Chapter 12 (3/3)

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<< 3rd Person POV >>

Wakiya and Sugihara sat there in silence. Each moving a piece one by one.


"Say, Young Master, where are your friends? They have been awfully quiet... not to be rude. Are they still exploring? It's getting dark." Sugihara stated. Wakiya laughed a little when he said the part about the others, "Don't worry about them, they are just being idiots ya know?"

Sugihara nodded and asked "More tea?"

"Yep." Wakiya replied. Sugihara poured him a another cup of tea and then moved his piece.

It was silent once more. All they heard was the clock ticking and ticking and ticking...

Bing Bong

Both of them flinched at the sound. It wasn't supposed to be making any noise, it broke a long time ago. Did someone fixed it already?

"Hey, Sugihara, did you fix it?" Wakiya asked with a light-chuckle. Sugihara shook his head, "No,I haven't asked anyone to repair it.... how peculiar..."

Sugihara then looked at Wakiya with serious eyes making Wakiya flinch a little. "Some say... this place is cursed... a young girl named Himiko was said to die here, she always loved the clock... one night she decided to go check out the clock, but she fell down the stairs and cracked her head wide open... she now haunts the manor, but mainly the clock.... this is most likely the time and day when she died..." He chuckled. Wakiya looked at him with an 'Are you serious?' Face. He sighed and said "Sugihara, those stories don't scare me anymore. I'm not a kid."

"You're always a child in my eyes." He replied with another chuckle, 'Why are old people always like this?' Wakiya thought as he rolled his eyes. But the next thing Sugihara said made his breathing tensed.

"Check Mate."

Wakiya almost fell off his chair as he heard those 2 words, he stared at the board looking frantically for how he got him. He realized his mistake, it was a horrible mistake. Now his king was cornered. "Sh*t." Wakiya muttered under his breath.

Sugihara chuckled once more, "Don't use those words, they aren't good. You'll always and forever be a kid in my eyes."

Wakiya let out an annoyed groan, 'damn it, why can't I still beat him?' He thought 'He's just a stupid old butler!'

"Haha, you must be thinking how can an old butler like me beat a young one?" He stated which made Wakiya flinch once more. "Time comes with wisdom ya know? But soon you'll be able to beat me."

"Yea, yea, whatever." Wakiya said as he drank his tea angrily. Sugihara chuckled again, it was starting to get on Wakiya's nerves.

— Ding Dong —

'Huh?' They both thought as they looked at each other. Wakiya was more confused thought, no body should be here. Everyone else went to save Shu while he was stuck here. Who could that be?

Sugihara got up and stated "Oh, it looks like your friends are back."

Sugihara then started to walk out the study room. Wakiya decided to just let him go while he stayed here drinking his tea. There shouldn't be anyone important there— wait— there shouldn't be anyone at all!

Wakiya accidentally spat out his tea realizing this and started to run after Sugihara. "WAIT SUGIHARA!" He shouted as he caught up to him.

"Yes, young master?" He asked while placing his hand on the knob. "DONT OPEN!" Wakiya yelled as he slapped Sugihara's hand from the door.

"Is something the matter?" He asked "It's your friends."

"Everyone already went inside actually! They have been here the whole time! They we just exploring the other parts of the mansion!" I replied quickly.

"Then who is out there...?"


'Sh*t' Wakiya thought. 'How am I gonna explain there is probably a murderous puppet out there?'

"Hey, Uh. Wakiya, you there?? I heard your voice yelling."

It was Hoji's voice. 'Had it impersonated Hoji?!' Wakiya thought.

"Say, Young Master, why is Hoji here? I thought you didn't invite him." Sugihara stated.

"'s a recording! You've been pranked by the others!" Wakiya answered with a light-hearted laugh. "Seriously Wakiya..?" He said with an unamused face.

They then heard the door bell ring a bunch of more times and some knocks. "Uh- Hey. Can I come in? I'm being bitten by mosquitoes."

