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"What are you going to eat?" Taehyung asks me as he stays close, eyes gazing at me with a soft warmth from time to time, which I realize Jimin does too, both acting like bodyguards.

Which is absolutely unnecessary because the bleeding has long since stopped.

"I think I'll just grab a burger and something to drink" I say, to which he hums before ordering for Jimin and himself, then leaving a blank so I can say say my order. What I don't expect though is for him to also pay for me.

"Taehyung, really, if it's because of earlier, you don't have to, I'm capable of paying for my own food" I say but he just shakes his head, leaving Jimin to reply for him when he heads down the counter to wait for the food.

"Taehyung likes to treat people he likes. Consider this... a sign of wanting to be friends with you?". I eye him carefully while following behind the impatient man. "What about you? What do I need to see happen to know if we're friends?". He laughs at my question.

"Consider me laughing at you the earliest of signs. Following you this morning should be the second sign... so I think we've been friends for... a few hours now" he says while looking at the time on his phone with a smirk. I scoff. "So laughing at people means you want to be friends with them? You're quite weird, Jimin".

We reach Taehyung who's laughing and grinning from my comment and he takes the first tray of food, letting Jimin grab the second one. I look at the counter to see that there's nothing left. So I look at the drinks and grab two of them. I won't let myself stay useless. Jimin huffs a laugh and smiles as we head to the table Lisa and Jisoo found while Rosé and Jennie are getting their food at an other stall.

I sit between the girls, not aware of the pout on Taehyung's face and Jimin's nudge against his waist with a small smile, but it doesn't miss Rosé's eyes as she comes back to the table. I set the drinks in front of the guys when I realize it's blood and grab the drink that the tallest man slides in front of me along with my burger.

I see Rosé sit between Jimin and Jisoo while Jennie sits between Taehyung and Lisa. We all get our own food and start eating, not speaking much because of hunger.

Our meals don't last long and soon the table is devoid of any trace of something closely reminding us of food. One would think the table was licked clean.

Obviously, Rosé might be close to a dog but she won't go that far. I don't think so anyway.

Don't tell her I said that.

"So" Rosé starts, a yellow tint to her eyes. Well all turn to her, but her eyes are on Taehyung and Jimin. "Are you guys soulmates?". The two men share a glance and stare at all of us. "I thought it was easy to see" Jimin mumbles but Jisoo shakes her head. "We can have a small idea, but look at us for example, we might be close, but we're not soulmates".

Jennie and I nod, agreeing with her words. We're humans, so we feel things a little different than they do relating to soulmates.

"That makes sense. Well, we are indeed mates. We actually have five more" Taehyung says and our eyes widen. "So you guys are a group of seven mates?!" Lisa exclaims, absolutely shocked, if the orange in her eyes are any indication while Rosé just stares at them, the yellow a pleased tone. I frown at her, just where is she trying to go with this?

"I see. It must be hard to give enough attention to six mates" she says and Jimin starts frowning too, not really knowing where she's going with that. Taehyung, oblivious, just shakes his head with a grin. "Not with your mates! There's something that just makes it impossible to not give them love, the same way they give just as much to you, you'll understand when you'll meet your soulmates" he says, hoping to encourage us to wait for the fateful ones because it's so worth it.

Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa smile at his words, I can see in their eyes how much they hope to experience that one day. Even Rosé seems a little affected by his words, although a pained longing to be loved by her other half showing through her eyes with a mix of grey and pale green.

Pale green. A color I don't see often. It's longing, a raw emotion that comes straight from the heart, a desire that takes roots there and is hard to get rid of.

Because sadly, for Rosé, it's a love that will never happen. She had found her soulmate, but before they could even bond, he died in an accident. When she told me that, it explained why she acted the way she did when we met. She was so hurt that she didn't want to create connections with anyone anymore.

I stare at her until she feels my gaze on her and she turns to me with sad eyes. She looks like she's on the verge of crying. Feeling tears reach my eyes too, I stand up from my sit and reach her side, pulling her away from the table and into a much needed hug.

