Ch. 1: Return of Sparda

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Luz tossed and turned in bed, as she had been having the same dream for three days, ever since she got trapped in the human realm.

'No! No! Everyone!' She thought, her dream of everyone running in fear from Belos and the Collector.

Both of them fired magic blasts, turning everyone running into dust that blew away in the wind.

'NO!' Luz screamed in her dream.

Now, she was alone, as the two looked down on her. She was in trouble, there was nothing she could do, as the Collector blasted her. Luz shot up in bed and was breathing heavily and sweating. She looked at her hands and closed her eyes.

'Might controls everything.'

Luz jumped a little at the voice, unsure of what it was and where it came from.

"W-w-what?" She asked.

'And without strength, you cannot protect anything... let alone yourself.' The voice said again.

Luz looked around, wondering what was making that voice and why it was talking to her!

'Have I lost my mind? Has constantly searching without rest made me go crazy?' Luz thought, slowly grabbing her head.

'Your mind is not lost but you desires, they can become reality IF you are willing to make it so.' The voice said again.

'How?' Luz thought.

'Simple... come find me.' The voice said.

'Come find you?' Luz thought, suddenly feeling the urge to "find" the source of this voice.

And her body seemed to move before her mind could comprehend, making Luz slowly get up from the bed and walk out of her room.

She felt herself being drawn to some kind of powerful source.

'I...I don't know where I'm going but I just FEEL like this is the right way.' Luz thought, pushing the back door open and walking into the woods behind her house.

'Yes... come.' The voice said, seducing Luz with its soft, gentle tone.

Luz didn't know how long she had been walking or how far she had gone, only knowing that she NEEDED to find the source of this voice.

'Closer.' The voice said.

The wind seemed to blow, but Luz felt no chill as she was getting closer and closer to a strange clearing she had never seen before. In the middle, she could see the wind building around something like a vortex or a small hurricane.

"What is that?" Luz asked softly but kept moving towards the center of the wind.

When she arrived, she saw what appeared to be a katana in a deep blue sheath. Sticking out of the ground. Hesitantly, Luz walked up and grabbed it.

A rush of energy spiked through her body, making Luz shock like she was in an earthquake!

'Do not fear me. Draw my blade and accept my power.' The voice said, making Luz look toward the katana.

'W-What are you?' Luz thought in shock, slowly pulling the blade out.

'' The voice said as its blade glints in the moonlight.

"Whoa!" Luz said as she held the blade, before she was struck by lightning.

She felt the pain and let out a scream, which began to sound more demonic. When the lightning went away, Luz had a blue glow around, as her hair turned white and her eyes glow blue. Luz stood back up and grabbed the handle of the Yamato, before performing a skill like she's done it for years.

"Judgement Cut!" She shouted!

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