When Acapella meets the Avengers

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A/N: Hey readers! I know I said this would go as a few one-shots and then a spidey-beca SS that ties into the other stories, but I thought it would be kinda fun if I did a one-shot where our favorite singer/heroine introduces her two teams to each other, the Avengers and the Cleftomaniacs. This takes place at a time while Beca, Chloe and their Maniacs are still at N.Y.U. and a short while after she was recruited by Tony Stark. So, I hope this turns out well and that you all enjoy it, please lemme know if so and please enjoy.

Beca Mitchell wasn't sure if she should be super excited or super worried, or perhaps even both. Ever since she became an official member of the Avengers, her acappella teammates have been egging her on about introducing them to the rest of her "other" teammates. They have already met Tony Stark of course, from his assistance in her past battles, but they wanted to meet the whole bunch. The ones they haven't met yet, the ones that were currently recruited that is, were Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, War Machine and Falcon, and they were all super stoked to meet them. Beca understood this nonetheless, to be honest she has yet to meet the rest of the team herself. She met Natasha Romanoff a couple of times while she was on an assignment in Manhattan and needed some assistance from the web slinger, but that was it. So she couldn't deny she was just as eager to met her the rest of her semi-new teammates, not to mention a bit curious to see how the introduction would go.

Tonight, she was gonna have all of her wishes granted, and so were the maniacs. The Avengers recently had a very successful mission and were hosting a celebration party at the tower. Tony requested that Beca and Chloe join them, only seeing it as fair, and the engaged couple were happy to take the offer, but were nervous to condition that the other maniacs come too. Luckily, Tony was eager to reunite with the maniacs as well and felt that the more to show up the better. Beca and Chloe thought they were gonna lose their hearing and sanity when they told the good news to the acappella group. From the reactions they got, it was a miracle they didn't. But then again, what did they expect? It's not every day you get to meet the very superheroes that you've heard so much about, come to admire and who have been protecting you for so long.

Now, the Cleftomaniacs were all nicely dressed up and heading for the avengers tower. "Oh my God I'm so nervous" the ginger sighed with a slight laugh as she sat next to Beca in the back of the bus. 

"Yea, that makes two of us" the brunette laughed.

"Just let me go ahead and apologize in case I go a little too fangirly and embarrass you" she laughed nervously.

"Trust me, I think I'm gonna hafta get used to it before we even go in there" she rolled her eyes, knowing how her team was and was going to be. "I know you won't embarrass me, but there's a reason they call this group Clefto-Maniacs" she pointed out and the ginger chuckled.

"Don't worry, if anybody's gonna embarrass you that much, it'll be me only. Anyone else will suffer my wrath" she stated with a wide smile and a promising wink, receiving one in return before leaning in to capture the brunette's lips. 

The kiss quickly deepened, but before it could go any further, "Aca-bitches and lesbos! We're hear!" Fat Amy announced from the driver's seat as they pulled up to the front of the tower, the ladies all cheering in excitement. 

The bus parked right in front of the tower where a group of men in suits stood, awaiting their arrival. They were led by Tony's friend, Happy Hogan, who Beca remembered him from the night she battled Carnage. He was happy to greet the group and meet up with the brunette again before leading the singers inside and show them the way to the floor where they were needed. The Cleftomaniacs admiring the building around them as they walked through.

"How much did Stark say this place costed?" Aubrey asked in awe.

"I don't even know anymore" beca shook her head with an eye roll before noticing how Emily seemed to be the most nervous out of the rest of the group. "You ok, Em?" she placed a hand on the legacy's shoulder. 

"Yea, just uh.... this is...the avengers, I mean..." she trailed off.

"Hey, this is a first for us too" she reassured, wrapping her arm around Emily's. "Just don't geek out too much and you'll do fine" she smiled, almost laughing.

"Besides," Chloe chimed in from the other side of emily, wrapping her arm around the girl's shoulders. "They're bound to find you just as adorable as the rest of us do" she smiled with that same perky tone she was known for, easing the young girl's tensions. 

They went up to the floor where the party was being hosted. There wasn't too many people there but a nicely sized crowd. The maniacs were in awe of how nice it was and everything it had. Beca caught sight of her friend Tony, talking to who she could only assume was War Machine. As if he felt her watching, tony turned to see his friend smile and wave at him, he returned the smile as he gestured for his partner to follow him towards the acappella group.

"Beca! I'm so glad you came" he greeted as he shook hands with the brunette. "I have people I've been wanting you to meet and It is really good to see you again"

"Right back at ya" she smiled. 

