside.

"Are you comfortable?" he asks me and when I nod, he leaves me alone to stand behind a computer. "I'm going to ask you to inhale and exhale deeply and slowly. Your head won't go into the machine so don't be too nervous. Please stay still and don't move until it ends".

"Okay" I murmur, feeling my anxiety rise a little and the loud noise of the machine doesn't help. "Breathe in, Y/N, it's going to be over before you know it" he soothes me with a low voice as the table on which I am starts moving and bringing my body further into the machine. Only my head peeks out and the light starts moving around my body while the sounds become a little louder.

"You're doing good, keep breathing in and out slowly... There you go, it's over". My body slides back out of the machine and it turns off, the noise leaving place to silence. He really didn't lie when he said it would be fast.

He works on the computer while I sit up and let my legs dangle down, too high up to reach the floor.

The sound of a machine printing reaches my ears and I look up to see the side profile of the doctor. His brown hair falls prettily on his forehead, kind eyes moving around to stare at what he's doing, a pretty nose and those lips... I blink and look away, not believing myself right now. I bring a hand to my heart, trying to control it to beat slower but to no avail.

I turn to see his eyes shining yellow and I mentally hit myself. Great, a vampire. Which means he knows that he makes me nervous. Wonderful.

"You tend to overthink a lot, don't you?" he says out of the blue and I look away to avoid his stare. I mumble under my breath. "Are you going to say that you're a mind reader too now?".

His laugh echos loudly in the room and I feel a smile reach my face. His laugh is... unique.

"No, I'm not a mind reader. But I can see the way your eyes move and the slight frown on your face when you're lost in thoughts. Your heartbeat is also incredibly unstable and that seems to make you uncomfortable, which means it has something to do with what you're thinking about".

I blush and pout, his laugh echoing again as he walks closer to me. "I'm sorry. I'm just teasing. I get a lot of nervous people, you're not the only one to not be a fan of doctors. I have a habit of teasing to get people to feel better".

It's not his job that makes us uncomfortable though... But I won't say that out loud.

"Here, follow me to my office, we'll take a look at the pictures". I jump down on my feet and follow him before taking a seat on the same chair as earlier while he sits on his and places the picture on the table in front of me. He seems to have the same version on his computer because his eyes are staring at it.

I grab the one in front of me and look to see a fissure on one of the bones, something I know to not be normal, even with my very low knowledge on the matter.

"Luckily, it's not too bad. The fissure isn't too deep and nothing else seems to have moved. I'm going to prescribe you some painkillers, anti-inflammatory medicine and a lot of rest. Give this paper to your University, I don't want you to have anything to do with any kind of sports for minimum eight weeks. Don't force too much and take it easy, wear warm clothes too. Give us a call and come back if there's anything wrong and I'll see you here in eight weeks. Any questions?".

I accept the papers from his hands, one being the prescription paper while the other is a message for the school. I anxiously wipe my hands on my clothes.

"About the price... is it going to cost a lot?". He hums and stands up to open the door for me. "I contacted your University. They're going to handle to fee since it was their responsibility, don't worry".

I sigh in relief, grab my papers and leave the room before turning back to him and bowing lowly to thank him. "Thank you very much for today. I didn't expect to be seen so quickly, let alone an x-ray" I tell him before standing straighter again and clutching on my bag.

"It was a pleasure, Y/N. You can take the prescription paper to my pharmacist, he'll handle the rest". He then closes the door and I stand still for a moment before turning around and walking to the counter where the man from earlier is nowhere to be seen.

I set the paper on the counter and decide to take this moment to put the other paper in my bag, opening the front pocket to make it easier to find.

"Hm. Anti-inflammatory medication and painkillers. I'll be right back" I hear from in front of me which startles me and I look up quickly to see the back of the pharmacist as he's already looking around his shelves to find the right medicines.

He's so quiet he almost gave me a heart attack. I close my pocket and slide my bag on my shoulder as I wait for him to give me the prescriptions.

He eventually comes back with two bottles and sets them in front of me. "So, anti-inflammatory tablets, twice a day, one in the morning, one before going to bed. Painkillers, maximum two a day, when needed. Not more than that. If you can handle not taking any, I would recommend you to avoid them. At least for the first two weeks, do try to be consistent with the anti-inflammatory, it'll make it easier for your fracture to heal" he explains and writes some notes on a paper.

He hands it to me and I look at it to see easy to read notes about which one and how often. I smile and look up to thank him. A normal reflex. What I don't expect is for him to already be staring at me.

And our eyes meet.

Right away, without having time to process anything, I get transported away from reality.

I arrive into a room to see this man screaming at someone else, a few bodies surrounding him but I can't see their faces, the focus is on the black haired man.

"I fucking hate her! Do you know how much pain she inflicts to me? I just can't handle it anymore! I'm so fucking tired of everything, tired of her. I just want her gone, forever".

I feel my breath get stuck in my throat, my heart aching so badly and tears tickling at the corners of my eyes.

What is this? Why would he hate me that much? Someone takes him in his arms and he starts crying loudly. The kind of despaired cry that breaks my soul. Am I going to do that to him? I can't.

"I fucking hate her" he whispers again. "Please kill her, anything, just get her away from me".

I'm brought back to reality panting, tears staining my cheeks. I look up to meet his confused eyes, he doesn't seem to know how to feel about what he just saw. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm crying. I don't know.

"You-" he starts but I raise my hand to stop him and shake my head. "I can't. I can't do this" I say and grab the pills before making a beeline for the door. Shit, my shoes.

I quickly sit down, remove the slippers and try to wear my shoes, but my hands are shaking so much, I can't seem to wear them properly. I see feet appear running and stop next to me, but I don't look up.

"What did you see?" he asks, voice deep and pained, I can even hear it tremble a little as he breathes in slowly to stay calm. I shake my head, already feeling tears come back in force and I manage to wear one shoe. One left.

"Y/N, what the fuck did you see?".

Finally, I wear the second shoe and I stand up, about to leave but his hand grabs the sleeve of my arm. I turn back to look at him. His eyes are flickering between pale blue and red, his own emotions visibly shook by the situation.

"What did you see?" he tries again, softer, making use of the fact that I'm not fighting for him to let go of me like he expected.

I feel a lump in my throat and I try to keep eye contact with him, even if it's hard. Because I don't think I'll be able to ever see him again.

"You're going to hate me so much. I guess I'll do something to hurt you, but you'll cry because of me. You'll hate me so much and cry so hard. You'll ask someone to kill me".

His eyes widen in shock, a bright shocked orange taking over and his hand on my arm falls down to his side, releasing me.

I turn back to face the door. "I don't know how many soulmates you have, but please... don't say anything. Don't let them learn that they have such a horrible soulmate, I don't want to hurt you all". I hear him gasp softly, but I don't wait for his reply.

I open the door and leave him behind, feeling tears fall down endlessly. I stare at the sky, grey clouds slowly taking over, getting ready to cry the day away.

I can't take the risk of connecting with the other soulmates too. I saw too many different bodies in the memory. I'm going to have to hide. Luckily, connecting isn't the same as bonding. Me avoiding him is not going to cause him any physical pain.

Instead of walking towards the apartment, I go the other side and head to an eyesight clinic not too far from here. Once I reach the building, I step inside and stop at the counter where someone looks up at me with concerned eyes.

"May I help you? Is everything okay?" she asks softly and I try to force a smile on my face, but judging from her reaction, it must look terrible. But it becomes even sadder when she hears my next words.

"I'd like anti-memory lenses please".

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