Changing wings shape.

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Hi. Today such a normal day and I don't have classes to be on. Ah. Gotta let u know. Hehe, My birthday is about to come for 2 weeks left, I kinda looking forward it because that the only day that I can rest without being bothered about my lil' sis and my mom. But that's not the point of this chap.

Before I tell u know how my wings shape got changed different from the ever first chapter which I had mentioned about my wings shape and type of my wings, I wanna to let u know some of signs that I have got recently 'cause I bet that may be most of the reader who are in transition to be nonhuman prefer knowing the new symptom to reading something else. I haven't check my back in front of the mirror 'cause I have been doing the challenge "Not to look at the mirror to check progress" for 3 days. My goal is doing the challenge for a month to see if there's sth new. And, it does. I gotta write some new signs I got without looking my back in front of mirror:

+ Feelin like the skin got stretch out

+ Have the pulsing at the middle of back, like at the spinal and a bit lower form the shoulder blade

+ Better sense of smelling, I can smell things through the mask.

+ My legs have the greyish spots right at the roots of hair

+ The upper body, especially around my neck, biceps, shoulder have grown sth like acnes, but they are kind of hard, feeling like the chicken skin when I touch.

+ Nails are a little bit sharper than normal.

+ Hard to sleep comfortably on back at night 'cause I feel like getting back strain.

That's all.

ok. Next. Let's get to the point of this chapter as the title has said. Yes, my wings changed. I will tell u the story: It's been half a year since I got the fist dream that showed my wings clearly. At the first chapter, I thought that I'd get the passive soaring like eagle because I was attracted to 'em. But in that dream, I saw myself with night glidder wings type, I guess. They looked like the combination of owls àn the eagles. It was big, broad and kind of round at the bottom feathers which called secondary feathers like owls and at the end tip of each primary feathers had the wide gaps like eagles. Besides, the colour of my wings is some kind of colour that is camouflage to the nature and the sky at night: Brownish with the greyish and little bit of dark blue like dark navy or cobalt, maybe?

So after that dream, I did researched about my glidder night wings type and I got the name of bird wings I had in the dream: Eurasian Owl, also called as Eagle owls. When I was researching, I found that my wings color was different from the normal Eagle owls whould have. The reason I'd love to tell at the next chapter.

End. Have a great day/ night and remember to wear mask whenever u are outside and stay safe during pandemic.

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