"Ms. Beale, you look lovely tonight" he greeted the ginger with a handshake. 

"Thankyou Mr. Stark"

"Ladies, this is my good friend, Captain Jim Rhodes. Rhode, this is the young lady I was telling you about" he introduced his friend to the girls.

"It's an honor, Ms. Mitchell" he greeted as he shook the brunette's hand. 

"The honor's all mine" she smiled again.

"Which reminds me" tony added. "Hey fellas! Over here, it's her" he called over and Beca sucked in a breath, knowing who all he was calling over. Chloe did so as well, but had a shocked expression that was even bigger than her fiancee's. The rest of the maniacs quickly doing so as well when they saw the certain group of people headed their way. "Gentlemen, and lady, this is my good young friend Beca Mitchell, aka the Spider-Woman, along with her fiancee Chloe and her acappella group, the Cleftomaniacs" he introduced the smiling group of hero's to the very nervous and stunned group of singers. "And I believe you ladies already know this fine group of people" he added with a smile before the avengers went to greet the singers, starting with Beca and Chloe.

"Ms. Mitchell, Steve Rodgers" the captain greeted.

"Captain" Beca smiled nervously as she excepted the handshake.

"Captain Rodgers" Chloe scoffed. 

"Ma'am" he smiled back and offered his hand to her, to which she took.

"Oh the things I wanna do to that man" Stacie muttered, receiving a raised eyebrow from Aubrey, the woman she was currently dating. "What you can't honestly tell me you wouldn't have a one night hit with a single one of those guys" 

"Look, they're cute, but-Oh...my God" she stopped when she saw the brunette shaking hands with the God of thunder himself.

"That's what I thought"

"It's nice to meet you too" beca smiled after she and chloe shook hands with Falcon and Bruce Banner, before she caught a glimpse of another redhead she knew. "Natty!" she cheered when she saw the assassin and went to reunite with her friend. "It's so great to see you"

"You too becs, and this is my good old friend, Clint Barton" she smiled back as she introduced her two friends.

"Ms. Mitchell, it's a pleasure" he smiled, now being the one to shake her hand.

"Likewise, oh and this is my fiancee Chloe" she brought her wife over by the shoulders, she was still very nervous and hesitant.

"So this is her?" Natasha smiled, holding her hand out for the ginger. "Beca's told me a lot about you"

"Same here, and wow we could be sisters" she acknowledged with a nervous laugh, Nat slightly giggled in agreement.

"Nah ur too bright to be related to her" Clint replied, receiving a "hey" with a slap to the arm from his ally. "But it's great to finally meet you guys"

"Same to you, I'm surprised you guys aren't dating yet, knowing the fact that she wouldn't shut up about you when we teamed up" Beca stated and the two giggled, seeming to be used to that notion.

"He couldn't handle me" she joked. 

"Ppfff, yea right" he laughed. "No but seriously, we would ruin each other. Besides, I already got a family"

"Really?" Beca was shocked at the discovery.

"Mmhm" he nodded.

"Well, you seeing anybody?" she turned her attention back to Nat.

"I got my eye on someone" she nodded, facing in a different direction. The couple followed her gaze to Bruce Banner, who was chatting and smiling with a geeking out Emily.

"No way" beca slightly laughed and Nat nodded with a proud smirk.

"Wait, how did that happen?" Hawkeye furrowed and the others giggled.

"I'll tell you when ur older" she placed a hand on his shoulder like a mother and her child. "So Chloe, how'd you get someone like her to join an acappella group?"

The question left the brunette and the ginger turning to each other with suppressed smiles. "Uh it's....kind of a long story" chloe clammed up.

"She barged into my shower" beca quickly followed, receiving a slight glare from the ginger who took in a nervous breath with red creeping up into her cheeks.

"I guess it's not that big of a story after all" Chloe sighed. "But in my defense, she was hot and very talented and I had to get her somehow" she countered. "Besides, she kinda deserved it from telling me she couldn't sing"

"I said I didn't sing, there's a difference" beca countered and the other two laughed.

"So her weakness is literally exposing her? So to speak" Natasha smirked and Chloe snorted, trying her best to suppress the laughter in her while her fiancee stood there with an irritated look. "Well you guys seem really cute together, I'm really happy for you" she added, hoping to avoid getting killed.

"Thanx, we just had our two year anniversary" Chloe smiled.

"Wow, you guys didn't waste any time, did you?" Nat was astonished.

