34 | latibule

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latibule (n.)

a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort

* * *

MY anger brought me to the trailhead at Eli's spot—well, more like our spot. I had been there far too many times to simply call it 'Eli's spot.'

Going there ensured that he would come find me sooner or later, but I didn't care. He wouldn't leave me alone until our fight was resolved, so might as well get the apologies over with.

I debated on sitting outside in the pouring rain, but decided against it. The ground was still covered in snow from the nor'easter last week, and it was turning into a muddy brown slush due to the rain.

I'd likely slip and fall off the cliff if I made the trek out there. Potentially dying over a petty fight wasn't worth it, no matter how upset I was.

Instead, I sat in my car, cranking the heat to stay warm.

Drinking my melted milkshake, I relived our conversation turned argument. Was I in the wrong? Was cursing Eli out and ditching him overkill?

No. If anything, it was under-kill.

Eli deserved it for being such an asshole. If he didn't see that what he did was wrong, then he could go fuck himself. Or not—I didn't care what he did.

A loud banging on my window shook me out of my thoughts. I wiped the condensation and saw Eli standing there, a sheepish smile on his mud-caked face.

He rolled his wrist, motioning for me to roll the window down.

I locked the car in response.

He pulled on the door handles and knocked again. "Char, please let me in," his muffled voice begged. "Please? I want to talk. Pretty please, Char, I really wanna talk."

I ignored him.

He pressed his face up to the window, smushing it against the glass. "I know you can hear me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It was uncalled for."

I sat there, trying to keep a stoic face as he made silly faces to get my attention.

"C'mon, you're just going to let me freeze out here? I'm all wet and muddy and cold."

Relenting, I cracked open the window. "And why should I let a wet and muddy idiot into my clean and dry car?"

"Because... Because you're a good person and I'll love you forever?"

I sighed and hit the unlock button. "Get in the car, Cameron."

He comically dashed over to the passenger seat and flung himself into the car, probably worried that I'd lock him out if he took too long.

I kept my face impassive as he invaded my personal space, giving me ridiculously cute puppy dog eyes. "Pwease forgive me?"

He had a lot of nerve. Acting like a literal child took all the sincerity out of his already half-assed apology.

"You're not going to say anything?" he asked.

I reached over and punched him weakly in the chest.

He didn't even flinch as my fist slammed into his left pec. "Alright, I definitely deserved that."

I wanted to use more force and hurt him, but it was like my brain blocked me from doing so. I was pissed off at Eli, but I still didn't want to see him in pain.

So, I gave him another punch.

Again, he didn't even move a muscle. He sat there, a small smile on his face as he witnessed my annoyance.

I punched him again for the smug look.

"You done attacking me yet?"

I huffed and pinched the skin on his arm.

"Okay, it was cute the first time, but you're being annoying now."

I snorted derisively.

"Am I just gonna be talking to myself? I'm not a big fan of the silent treatment we have going on right now."

"Well, I'm not a big fan of you right now," I mumbled. "I'd like you to go away, but we can't always get what we want."

He threw his hands up. "She speaks!"

The thin ice he was standing on started to melt under the fiery gaze I directed him.

"Tough crowd," he chuckled. "Look Char, I'm sorry for hurting you. Actually, I'm sorry to the moon and back. I know I fucked up, and I really hope you can forgive me. Do you think you can?"

"Maybe," I muttered. He still had a lot more apologizing to do. "But that alone isn't enough. I admit that I was overreacting a little, but you overreacted a lot. A simple sorry doesn't cut it."

"I know. I wasn't done. Uh, I'll start with the SGSU stuff... I'm sorry for overreacting. Trust me, I am aware that you're an independent woman and are free to do whatever the fuck you want. I guess it just hurt my ego when I found out that Ben knew about it before I did. And the jealousy came out the wrong way."

"You know there's absolutely nothing to be jealous about, right?" I interjected. "Ben is one of my best friends and you need to deal with it. He knows a ton of shit about me that you don't even know. I'm not obligated to tell you every little thing, no matter how much you think you deserve to know."

