Painful yet exhausted experience and announcement about new book

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Today, in Vietnam, is the evening of 11th April. And last night i got such an exhausted experience that i have ever had in my life. Actually I did have one similar to this was around 2 years ago, during the Covid lockdown. But this time is worse. I guarantee 100% and i'm not gonna lie.

Allow me to tell in time order. Well before the bed, i was sitting chilling surfing online. When coming to the point my back started tired, so wanted to drop down. The moment i was about to drop back, i felt a pressure, felt like my wings was stuck in way. But the feeling was different, it felt like it was the 2nd set of wings, not the normal 1 set of wings because I could tell the difference of having 1 set and having 2 sets. So, i tried to spread out the wings to see if my thought was right or not. And turned out that it was right, was truth. I could feel pretty vividly spreading out 4 wings, and dropping back went more smoothly, and i even could feel that the wings' skin part was lain down on each other. Weird. But it became clarifying my thought, my doubt, that i can't just keep avoid it anymore, the fact that i have 4 wings instead of normal 2 wings.

Then, came to the sleeping time. At first I was laying peacefully. Suddenly, my limbs went soring, numb and pain as well. My heart felt heavy, pounding harshly, i couldn't breath, my left eye felt weird, my ribcage, the muscle at there also went numb. Something in my body got changed. Feeling like the energy. I went moaning in pain. Then I felt a force, strange force, it made me crawl out the balcony, standing up and i started chanting in such a weird language i dunno what it was but only can speaking unconsciously, as if an another me facing out toward to the world to deal it for me. I was conscious enough to know what da fuk going on, but i couldn't control my body. After 5-10 mins, it got better. My limbs were still numb, but no longer pain, my heart felt comfortable and i finally can breath fine. I dropped down and eventually drifted in sleep.

Now, my forearms are still a bit numb, but at least they don't cause me in such uncomfortable feeling like last night. The changing feeling is still there. Especially my left eye and my heart place. I wonder what is going on. The moment i experienced that happening last night, i think I did heard sth told me: "Changing.  Be ready. It'll come to you. This's a sign. Those ppl will come to you". Such a weird but also exhausted experience.

Now the announcement. Imma making a new book, for the dreams I had. Cuz I find that i had so many dreams that I guess i could mess up this book. So writting in a different book will help me to track the progress of my books easier. So stay tuned, it'll be published soon.


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