"Well, a lot can happen in that time" beca shrugged. "Including finding someone you just can't live without" she added while facing Chloe, who was now smiling and blushing. 

"Well that's really great" she complimented. "And I see you two have plenty of really great friends over there" she pointed towards the rest of the ladies who were chatting, or in some cases flirting, with the avengers.

"So haven't really...gotten any...in a long while?" Stacie asked as she seemed to be getting a little too friendly with Steve Rodgers, who seemed slightly awkward. "Because, you know, I could really help you out with that" she winked, and if that didn't make the engaged couple grimace, what happened next would. Thor was talking with Aubrey, but when she noticed Stacie being overly confident with Captain America, she quickly excused herself and was replaced by Fat Amy.

"Greetings Asgardian" she nodded in a slight bow. Thor took notice of the similar accent and seemed to find her amusing.

"Your not..from a different dimension, are you?" he asked curiously.

"No, just Australia"

For a second, Thor seemed to be at a loss for words. "And you are?"

"Patricia, but my friend's call me Fat Amy" she stated as she brought up her hand.

"Well, Fat...Amy" he awkwardly replied as he took the hand a placed a kiss on her knuckles. "How nice to make your acquaintance" he smiled and she seemed pretty delighted by the kind gesture. "So what do you do in this....land of Australians?" he asked.

"I wrestle the wildlife and assist the spider-woman" she proudly nodded with hands on her hips.

"Oh, so your a warrior?" he asked, very intrigued.

"Greatest warrior in Tasmania" she proudly nodded again. "Some have even called me the Tasmanian Tiger, very worthy opponent" and with that, the God of thunder was left with furrowed eyebrows and an utter state of confusion and discomfort. It got even worse when amy made a cat claw gesture with her hand and a half seductive, half intimidating purr and slight roar noise.

"Oh my God" Beca was now very grimaced at the horror she just witnessed. Chloe shook her head with a slight smirk, tryna withhold her laughter while Natasha and Barton let their chuckles free. "My nightmare is now fully complete" beca stated, making the ginger laugh.

"Don't worry, it looks like your other friend has it under control" Nat noted once she saw Aubrey return to the Asgardian.

"And I think we should get Emily under control before she unleashes the hulk" Chloe laughed as she began to escort her fiancee towards the young girl and the scientist. "We'll catch up with you two later" she exclaimed to the two avengers before they were waved off. Bart also decided to go mangle with the guest. Natasha smiled as she watched her friends go with the crowd, but then was surprised when she turned and saw Cynthia Rose, who had one hand on her hip and then other holding a drink, clearly checking her out.

"Wassup" she shot up an eyebrow with a seductive smirk before taking a sip of her drink. Then Natasha turned to see Lily, suddenly standing very close to her with a creepy smile.

"I know how to kill people too"

"And from that point, my mom was like a...like a full on she-hulk or something like that" Emily rambled on as Bruce chuckled in slight amusement, he clearly found her adorable like everyone else did.

"Alright legacy, settle down" Chloe laughed.

"I hope she wasn't bothering you" Beca apologetically stated.

"Oh no, she's fine" he assured. "She almost reminds me of a relative really" the statement left the legacy blushing. "I'm gonna get a drink, but I'll meet you three later"

"Ok' the three simultaneously replied before he parted ways. He seemed like a nice gentlemen.

"Sorry, aren't you dating Benji?" Chloe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh come on, it wasn't like that. I just think he's cool, he even reminds me of a relative, like my uncle or something" she stated excitedly.

"Yo Romanoff! Girl power!" they turned at the sound of their Australian friend, knowing it was her from the jump and shaking their heads, it was so typical Amy.

"Glad to see ur all enjoying the party" they turned to see Tony walking back up to them with Steve Rodgers. "I was real eager to have all of you meet"

"So was I, and hey sorry about Stacie back there" she apologized to the captain.

"Nah it's alright" he shook his head with slight laughter. "She was pretty determined, what part of New York is she from?" he asked with an amused smile.

"Queens, just like me" she smiled back.

"Brooklyn" he replied with a slight laugh. "Tony's told me a lot about you two, you both seem to have a lot of heart" he complimented.

"Yea and she's the source of it all" Beca gestured to Chloe, making her smile.

"Oh yea, he said you two are engaged?" he seemed slightly confused.

"Relax Rodgers, it's the twenty-first century now" Stark quickly chimed in.

"I'm just asking tony, I wasn't gonna say anything bad about it, I actually think it's great" he defended.

