Night of the Man-Wolf part 2

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Spider-Woman was swinging through the city she so dearly loved and protected, determinedly searching for whatever beast dared to cross her path. She still had yet to spot anything unnatural or animalistic, anything like she's faced in the past. Since she couldn't find anything yet, she decided to sit on the ledge of a building and wait it out, see if anything turned up. As she sat, she took a minute to admire the brightly lit moon in the darkened sky, It wasn't quite full but it was a sight to see. It also brought her back to what Stacie said about the possibility of a werewolf earlier and Beca thought on how ironic it would be if it did turn out to be one.

She was pulled outta her thoughts by the dinging of her phone in her bad, just remembering that she didn't bring her earpiece with her. She let out an irritated sigh from forgetting the earpiece before pulling her phone outta her bag, seeing the caller I.D. showing "Australian Dragon", which meant Fat Amy, and showed a picture of the two of them with Jesse. She swiped the screen and put it up to her ear to hear her best friend screaming.

"Beca! Thank God, Chloe was just taken!" she shouted, sending panic through the vigilante.

"Taken? W-What do you mean" she stuttered in fear.

"That thing your looking for, Stacie was right! It is a werewolf! Or at least looked like one" she shouted. "It just came by, swooped her up and ran off!"

Beca was scared for her fiancee, not knowing what could've happened to her or where she was taken. "Any idea where they went?" she quickly asked.

"No, I don't-wait, the news is saying the same thing that attacked the launch shuttle is attacking the Brooklyn Bridge! Hello? Beca?"

The brunette was already making her way to the Brooklyn Bridge before Amy could finish, she didn't even hang up the phone. She just threw it in the bag, stuck it to the side of the building and hauled ass to the bridge. It was barely even minutes before she made it to the bridge, there she saw people running and screaming to get away from whatever was attacking them. She ordered Karen, the suit lady, to activate enhanced vision mode, which revealed the growling beast terrorizing the bridge with Chloe in it's grasp.

She was relieved to see she was still alive, for whatever reason it was keeping her around for she didn't wanna know. She just knew she had to get that thing off the bridge, because A. Surrounded by people, let alone Chloe, and B. A fight on the bridge was a slight disadvantage for her, especially against something that freaking huge. She would just hafta plan as she went and started swinging along the bridge.

As the Man-Wolf growled and thrashed at everything in it's sight, while making sure the ginger didn't sneak away, a boy who got separated from his mother was hiding behind a car. He was very close to where the giant animal held his ground and peaked over to see his mother further down the bridge with two men tryna hold her back from rushing back to danger. Desperate to return to her and seeing it as his only way to sneak by, the boy climbed on the edge of the bridge and started to slowly crawl his way past the scary monster. It had it's backed turned to the boy, thankfully, which bought him some time. Chloe peaked over her shoulder to see the boy sneaking by, made sure the beast was still preoccupied and then urged him to get down, go back and hide, but of course he wouldn't listen.

By the time the boy was halfway across, the Man-Wolf saw him and snarled at his new prey. Outta fear, the boy instinctively jumped off, not realizing where he was and screamed as he fell. But then, he was scooped up by the heroic figure his mom told him about. "It's alright kid, I gotchu" she sweetly soothed as she swung the boy back to his mother on the bridge. The woman cried as the hero returned her son to her and thanked her before rushing away, the boy giving an astonished look and a nervous wave as he was carried away.

"Listen to ur mom kid! She knows best" spidey called, watching the two rush away. She turned back to see the best hovering over her frightened fiancee, causing her blood to boil. "Hey Taylor Lautner!" she called, grabbing his attention. "Halloween is a long way off you know!" she mocked and the beast snarled in retaliation.

The next thing she knew, the gigantic wolf tossed an entire car at her. She shot a web to quickly run up and flip over the car and landed on another car that was still sitting flat on the street. She shot a web at the wolf to drag him further away from the ginger, but instead was yanked into a big hairy fist that sent her crashing into a car. She clenched her jaw as she slowly stood before she dodged the flying car door that her spidey senses alerted her of. This thing was too big, too strong and too aggressive, she would hafta use her creativity to put up a fight.

But, the car door thing suddenly gave her an idea. "Try that again and see what happens!" she challenged as if it could understand her. She didn't actually know if it could or not, but it did nonetheless, ripping a car door out and tossing it at the assailant. She didn't quite jump over it this time, more like stepping aside to let it fly by before catching it with her webs and bringing it back to her attacker. The door smashed right into the monster's gut and crashed it into the car behind it, bringing the beast to it's knees.

