Taking a stand for each other

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A/N: hello readers! Sorry if this came a few days later than u hoped but like I said I'm simultaneously doing this and another story and plus stuff in my life happens so thankyou all for ur patients and enjoy this next one-shot. This is going to be a rewriting of the scene in pp1 where Beca returns to the Bellas after they've reentered the tournament, only a scenario where beca returns earlier than in the movie and things go differently.

This must have been one of the most confusing times in Beca's life, in fact this whole damn first year of college had been confusing. First she didn't want to be here, then started loving it here. First singing wasn't her thing, then she somehow joins an acappella group. First she didn't really care about the group or anything it involved, then all she wanted was for her and her fellow singers to win win win. But the biggest and most confusing matter of all was this, when all of this started, she was as straight as an arrow. But then, she met this bubbly redhead that just made her question everything. That girl, Chloe Beale, when beca thought of it was actually the cause of all of this, she turned her world completely upside down and not even beca could deny how much chloe had changed her. When beca thought about it, getting to see that cheerful ginger, no matter what else was happening around them, was always the highlight of her day.

Beca wasn't fully sure if she really was in love with Chloe, but she knew for a fact that she loved being around her and hated being away from her. If only she could talk to her, she wasn't big on discussing feeling but if she could talk to chloe, she might be able to actually find out. But that didn't seem to matter anymore, they lost and got kicked outta the tournament, not to mention beca wasn't exactly in a cheerful mood when she last saw the ginger. She more than likely hated her at this point. She just wish she could see her one last time and at least leave things on good terms if nothing else, but that wasn't gonna happen. Acappela was over and Chloe wasn't gonna speak to her ever again.

At least, that's what beca thought until she received a text from the redhead informing her that one of the other teams go disqualified and they were back in it. Which was great, but why did chloe text beca? Did she really want her back in it? Was Aubrey gonna be happy about this? Why would Chloe even want her back? Beca was almost too afraid to see for herself, absolutely nothing seemed to make sense at this point. She didn't even know what she wanted at this point, what she needed was someone to talk to, and the only person she could was her dad.

He actually took the news of her questioning her sexually better than she feared and was great at listening to everything that was troubling his daughter's mind. He offered some great advice to which the brunette took in very seriously. She had to stop putting up her walls and stop worrying about the outcome, just go for it. So it was settled, she was going to get back with the bellas and make things right. She wasn't going to like having to deal with Aubrey again but Chloe would've made it all worth it, beca just needed to suck it up and do what she had to. Although, Beca still had a lot of unanswered questions, but hopefully her remainder with the bellas would sort out all of them.

She made a quick pitstop by her friend Jesse's dorm room, she had to apologize for how she acted and let him know that he was a really great guy, but that she was interested in somebody else right now, another girl to be exact. He seemed to handle it well and all was forgiven, he even wished her luck and promised they would still be friends before she headed off to the rehearsal hall. Once there, she saw the bellas all sitting on the bleachers while Aubrey handed them flyers, and standing next to her was the gorgeous redhead herself. Chloe turned to see the brunette hesitantly make her way to the rest of the group. She smiled in surprise and grinned that wide, bright, beautiful grin of hers before everyone else caught what she was looking at, even Aubrey.

"Bec-what...what are you doing here? This is a bellas rehearsal" she glared in an almost threatening manor.

Before she could reply, Chloe cut in. "I texted her" she exclaimed. "She makes us better" she added when aubrey gave her a confused and yet frustrated look.

"That's not ur opinion to have chloe" she snarked, somehow calmly

"Why, because it's not your? Ur not always right you know" she defiantly shot back.

"Look, Aubrey" beca caught the captain's attention before things could get worse. "I just... wanted to say that I'm sorry. What I did was a really dick move and I shouldn't have changed the set without asking you guys, and I definitely shouldn't have left. I really let you guys down and I'm really sorry" the statement caught a lot of the bellas by surprise, but they were relieved to see her back and really hoped aubrey would change her mind. "And.....aubrey if you have me... I want back in" she slowly finished, anxiously awaiting her response.

Aubrey just gave her a snarky look but could feel the glares of all the bellas on her, especially Chloe's. She sure as hell didn't want beca back but didn't have time to deal with all of this shit right now. "Just have a seat, if ur needed, I will call on you" she ordered. Beca wasn't really surprised at the command and didn't really know what else to expect, so she just did what she was told. She really did hate this but like she promised herself earlier, she was gonna suck it up and do what she had to. 

