48 | erlebnisse

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erlebnisse (n.)

the experiences, positive or negative, that we feel most deeply, and through which we truly live; not mere experiences, but Experiences

* * *

GRADUATION came in the blink of an eye, and I didn't like it one bit. I hated endings almost as much as I loathed surprises. And there was just cause to—my time at Haven Beach High was almost over.

Yeah, I had senioritis and wanted high school to be over, but I wasn't ready for the bittersweet ending of my era at Haven Beach High. The school year had been perfect, and I just started to enjoy going. All I wanted were a few more days to soak it all up before it disappeared forever.

I wasn't granted my wish—if anything, our last week of high school flew by even faster.

"Seniors, line up in alphabetical order!" Vice Principal Gomez shouted on the morning of graduation. "You are taking your seats in five minutes."

"Well, I guess this is it," I said, rapidly fanning my face to dry the tears before they ruined my makeup. "We're graduating."

"Don't cry," Eli whispered, giving me a side hug. "This changes nothing. I pinky promise."

"No, it'll change everything," I sniffed.

After graduation, our friend group would be splitting up. Aubrey and I would be off at Copley; Ben, Eli, and Ethan would be off at Revere. The five of us would at least be in the same city. Opposite ends of the city, but the same city nonetheless. That didn't subdue the hurt of losing Delaney and Lorelei to New Hampshire, and Aliyah to North Carolina.

So, yeah, this changed everything.

"How? I'll still love you. We have the whole summer and our whole lives ahead of us."

I delicately wiped the corner of my eye and said, "It won't be the same. We're all going to separate schools. I'll miss everyone, you especially."

"We're separating for a brief amount of time. I'll still be there to be a pain in your ass. I'll find new ways to annoy you from a few miles away."

"You okay, Char?" Aubrey asked.

I nodded wordlessly, knowing that if I spoke again, the tears would come gushing out.

"She's just a little nervous," Eli explained to everyone while rubbing the small of my back.

"Scared they won't give you a diploma?" Ben taunted.

Delaney snorted, "If anyone should be scared, it's you."

"Yeah," Eli said, turning to look Ben in the eyes, "Ben, when they hand you the diploma, whatever you do, don't stop walking across that stage. They'll probably change their minds if you don't get out of there quick enough."

"Dude, he's too stupid to understand," Ethan snickered, "Just remember 'diploma and dip.'"

"You guys are so mean," Aubrey groaned. "Give poor Ben a break."

"Thank you, Aubrey," Ben exclaimed. "And for everyone's information, I didn't fail astronomy. I ended with a fifty-two percent. There's no need for them to take the diploma back."

"Only because I persuaded Lorelei into helping you cheat on the final," Delaney snickered.

"Shut up," he seethed. "I don't want Gomez hearing that."

"Hear what, Benjamin?" Vice Principal Gomez asked from behind us.

Gulping, Ben spun around to face her, "Nothing Ma'am, except for how much I loved going to school here. Uh, I didn't want you to know 'cause I like to pretend that I hate school. So, please—por favor, Señora—don't tell anyone."

She rolled her eyes, "Go get in line before I tell Mrs. Ling to change that astronomy grade."

Ben visibly deflated as he started to scurry away.

"And Benjamin?" she asked, leaning toward him, "Between you and me, I didn't hate you as much as I pretended to. Your shenanigans made my day, so I guess I owe you thanks and good luck in your future endeavors. Try to stay out of jail for me."

"Oh, uh, thanks. And thanks for not expelling me," he mumbled.

"You're welcome. Now scram—all six of you—before I tell Principal Matthews to shred your diplomas."

Eli and I shared one last hug before we parted ways. He went off to the C-section as I followed Ethan and Delaney to the H-section.

After we marched into the gym and took our seats, Delaney tried to switch seats with Maggie Harmon next to us, but got busted and had to go back to her assigned spot. Mrs. Gomez wasn't about to let anyone destroy her perfect alphabetical order.

We listened with varying ranges of attentiveness while the principals and teachers made the obligatory commencement speeches. I would have fallen asleep if it weren't for the stifling heat in the air conditioner-less gym.

My attention was recaptured when the students at the beginning of the alphabet started receiving their diplomas. Finally.

The principal's voice boomed through the speakers when it was Eli's turn. "Elliot Ash Cameron. Graduating with honors and a full ride to Revere College. Majoring in business communications and playing football."

I cheered the loudest of all (save for Mads) as Eli walked across that stage. Catching his eye, I blew him a kiss.

I watched with disinterest as more of my classmates and acquaintances walked across the stage.

"H last names, you're up!" Mrs. Gomez announced quietly, motioning for our row to stand.

"You ready?" Ethan whispered as we rose from our seats and followed the line to the stage.

"No," I admitted. "I don't think I'll ever be ready to leave this behind... What about you?"

He shrugged. "Sorta. I'm just excited for the party later."

"Stop talking, Hansons," Mrs. Gomez hissed.

We stood there in silence, waiting for our turns.

"Charlotte Elizabeth Hanson," Principal Matthews said into the microphone. "Graduating with honors and majoring in journalism at Copley University."

I stepped onto the stage and walked to Principal Matthews. I glanced out at the crowd, looking for my family. They were in the frontmost row for family members, screaming and cheering me on. My mom was waving my camera around with one hand and doing a weird clap with the other.