And she breaks down. Head into the nook of my neck, I can feel her warm tears as her body spams under her strong sobs. I stroke her back in a soothing manner and when I see the girls alarmed, about to come to us, I softly shake my head.

'Not now' I mouth to them and they understand and sit back down, but their eyes don't leave her back, the way her body shakes in my arms. I meet Taehyung and Jimin's eyes and the turquoise in their eyes makes me smile at them. The warmest smile I can manage, because it's not their faults. They smile back, although a little reluctantly, but appreciative of the sentiment.

She calms down and with a few last sniffles, she pulls back from the hug to wipe her face clean. She peers at me from under her eyelashes and smiles. "Thank you" she whispers and I nod, using my thumbs to remove the last trails of tears from under her eyes.

"You don't have to tell them if you don't feel ready, they'll understand" I tell her and she looks at the table briefly before shaking her head. "I'd rather clear any misunderstandings. They deserve to know too" she says and I hum, snuggling to her side as we walk back to the table. Jisoo takes Rosé's place to allow her to sit next to me and once seated, I take her hand in mine to give her strength.

She squeezes back and stares at everyone around the table.

"I'm sorry about this. You see... I already met my soulmate. A few years ago. But before we even got to discover the beauty of being bonded to our mate, he died in a plane crash. It was hard to get through the pain, but I'm better know, I've learned to live for other reasons, to take strength from the love I get from my friends and family. But there's always that hole in my heart that will never be filled" she says and she wipes a stray tears.

I bite my lips to keep my emotions at bay. I wouldn't ever wish that on anyone. The girls stand up to take her into their arms and I see Rosé smile sheepishly, happy for the love she's getting. It makes me glad to see her able to smile even through her pain, it shows that she's growing stronger against her past.

The two men don't say anything, but there's a compassionate light to their eyes, pale blue flashing in support for her.

After the girls settle down and the mood comes back to a happier one, I can't help but yawn loudly, which grabs everyone's attention. "Maybe we should stop the day here and go back home? Getting attacked earlier must have tired you out" Lisa says and I nod while slowly rubbing my eyes.

"I think it's a good idea, I'm really tired. I could sleep right here and now" I mumble, an other yawn leaving my lips, causing Jimin, Taehyung and Jisoo to yawn too. Then Jennie, Lisa and Rosé follow.

I stand up with a chuckle. "Let's get going now before we all end up falling asleep on the table". Jimin giggles cutely and stands up too, Taehyung close behind.

It's with heavy but happy feet that we reach the exit and we gather in groups of who we're leaving with unconsciously. Rosé and I, Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo, then Jimin and Taehyung. I turn to the two men and smile at them, feeling happy that I finally got to know them more than just what their faces look like.

"Today was full of surprises, it was great to spend time with you two" I say and they beam at my words, bright yellow eyes not hiding their happiness. "I'm glad I insisted to leave the house, the others are going to regret staying home" Jimin says with a giggle, but I stare at him in confusion. "Why would they regret?".

The girls chuckle and wrap me in their arms. "Oh, dear Y/N. Have you seen yourself? Of course everyone wants to be your friend" Jennie says with a wide smile but I just turn to her with narrowed eyes. "Then why do I only have you guys as friends?" I retort and she frowns at me.

"Are you saying we're not enough?". I flick her forehead. "You silly girl. You guys are plenty enough for me, I don't need more friends" I say and the girls grin while the two guys pout. I turn to them with a smile. "Of course, you two are included as well. And I'll think about the others as I get to know them too". Taehyung becomes giddy with excitement while Jimin blushes slightly.

"Okay now, we really should go, I don't want to fall asleep on the road" Lisa says while dangling the car keys from her fingers and we all nod, parting ways after one last wave to go our own way. Rosé and I head to her car and she gets into the driver seat while I get into the passenger seat.