What she soon found out, was that it was a lot harder than she thought. Her hatred over aubrey just grew more and more as she watched how she was treating the girls during rehearsal, especially chloe. If Beca lived to be a hundred, she would never know what chloe saw in her or how she could deal with her. She could not possibly anymore unlikable and beca despised everything about her. Beca wasn't sure how much more of this she could take, she wanted nothing more than to just grab aubrey by the pony tail and literally throw her outta the building. And if she didn't clean up her act soon, that may just happen.

But it only got worse when the dance rehearsal stopped, Aubrey went around and practically verbally attacked the bellas. Saying Chloe sounded like she smoked three packs a day, which was really uncalled for, especially considering she knows damn well about Chloe's nodes. Then she made rude comments about Stacie, Ashley and Jessica before Fat Amy begged her for a break, or at least that she'd allow beca to join in. Beca was surprised, especially after Cynthia Rose backed her up and everyone agreed.

"Maybe, if Aubrey loosened the reins a little bit" chloe irritably stated, earning a proud smirk from beca for standing up for herself.

"Ok shut it Chloe!" aubrey fired off. Earning a death glare from her, probably now, former best friend, but none like the one from beca. Did aubrey seriously just go full on bitch at chloe? After everything she's done for?

"Whoa!" Stacie blatantly stated, as a way of saying "Hey! Not cool!" but of course aubrey cared for that as much as she did the looks her singers were giving her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That was rude" she was clearly being sarcastic and beca tilted her head to the side from the way she was. Did she really wanna go there? 'Don't you do it aubrey or I swear' she thought to herself. "Chloe, could you please get ur head out of ur ass? It's not a hat" chloe huffed and everyone was extremely taken back by the statement, but not nearly as shocked as when they saw Beca shoot from her seat and walk at a very fast pace towards the blonde. "Oh what, do you-" aubrey was cut off by an open hand slap that sent her stuttering back and cupped her cheek. The entire acappella gasped at the action and stood stunned silent, not believing what they were seeing, but none more than Chloe.

"You have no...FUCKING...right to talk to her that way!" she practically screamed at the blonde while pointing to the ginger. "She has done nothing but put up with you, and ur shit! This whole damn year! She even has the decency to describe you as a decent person when in reality, your nothing more than a stuck up, over-controlling, tyrannical bitch!" she shouted as aubrey just stood there, cupping her cheek with horrified eyes.

"Damn that is one mean ass hobbit" CR muttered. 

"You know, I wanted to come back, I wanted us to win. But honestly, I don't know why I bothered, because we're not going to, with ur ass in charge. In fact, we never had a chance in hell with you in charge" she stated so bitterly at the blonde and you could here a nickle drop from the silence in that large room. "You should be ashamed of yourself" beca added before backing away and turning to the rest of the group. I'm sorry guys, I really did try" she noted to the whole group, but her eyes were on Chloe the whole time. At least they were before she stormed off to the exit, leaving Aubrey mortified and the group speechless.

After she left, Chloe narrowed her eyes at the blonde, making sure aubrey saw her before she sighed and went after beca. Once outside, she saw the dj walking off and ran to catch up. "Beca! Wait!" she called as she ran. "Beca, beca stop please" she caught up to her and grabbed her arm to stop her. The brunette nervously met the gaze of those sky blue eyes of her crush. 

"Chloe, she had no right to talk to you that way, ok? You've been nothing but-" she was cut off by chloe waving.

"Beca calm down, I'm not mad at you. But you really didn't hafta do that for me" she stated modestly and softly.

"Well what else was I gonna do? I couldn't take watching her...being the way she is with you. You don't deserve that" she replied, letting the ginger know how much she cared. 

"I know Beca," she cupped the brunette's cheek, giving her a more calm and reassuring feeling. "I just...You shouldn't have had to, maybe I should've but....you shouldn't have had to go off and do something like just for me" she sweetly stated with worry in her eyes.

"Well, you've had my back with her all year so..." she shrugged, looking deep into those bright blue orbs of the redhead. After a few seconds of just staring with sympathetic yet grateful eyes, Chloe brought the younger girl into her embrace. She gently rocked her side to side and rubbed the girl's back to show her appreciation for her, as well as sooth her.

"Did you really hafta be so hard on her?" she muffled in her shoulder.

"After how she was treating you? She deserved it" beca raised an eyebrow but didn't pull away.