Sugihara sighed and said "I'm opening it." Before Wakiya could stop him or say anything Sugihara opened the door. There standing there was Hoji. "Oh Hey Wakiya." Hoji said as he waved. Wakiya then kicked Hoji away and slammed the door.

"Young Master, why did you do that? He's your guest and you shouldn't kick them." Sugihara stated with a scolding tone.

"Cuz that's not him! It's a clone!" Wakiya retorted, when he thought about how it sound he realized he sounded incredibly stupid.

Sujhara just rolled his eyes and opened the door again. "What the hell Wakiya? You call me to come all the way here and then you kick me?" Hoji hissed as he got up and dusted himself.

Wakiya then realized he called him to come over to help, 'sh*t' Wakiya thought once more. He felt a smack to the back of his head and winced in pain. "Ow, why ya do that?" He muttered as he rubbed his head.

"Apologize." Sugihara demanded with a glare making Wakiya flinch a bit.

"Sorry Hoji, I thought you were some clone or what ever." He muttered.

Hoji didn't look amused either. "Seriously Wakiya? A clone? What the hell have you been watching?"

"Never mind. I'm going back up to my room." Wakiya mumbled as he walked all the way to his room. He heard Hoji follow after him and they didn't talk until they got to the room.

Once they did, Hoji closed the door behind him and asked "So, what was the thing about someone breaking in? Was that a joke? Did you think it was funny?"

"Ugh... you wouldn't understand.." Wakiya groaned as he plopped onto the bed.

"At least explain. I've come miles just for you." Hoji stated emphasizing 'you'

"Fine. Here's the story." Wakiya started. "Basically a puppet that looked like Sugihara some how came in and impersonated him. He attacked me, Daigo, and Honcho and we barely made it out alive. I called you because I thought he was still lurking around." Wakiya explained, leaving out the magic and kidnapping part.

Hoji pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh. "Wakiya, you seriously think I would believe this crap?"

"Yes." Wakiya replied.

"Oh my god, Wakiya, you have wasted my time with your useless crap." Hoji sighed. "What happened to Valt and Shu anyways?"

"Shu died and Valt died too, now Honcho and Daigo are dead as well. I only have you left." Wakiya muttered into the pillow.

"Seriously? What actually happened to them?" Hoji questioned.

Wakiya looked up from his pillow and face Hoji with serious eyes. "Are you sure you want to find out?" He stated.

Hoji nodded.

Wakiya got up and explained "Well, Shu got kidnapped and now everyone else is going on a magical journey to another world while I'm stuck here with a high chance of having another murderous puppet in the mansion."

Hoji took a deep breath and said "Wakiya, are you serious? This isn't funny. Honcho, Valt, Daigo, Shu, Just come out now."

"I'm serious! I'm telling the truth!" Wakiya retorted. "I know it sounds sketchy but it's the truth!"

Hoji then walked over to the door and stated "I'm leaving, you seriously made me fly all the way here to listen to your pranks? I at least expected a better prank."

Wakiya didn't bother to stop him, of course Hoji wasn't gonna believe him! Magic and those types of sh*t aren't real! Well- they actually are until you've seen it.

Hoji soon left the room and Wakiya just lied on his bed staring up at the ceiling. 'I'm bored.' He immediately thought. 'Hoji isn't gonna talk to me for a while and Sugihara is probably gonna be mad at me and scold me if he finds out Hoji was leaving right after he came.'

Wakiya sighed and decided to go to sleep. There wasn't anything else he could do besides sleep, nothing good was on the TV and the island was pretty lonely without everyone else..

Although.. he's always been lonely.. this was no exception...

He tucked himself into the bed and slowly drifted to sleep...

A part of him afterward wished he hadn't......


Ooooh, foreshadowing is my fav thing. I wonder what's gonna happen hehe...

The next chapter is gonna go back to Valt and the others and it's gonna show a bit of someone else's POV...

If there are any mistakes please tell me cuz I don't re read it.

I don't really know what else to say again... so... I guess cya till next time! owo

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