I searched the rows of students for Eli. Sure enough, he was grinning and screaming his head off.

Principal Matthews handed me my diploma and shook my hand. "Congratulations, Charlotte."

"Thank you," I murmured, flipping my tassel to the left. As Ethan's name was announced, I hurried back to my seat to watch the rest of the ceremony.

Forty minutes later, our entire class had walked and received diplomas. Principal Matthews gave a final closing speech before we were freed from the humid gym.

As soon as I got outside, I made a beeline for Eli. He was waiting for me on the sidewalk, already holding his arms out for me to jump into them.

"I love you," I whispered into his neck as he hoisted my legs around his waist.

He kissed my forehead. "I love you, too... And I love you in a white dress."

"Don't get any ideas, mister," I chided softly.

"What? I was just complimenting your dress. You look beautiful."

"Thank you. And you look handsome," I smiled, pressing my puckered lips onto his cheek.

"This is cute and all," Eli's mom said, "but, can we get some normal pictures before Char's lipstick gets all over his face?"

Eli set me down as Mads came running out of the gym, Mr. Cameron and Jacob hot on her tail.

"Charlie," Mads screamed. "Congrats! You look so pretty in your dress!"

"Thanks, Mads. You look really pretty too," I said as her arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Mommy, take pictures of me and Charlie."

"What about me?" Eli pouted.

"It'll be your turn later, Ellie. Go take pictures with Jakey."

My mom made her way over, and the adults started pushing us together to take hundreds of pictures. After taking pictures with their respective families, Ben, Ethan, Delaney, Aliyah, and Lorelei were added into the mix.

* * *

An hour later, the entire senior class made its way to Delaney's house. I didn't know how she got her parents to agree to the party, but somehow they caved and even decided to cater the whole thing.

There were various food trucks set up in the cul-de-sac. In her backyard, the pool area was decorated with graduation balloons and banners. Their strip of the beach was cleared off, and towels were set up for people to bask in the sun.

Our group gathered by the poolside after helping Delaney set everything up.

"I can't believe it's over," Aliyah said. "We were baby freshmen just yesterday."

"And now we're going off to college and getting thrown into the real world," Aubrey finished.

"We still have the whole summer," I reminded them. "Three whole months."

"Two for me and Eli," Ben grumbled.

Eli and Ben had to move in during the first week of August, while the rest of us didn't need to arrive on our respective campuses until the end of August.

All of the athletes at Revere—including the football players—moved into the dorms a month earlier than the rest of the student body. They needed to start their training and practices before the season kicked off in the first week of the semester.

Being away from Eli for an entire month would be torture, but we would survive. At least texting, calling, and FaceTiming were viable options.

"Sixty-one days aren't enough for you?" Ethan asked.

"Nope. Not enough time to spend with the ladies," Ben said as he flexed his muscles.

"C'mon," Eli said. "You'll find enough jersey-chasers at Revere. I'll even help you."

"Pardon me?" I butted in.

Eli smiled weakly. "Help as a wingman. As in making sure he's safe. I won't be talking to any girls, except you."

"Mhmm, I sure hope so."

"Hey, don't you worry your pretty little head. I love you. Elotte forever and ever—I pinky promise. Why would I whore around like Ben when I have all I want right here?" he booped my nose and gave me a cheeky smile.

"Shut the fuck up dude," Ben groaned. "We don't need to hear how pussy-whipped you are. Learn how to tone that down before the parties."

"I'm not pussy-whipped."

"That's like saying the sky is green," Aliyah snorted. "You're gonna get ripped to shreds by your future teammates. I wish I could be around to see it."

"Don't worry," Ben said. "I'll post it all on Twitter and TikTok to my millions of followers."

"Deflate your ego while you're at it," Delaney quipped.

"Okay, I'm pussy-whipped, but you guys don't know what you're missing," Eli wisely responded.

"Yeah, Ben. Someday you'll fall in love and regret making fun of us," Ethan added, wrapping his arm around Aubrey's waist.

"Whatever, losers," Ben scoffed as he stood up and cannonballed into the pool. "You guys coming in?"

Eli and Ethan stood up, but us girls stayed on our towels.

"C'mon, Char," Eli said as he picked me up.

I writhed in his hold, trying to escape his strong arms. "No, put me down."

"Don't be a wuss," Ben shouted, sending a large splash of water our way.

"I don't wanna get my hair wet," I whined as Eli held me over the edge. "Don't you dare drop me, Elliot Ash."

He pretended to almost drop me. "Or what?"

"Or you'll be finding yourself a new girlfriend. Maybe one of those jersey chasers?"

He instantly set me down on the edge. "I'm good. No thanks."

"Smart choice." I sat down, dipping my toes in the water.

With a smirk, he jumped in the pool, accidentally splashing me. "Whoops. I made you wet."

"Yeah, I'm so wet," I deadpanned, motioning to the little bit of water he got on my legs.

"That's what she said," Ben snickered as snatched two noodles. "Let's do a sword fight."

"I'm down," Eli said, grabbing one and whipping Ben's face.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool, goofing off and living life to the fullest. I was riding such a high, I didn't even get mad when Eli climbed on my back and made me do chicken fights with him.

After the emotional storms of the past few months, I was beyond thankful for the warmth of the sun.


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