"Well thankyou" Chloe nodded.

"You couldn't say anything anyway, because you guys act a lot gayer than we do" beca smirked, leaving the ginger and the legacy giggling and the two avengers slightly mortified, but impressed by the comeback nonetheless.

They turned their attention to the sound of a group of girls laughing, it was some of the acappella girls with Jim Rhodes. "So then I dropped in and I'm like 'Boom, you lookin for this'" he smiled as he left the group laughing but then seemed slightly discontent.

"Isss he ok?" beca furrowed.

"He's....had a long night" tony shook it off. "So, have you gotten well acquainted with everyone yet?" 

"I'm working on it" she felt slightly embarrassed.

"Well, maybe we can help you" tony smiled.

"Starting with me" they turned to the sound of Falcon's voice. "Excuse me, but I don't believe we've had the pleasure yet" he smiled as he offered his hand.

"Oh no it's fine" she assured as she took the handshake.

Beca and all of her maniacs were able to get to know the Avengers very well before the night was over, they even managed to make her feel the same way the maniacs did when she became apart of them and became just as good as friends. But after a while, they had to leave. Mostly due to Amy having one too many and some how getting the impression she was Thor. She even attempted to lift his hammer while shouting "I am the mighty son of Odin!" and making her teammates wish they had never been born. It was a great time regardless and the maniacs were sad to part ways with the heroes, but were glad to have met them and looked forward meeting them again. Each of the avengers individually said goodbye to the brunette and their homeland ally, very happy to have met her before seeing her and the maniacs off. Beca knew it was selfish, but she really looked forward to the day when she could fight right by their side.

"Amy, I'm sorry, but the day ur worthy enough to lift Thor's hammer is the day humanity ends" Beca stated as she carefully escorted her best friend to the bus.

"I am the hammer of Thor!" she slurred, almost losing her balance.

"I could've lifted his hammer" Aubrey shrugged, receiving a raised eyebrow in return.

"No offense Aubrey, but I'm pretty sure only an other world God could do that" Beca informed.

"Not that hammer Beca" aubrey smirked, she has been spending way too much time with Stacie.

During the drive back home, something seemed to be bothering Chloe. Beca quickly took notice of this. "You ok babe?" the ginger snapped outta her thoughts from the question.

"Yea, yea I'm fine" she replied unconvincingly, receiving a knowing look from the brunette. "Well, it's just...you and Natasha seemed really comfortable around each other tonight" she nervously stated.

"Wait, are you jealous?" beca was shocked, chloe usually didn't get jealous at all, especially after just a little chit chat.

"I know it sounds stupid, but your not usually that comfortable around people you've only met a few times, and we do look very similar" she sheepishly pointed out, Beca couldn't deny she had a solid point.

"Ok, yes she does and I would be lying if I said she wasn't attractive" beca admitted. "But she's just really cool and can be good company when needed, she's not like you"

Chloe was flattered, but at the same time a little surprised Beca would put someone like her over someone like Black Widow. "How so?" she asked, intrigued.

Beca smirked at the reply, Chloe may have felt a little intimidated by Romanoff, but she wouldn't for long. "Well, she's not as cheery as you, her eyes don't sparkle like your's do, she hasn't impacted my life like you have, she doesn't complete me. And not that I've seen her body, but I think your's is a lot tighter and more delegate" she kindly stated is she moved her hand to cup the redhead's knee. The statement left butterflies in her stomach, the contact left shivers in her spine. "She also doesn't really strike me as the type to have her whole body tense up at a single touch" she added as she moved her hand further up the ginger's leg, inside her dress, her breath getting really shaky. "Nor the type to look so damn sexy when she's jealous, or squirming underneath my hands" she husked as the ginger became very turned on by the brunette before beca leaned into her ear. "And she sure as hell isn't the one that's gonna get me beneath her tonight" she whispered before tugging the ginger's earlobe.

Chloe then decided to let herself go as she pulled her lover in for a rough, but very fulfilling kiss. She hoped it wouldn't be much longer before they got home because she was really craving the web slinger now. "With all that said, *kiss* I am very sorry *kiss* for being so wrongly jealous of her" chloe replied with a low, lust filled voice.

"Not as sorry as you'll be when we get home" the brunette winked before the ginger nearly jumped her right there on the bus. She didn't need to be jealous of Black Widow, she may have a lot of things but this badass, web slinging dj wasn't one of them. This was Chloe's to have, a privilege to have and to love, and one she was gonna keep for the rest of her life.

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