Before starting the car, she turns to me with a concerned look. "I'm sorry about today. For what happened with the lost vampire. And for the prank with the makeup" she says and I stare at her in confusion. "Why do you apologize for that? The lost vampire wasn't in our control and for the makeup... well, let's say you owe me one" I tell her and she smiles, a small sweet light of hope on her face as she nods.


Taehyung's POV

As we near our home, I think back to what almost happened with the lost vampire. What would've happened if we didn't get to her when we did. The look of pure panic on Lisa and Rosé's faces when they ran to us after hearing from Jisoo that Y/N fell down. When they asked us if she bled at all, and the blood rushing out of their faces before running to the direction where she went.

What was that all about? I have to admit, her blood smells particularly good, something that awoke my instincts even though my thirst was satiated. That only happened because we were close to her, but it normally shouldn't affect us that much. Her blood is no ordinary blood. Jimin pulls into the driveway and we get out of the car. The sound of it locking reaches my ears as we get to the door.

We enter the house to find Yoongi and Namjoon hanging out in the living room. They turn around with a smile but it falls when they see our expressions. "Did something happen? Was it not fun?" Namjoon asks us and I shake my head before turning to see Jimin with a grim look on his face.

"It was fun" I answer as I turn back to the tall man and he hums. "But?" he adds and I smile sadly. "We met someone there. It was fun, but then she fell and scratched her elbows. The blood... it smells different, hyung, it made me feel hungry even though I had enough for a a few days this morning. We let her go to the clinic alone to avoid doing anything we'd regret, but she was attacked by a lost. We almost didn't reach her in time" I explain and their eyes narrow.

"Who did you meet?" Yoongi asks and Jimin flops down on the couch in his lap, resting his head in his neck. "Y/N, a girl in our school". Namjoon and Yoongi's heads perk up, Yoongi showing orange eyes while Namjoon's are yellow. 

I tilt my head in confusion. I can understand Namjoon's reaction, but Yoongi? "Y/N who?" the oldest asks and Jimin raises his head to stare at him. "Y/N L/N, why?". Yoongi's face becomes white and he stares at the floor for a moment.

"Did you look at her in the eyes?". Jimin, Namjoon and I frown but we all nod. "We did, why? Can't we do that?" Namjoon says and Yoongi gently taps Jimin's knee so he can get up from the couch. Jimin scoots to the side to release our hyung and we see him move to his room and close the door behind him.

"What was that about?" I mumble and turn to see the other two shrugging in confusion.

Yoongi's POV

They crossed eyes with her and didn't see anything? She couldn't possibly do that... or maybe she did. She got the anti-memory lenses. I tense up, body repulsing against the thought that she could close the door voluntarily, but my brain knows why she did. She doesn't want to connect with the others. Since she doesn't know who they are, she's making sure it doesn't happen by mistake.

What she doesn't know, that I'm just now finding out, is that Y/N is already their friends. I sigh and pace around the room. What to do of this situation? I hoped she'd eventually connect with them if I could only manage for them to meet by some curious 'hazard', but I see that's not an option anymore.

How do I get her to see great memories if she's blocking them? Just what is this situation?

I hear a knock on the door and I sigh to calm myself. "Hyung, is everything okay?" I hear Namjoon say from the other side and after making sure my eyes are not betraying me, I open the door and allow him inside.

He goes to my bed and sits down, patting his side for me to sit too. I sigh and do as asked, there's no need to make him even more suspicious.

He turns to me and puts a hand on my knee before giving me worried, pale blue eyes. "What got you so worked up, hyung? You know you can tell me anything" he says in a soothing tone, intent on making me feel secure. I smile and nod at him, but then shake my head. "Thank you, Joonie. But I'm fine. I simply met Y/N at the clinic this week for a fractured pelvis. I was just a little shocked to hear that you guys know her, but also that she got attacked. Was she alright?" I say as I turn to him.

"They say she is. She got a minor wound from the lost vampire but that's it. But a fractured pelvis? How did it happen?" he asks and I shake my head again. "I don't know, Jin didn't say and I don't think he will. You can ask her if she wants to tell you".

