Meeting Him

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The torture of work finally paid off when I slammed into my comfortable bed. A tired groan escaped from my lips as I looked at the time. I don't quite remember but I think it was around 9 or 10 at night. All was silent until.... Riiing. Riiiing. Riiiiing.
I looked at the caller ID to see it was my friend Susan.
"Hello?" I answered groggily
"Go on Omegle right now!!"
"Just do it. Type in markiplier as one of the things you're interested in and see if you can meet him."

But I'm not interested in him, I wanted to say. I just did as I was told. I reached for my MacBook and typed in Omegle. I hesitated before I continued. There could be creeps on this website. I...I don't know if I should do this. Susan hung up the phone five minutes before I pressed NEXT to proceed.
I'll do it for Susan for whatever odd reason she wants me to do this.

(Time skip)
My fingers cramped at how many times I clicked the button to take me to the next person. Do people really waste there time on a 1.2% chance of actually meeting this guy on Omegle? Person after person. Fan after fan. Disappointment after disappointment. I decided to give my fingers a rest after I clicked the button for the last time. I looked down at my hurting index finger, not paying attention to the computer or any other surroundings.

"Hello, my name is Markiplier." The computer screen said in a very low but soft voice. My ears perked up and so did my head. I looked at the man with red dyed hair, black rimmed glasses, and headphones. I couldn't believe it.
I stood there.
Staring at this man I don't even know.
And I felt a weird feeling start in my stomach.
"H-Hi." I said shyly. My cheeks turned red when he tilted his head to the side like a puppy dog.
"I don't think you know me, do you?" He asked as his face subtly fell in emotion.
I shook my head slowly.
"I've heard about you but I haven't really got interested. Not that you're not interesting! Well I mean, I know nothing about you. I'd like to! Oh fuck that sounds weird. Um...What I'm trying to say is, I've never seen any of your videos BUT I would get into it probably if I watched them." My cheeks burned even more. I'm making a fool out of myself.
"No need to be nervous." He softly spoke as if reading my thoughts. His's
"I'm not nervous.....yeah I'm nervous."
He chuckled. His laugh was even better. My legs felt weak and my heart raced. What's happening to me.
"So, how's your day been so far?" He asked. I realized he's trying to start a conversation so I played along.
"Pretty good. I rode the ponies of Equestria and I followed a unicorn to the end of the rainbow and found a pot of gold there. It was a pretty dope 22 hours of my day wasted basically."
He laughed at this.
"You're funny!" He said raking his hair with his fingers.
My heart skipped a beat as he softly giggled. He knew he was making me feel this way. He knew he was being cute. He knew all of it. And I was mildly pissed that it messed around with me like that.

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