"That's not helping," he grumbled.

"Shut it," I replied curtly. "If your fragile male ego can't handle not being number one, you can go. I already have a toxic father to deal with. I have no desire to add another toxic male to the list."

He shook his head emphatically. "I'll work on it. I pinky promise."

He held out his pinky, but I disregarded it.

While his apology was more than sufficient, I needed to set a precedent. He was like a puppy—if I let him get away with it now, he'd realize he could get away with just about anything.

I needed to show him that I was in control.

He sighed, running his fingers through his stringy, muddy hair. "Okay, I guess I shoulda known you wouldn't make it that easy... I'm also sorry for what I said about our friendship status. It was totally uncalled for and I agree that I was being an asshole. If I could take it back, I would in an instant."

I nodded along.

"Is there anything else I need to be sorry for?" he asked, smiling innocently at me.

I glared at him.

"Okay, okay. I guess I'm sorry for that too."

"You guess?" I teased.

The color drained from his face. "Oh, shit. I don't guess. I am sorry. Very, very sorry."

I cracked a smile.

"So all's forgiven? I don't want to have this hanging over my head during states. I'll be so off my game knowing you're pissed at me."

"Then don't do stuff to piss me off. It's that easy."

"Noted... We good, though?"

"I think so," I said, trying to play it cool. What I really wanted to do was crawl in his lap and shower him with kisses. I didn't even care about the mud that was all over his shirt. And that's saying something, considering the fact that I absolutely hated getting my clothes dirty.

"You think so?" he teased. I shot him yet another unimpressed look. "Too soon, got it."

"Yep," I exhaled, a ghost of a smile forming on my face.

"I'm still going to make it up to you."

I half-shrugged. "You can start with cleaning my car. I like presents and chocolate, too."

He cringed as he noticed the clumps of mud he accidentally tracked inside. "Fuck. I don't know how that got there." He scratched the back of his head.


"Yeah. Mud must have been falling out of the sky or something. It's crazy."

"Sure. You totally didn't faceplant when you chased me in the parking lot."

He scoffed, "Me? Face-planting? Now that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it? Very unathletic of me."

"Very," I laughed.

"Uh, you didn't get a video, did you?" he asked, voice wavering with uncertainty.

Hmm, Mr. Big Shot was scared of souring his big, bad reputation.

"Maybe," I lied. "I don't share it if you're nice."

"Fuck." His eyes darted around the car. "Uh..."

I subtly moved my phone under my butt, so he couldn't take it. "Don't even think about taking my phone."

"Pfft, I was just looking for a tissue."

"You wanna add lying to the list of things you need to make up for? That's going to be a shit ton of presents," I joked. "You'd better start saving up."

"So be it. I like giving presents. Especially to you."

"Good. I like receiving presents."

"Well, looks like I'm going to have to spoil you even more."

"In all seriousness, you don't need to get me anything," I said. "I'm not mad anymore. I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have left you out in the rain or lied to you. It was a shitty move and I'm sorry. If anything, I should be the one buying you presents."

"But I want to buy you presents," he pouted those lips I was dying to kiss. "I'm going to make it up to you."

"Okay, fine," I sighed, theatrically rolling my eyes. "I guess I could be mad at you again."

"I'm sorry for whatever I did," he grinned, eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Get out of my car, you asshole," I said, voice lacking conviction. "Go before I call the cops."

"Okay, I'm going."

"Wait," I broke character, holding out my arms, "gimme a hug first."

His strong arms wrapped around me for a lingering embrace.

"I gotta go now—for real," he breathed. "Later, loser."

"Bye, bitchface."

* * *

A/N: Thanks for reading chapter 34! Don't forget to vote, comment, and add BOHB to your reading lists! 💚 Sorry this chapter was so short. The next 4 are going to be super long, so get ready!! Everything you guys have been waiting for is about to happen! 😉

QOTC: do you consider cereal to be a soup?

My Answer: Nope. Imo, a soup has to be hot. Cereal = cold = not a soup

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