When it faced back up, the protector was gone. The Man-Wolf scanned every inch of the bridge for it's prey. "HASTA LA VISTA DOGGY!" she called as she came down from the bridge towers and swung into a kick, knocking the monster off the bridge and into the river below. "I hope you know more than doggy pattle" she joked from the edge of the bridge before hopping down to assist her fiancee. "You ok babe?" she asked as she slowly helped her back to her feet.

"Always am with you here" she smiled. "You never disappoint to impress a girl by saving her with fancy moves, and not so bad one-liners" she joked.

"Woman you know you love-" she was cut off when her suit's enhanced vision revealed the Man-Wolf crawling outta the water and into the city. "Shit that thing is getting away" she quickly stated.

"Ok go and hey," she made sure to make something clear before she left. "Make it quick, because ur graduation gift is also a saving my life gift now" she husked before placing a kiss on beca's mouth.

"I'll be there" she quickly and very determinedly nodded before taking off, swinging along the bridge before reaching the city and scanned the area to which she could only assume was where the creature might be.

She scouted the buildings around the area she saw the wolf flee to. At first she didn't find anything, then heard snarls and growls down a huge alleyway. She swung down to the alley where the noises were coming from and found the big grey beast crawling up the side of a building. "Hello again, ya big ugly bitch" she quietly snarked in a threatening tone, feeling very vengeful over the fact that this thing kidnapped and terrorized her future wife before swinging into action.

She intended to kick the animal off the wall, but it was smart enough to slide down the wall before she could make contact. She was now right above the angry beast, she just barely managed to dodge the sharp claws it swung at her before pouncing off the wall to avoid the predator pouncing on her. However, once she landed on the wall, and not one second after turning around, it lunged at her again, this time pinning her against the wall. She struggled to break free as it held her against the concrete surface, snarling at her with sharp fangs drooling with hunger.

"Oh my God, dude couldn't you have gotten a breath mint or something?" she grimaced before the animal raised it's claw with the intention to tear her face off. Spider-Woman was able to break free of it's grip in time to slid down the wall herself and avoid the hit. She then jumped back to the wall across, closely followed by the Man-Wolf. She jumped to a large and very thick pipe attached to the wall to avoid the next pounce, the force behind her fly and the strength of her grasp causing the pipe to detach before the Man-Wolf came by and smacked it the rest of the way.

Spidey clutched to the pipe as it fell before the upper end, the one she was closer to, hit the wall of the next building and forcing it to stop. She swung up to a guarded stance on the pipe, watching as the beast showed it's fangs and readied for it's next attack. "Come on boy, here boy" she said in a playful voice while patting her thighs, just like a dog owner would. The creature then jumped at her again with claws out and ready, but missed as spidey dropped below it's path and caused it to bounce off the wall. She then yanked him back with her webs before jumping up and driving her knee into the monster's spine, this time sending it's head crashing right through the wall.

Spidey capitalized on it's injured state and jumped on it's back, tightly wrapping her arms around it's neck in the hopes of putting it to sleep. The hulk-like terrorizer doing everything it can to rid itself of the vigilante on it's back, from swinging around to throw her off to reaching back to pull her off, but only managed to barely scratch her back. Since it couldn't get her off without falling flat on the floor below, it forced itself off the wall and slammed itself, and spidey, into the other wall. Spidey was briefly knocked out as she and the wolf fell, spidey landing on a steep ledge, that was just big enough to catch her, on the building's side and the wolf clutching her arm with one hand and the wall with the other. She let out a painful grunt as the force that nearly tore her arm off brought her back to consciousness.

She knew she would lose the arm, or even get killed, if she didn't get the beast off soon. Although, there really wasn't anything she could do without either losing the arm or falling off with the beast. But in a last minute effort, she was able to pull out the arm that was stuck between her and the building and ordered her to activate the taser webs. She made a mental note that this was gonna suck and prepared herself before firing off, sending an electric string of voltage that shot right through the animal and herself. It worked though, the beast loosened his grip and fell all the way to the concrete floor below. The brunette tried regain her breath and clear the cobwebs in her head as all she could do was lay there on the ledge and hope to whatever God and heaven she hoped there was to make the pain go away.

"Man that shit really works" she said to herself in a strained voice.

"The taser webs is one of the top ten most effective web shooter combinations in the suit" Karen, the suit lady, stated.

"Yea I got that, thankyou" she replied, her voice still strained with the amount of pain she felt, as she slowly sat up on the ledge and began reloading the cartridges in her shooters. "I hope Tony has some damn good healing tech, cos I'm not missing my graduation gift on the count of sabertooth down there" she stated before hearing another growling noise from below, that damn thing was still alive. "Awe what the hell?! What does it take-*angrily groans while sitting back* you know Karen sometimes I really hate this job" she shook her head.