We stay quiet for a while before Namjoon stands up from the bed, pulling me softly with him. I smile and stand up on my feet to follow him to the door and out of the room.

"Let's go spend some time with the others" he says and I nod. My thoughts divert back to Y/N. I really hope she's alright, getting attacked by a lost can be pretty traumatic for a human. I wish she could be here with us, so I could hug her and comfort her.

But will it even happen one day? I really want my memory to come true.

Your POV

"Y/N, come take your meds!" I hear Rosé scream and I turn to her quickly with a frown. "You don't need to scream! I'm standing right next to you!" I scream back and her hands dart to cover her ears as she frowns. I grimace at her and she grimaces back.

I take the bottle she hands my way and grab a glass before pouring some juice into it. I take in a deep breath to prepare myself for the gigantic pill and swallow it quickly. It get stuck in my throat and I gag. Fucking shit. I take a bigger sip of the drink and disgust washes over me as I feel it slowly slide down my throat.

I open a teary eye to see Rosé staring at me with a frown. "You okay?" she asks and I nod, still getting over the size of the monster I have to take everyday. "I'm okay, just hate taking pills" I respond and she nods before making me take one more sip to make sure it goes all the way down.

"I wonder if you'll ever grow used to it. How long do you have to take it for?" she asks and I shrug. "A few weeks maybe? I guess once it stops hurting, I can start skipping some doses. I'll just call the doctor if I have questions" I respond and she nods. "Or the pharmacist. It's his job after all" she adds and my shoulders tense at the mention of the man.

"Y-yeah". We clean the kitchen and dishes we used to make dinner and eat, then setting everything in their places before heading to our respective bedrooms. Before closing the door, we both turn around and send each other finger hearts with a giggle.

"Goodnight, Rosé". "Goodnight, Y/N".

I close the door behind me and do my nightly routine before throwing myself onto the bed. I turn on my back and look at my bandaged arm. Today was quite unexpected. Taehyung, Jimin, the lost vampire.

It brings back memories I wish I could keep behind me, but it's hard when everything tries to remind you of the worst time of your life. I sigh and grab my big dog plushie before snuggling into it.

I roll in bed for a long time, sleep making itself foreign to me and I groan. Of course I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

I turn to my bedside table and open the first drawer to get my lavender oil and dab some under the dogs ears. I snuggle back into it, letting the smell soothe me. It smells like mom. With that thought, I fall asleep quickly.

"Hello, young girl. Tell me, what's your name?". I turn around to find a pretty stranger smiling at me. I giggle and jump on my feet. "I'm Y/N! Who are you?" I ask him back and he crouches to be at the same height as me. He's really tall.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N, my name is Kang Daniel. Do you want to be my friend?". I smile widely at him and nod my head quickly. I love making new friends! "Of course I'll be your friend! You must be really lonely to come to me for that, but you'll see, we'll become very close!" I tell him and he chuckles softly. "I'm sure you'll be very helpful, yes".

I open my eyes, heart beating fast in my chest. Kang Daniel. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and step out of bed to look at the time on my phone. 3:00. Of course.

I open my bag to get my notes and decide to study a little to change my mind. The math teacher might be leaving me alone now, but it's no reason to stop learning. I need to keep trying. The next hours are spent revising my notes and trying to solve the damn problems. After managing to get some alright, I close my book and start getting ready for school.

I'm going surprise my Literature teacher yet again, because I won't be late. I look at the time to see it's now 5:30. School starts at 9:00 but I don't want to stay here doing nothing and Rosé will wake up only in two hours.

I write her a message on a paper in the kitchen and decide to leave the building for a walk, maybe grab breakfast somewhere. I'll see after that.

The rising sun's warmth graces the air around me and I breathe in deeply, letting the fresh air enter my lungs. I stretch and groan in satisfaction. No one's around at this hour so I don't really care if I look or sound weird.

And I start walking, unaware of the figure following me from a good distance behind me.

Also here are the notes for you guys as it was asked! I hope it helps!

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