Chloe slightly giggled at the notion. "Come on becs, don't be like her. Ur better than her" she sweetly complimented as she continued her rocking motion. Beca thanked her and snuggled even tighter into the hug, she loved having this moment with her and did not want it to end. "But I must say, you look really hot when ur being all feisty there" she joked, rocking her a little faster and forcefully as she did. Beca chuckled under breath and blushed before slowly pulling away from the ginger. She looked straight into the gorgeous eyes of her co-captain, feeling her whole world light up in an instant as chloe gave her one of her angelic smiles.

"H-hey, chloe?" she finally broke the silence.

"Yea?" she whispered.

"Why do you always stand up for me?" she asked, suddenly feeling curious. She had a suspicion on what that reason was, but needed to find out.

Chloe suddenly seemed nervous herself, don't see that everyday. "Because, what are friends for?" she shrugged.

"Siding with a new friend over your life long best friend?" she raised an eyebrow. "Come on, there has to be more to it" she started rubbing her palm against chloe's arm, just now noticing the ginger had her arms around her neck the whole time. Chloe squeezed her eyes shut as she lowered her and took in a deep breath. "It's alright, you can tell me" beca whispered, gently lifting her head by the chin so they would face each other.

"You promise you won't get mad?" she shyly asked after a brief pause.

"Of course I won't" beca smiled, stroking a piece of hair behind the redhead's ear. 

Chloe mushed her lips together as she looked up, breathed deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth. "Ok, uh...." she squeezed her eyes shut again and lowered her head. "I've kinda...had a crush on you the whole year, I...like you...beca" she confessed, never once lifting her head.

Beca was shocked to hear that her theory was proven correct, the girl she had somehow developed feelings for, who had changed her whole world around, liked her as well. She attached their foreheads together and used it to lift her head and meet her eyes. "Do you really mean that?" she asked with a hopeful glint.

"Yea, I do" chloe nodded with a small smile.

Beca scoffed at the confirmation. "I...I like you too" she whispered, enlightening the ginger's face. "At least...I think I do, I can't really be sure" she admitted and chloe was now a little confused. "I've never had feelings for another girl, so I really don't know what it is that I feel"

Chloe just smiled, having an idea pop in her head. "Why don't find that out...right now" she whispered before closing the small gap between them. As soon as their lips molded together, Beca had her answer. She was undoubtedly in love with this gorgeous woman and would do anything to stay with her. Chloe smiled into the contact when she felt beca leaning in to the kiss, tightly embracing each other as the kiss grew. But sadly, it was shortly interrupted.

"Eh hem" they broke apart when they heard aubrey next to them who seemed shy.

Chloe let out an angry sigh. "What to you want aubrey?" she demanded, bad enough her being there but the fact that she just ruined her moment with beca was all she could tolerate at this point.

"I uh...just wanted to say that I'm sorry, to both of you" she nervously stated, surprising both girls. "I'm sorry that I've been hard on you two, and everyone else at that. I guess being a captain of this team and desperately wanting to win was....a little too much for me to handle, but I am my father's daughter" she gave a knowing look at chloe who returned it with sympathetic eyes. Beca could already see where this was going and even felt a little sorry for her. "Also, I will admit, I was a little jealous of you over Jesse" she confessed.

"What?" beca couldn't believe what she heard, especially after all the crap aubrey have her.

"I know I know" she ran her hands through her her hair. "It is what it is"

Beca and Chloe turned to each other with the same look before stepping closer to their co-captain. "I guess we just don't know that much about each other, maybe we can start doing a little better" beca smiled, which was returned by aubrey.

"So all is forgiven?" she shyly asked, glancing between beca and chloe.

First Beca and Chloe smiled at each other and then simultaneously gave Aubrey nods and yeah's. "And I'm sorry for...you know, going all she hulk on you in there" beca laughed and was followed by chloe and aubrey.

"Nah I probably needed it" she nodded. "Would you two please...come back and maybe straiten things out?" she proposed.

"Sure" chloe nodded.

"Love too" beca followed and the two kept their hands connected as aubrey led them back to the rehearsal hall. "You know, I think Jesse would love to go out with you" beca smiled and aubrey looked over her shoulder to return it.

"Thanx, and sorry for...kind of disrupting the moment you two were having" she apologized again with a nervous look.

"It's ok, I'm sure we'll be continuing our moment tonight" chloe smiled and turned to a very flushed beca, who got even redder when the ginger winked at her. Beca shyly smiled as she averted her gaze and squeezed her girlfriend's hand as they walked, she was certainly looking forward to their moment.

A/N: Hey readers! Thankyou all so much for reading, next there will be another one-shot and then a story, please leave prompts if you have any and have a nice day/night.

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