That's understandable, considering the fact you don't even get paid for this.

"Well I mean Chloe pays me, just not with money" she pointed out.

Rather with sex

".....Yea, that's pretty much it" she nodded. She then let out a long, frustrated sigh, knowing she would hafta keep fighting that monster. "Alright, let's go slay the beast, or at least try to" she rolled her eyes.

Don't worry Beca, you got this

"Thanx Karen" she laughed before jumping down to the flat surface of the alleyway.

Once down there, she found no sign of the vicious beast that she's been spending the night going to war with instead of enjoying her graduation with her fiancee like she should be. With this in mind, she was even more pissed off than a second ago, first finding out that thing isn't dead and then can't find it anymore. She did however find the huge dent in the ground where the animal crash landed and left a bloody trail behind it. The vigilante followed the trail to an exposed manhole further down the alley, then took a deep breath to ready herself for what awaited her in the dark tunnels. She jumped down and landed on a flat platform with fist clenched and all senses on alert, not letting her guard down for a minute.

Beca ordered Karen to activate her mask's night vision mode so she could seek out her adversary in the dark before she stepped off the platform and made her way down a subway tunnel. Her new vision also came with heat recognition so she could see the blood trail and which direction it led to. She followed it's direction further down the tunnel, moving slowly and swiftly, checking every part of the dark tunnel and making sure that thing wasn't hiding or looking to pounce her again. She didn't see anything for a minute, so she checked the blood trail again and saw that it was leading to another direction. She was looking to see where else it led to until a train sped by, blocking the rest of the trail.

Spider-Woman anxiously awaited and readied herself for when the train sped by. Once it did, her senses kicked into high gear as the snarling creature shot right at her. She back flipped to avoid the pounce, causing the animal to get himself shocked again by landing on the center rail. Then the attacker tripped back over another rail and landed hard on every piece of steel beneath him. Spider-Woman used her web to gain a higher momentum before landing hard the wolf's chest and landing furious shots to the carnivore's snout and the side of it's face. However, it was quick to fight back, swatting her away with it's huge hand.

The Man-Wolf jumped back to all fours and lunged at the hero again. She shot up to the tunnel's ceiling to avoid the hit, but the aggressor was quick to follow. The brunette swung along the tunnel to avoid it's hits and eventually turned the tides to knock it back down. She was looking to capitalize on her attack by swinging back into a kick, but ran into a hard right punch that sent her bouncing off the next oncoming train and smacking into the wall. She was then tackled to the wall by the giant wolf, one hand holding her in place and the other looking to tear into her.

Spider-Woman put all her strength into forcing the monster away and escaping death. She used her fist to push back against the clawed hand that threatened to tear her face off and her foot to push at the beast's chest so it wouldn't bite her while her other hand tried to pull away the giant paw that held her in place. But it was no use, it was too big and too strong for her, there was nothing she could do to fight back and no train to speed in and knock it away. All she could do was stay there and watch as it's claws and it's teeth inched closer and closer until one or the other ripped into her flesh.

But once it was mere inches away from her, spidey noticed something she didn't see before, A bright red stone that shined right below the animal's throat. Seeing it as a last minute chance at survival, the vigilante swayed it's hand away before grabbing onto the stone and ripping it out with all her might. As soon as she did, the Man-Wolf jumped back and painfully roared as it collapsed and began to violently shake. It seemed like it was starting to deform into something else, either a human form or it was dying. After a minute a covering her ears to protect her hearing from the extremely loud and unholy noises coming from the beast, she got her answer when it turned into a regular human being.

"Thank God for silence! Damn it's about time this shit was over with" she frustratedly hollered, looking down to see a naked male form lying on the tracks. "Oh well that's a nice image, then again I guess it's better than the one you had earlier" she rolled her eyes as she tried not to look at the image in front of her. The person the wolf turned into began to slowly rise and turned to face the masked hero with a freaked expression. Beca's eyes buldged when she saw who it really was.

"Tom?!" she announced in shock before her fiancee's ex-lover ran down the tunnel. Beca gave a quick glance at the red object in her hand, very curious as to what it could be. But then remembered the task at hand and chased Tom down the tunnel. She was coming up to the next station when she heard hollering and people laughing and shouting all at once. Spidey stuck to the ceiling of the tunnel and crawled to check the commotion. She saw Tom struggling against two police officers who were placing him under arrest and tried to keep herself laughing at out loud.

"No please, I'm telling you this wasn't my fault. You can't do this! Do you know who I am?!" he shouted angrily as the cops pulled him away.

"I guess when I called the wolf a bitch, that was true in more ways than I thought" she laughed.

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