Another Bedtime story

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Warning triggers!!! Do not read if not Ok with Attempt suicide, suicide, swear words, cutting and other things.

You wanted to end your life,
You cut myself, a little too much, but, it all will be worth it in the end when you get to leave. You face the darkness.

Two hours later
You wake up, in a hospital bed with a doctor and a nurse in the room.
"Oh good you're Awake!!" Cried The Blue-Haired Nurse
"What happened?" You ask
"You slit you're wrists enough for you to almost bleed out" Groaned the other doctor with Crimson Red hair.
"You're not special you know Third one this month actually"
You look down at your wrists, painted with cuts from the pain you caused yourself.
"Even this bitch wouldn't do something as foolish as slit wrists now would you Mutt"
The nurse stayed quiet holding your hand, and checking your blood pressure.
Soon a faint beeping goes off, on the doctors jacket, and he and the nurse rush out to leave. The nurse flashing you a smile before hand and You can hear,
"Let's hope we can save this one too" from the nurse before You pass out from exhaustion.

You wake up to crying outside your door.
"Merci, Babe, you can't save them all,"
"I know I can't but, What if I could have saved her Corrupted?"
"You know that isn't possible"
"She was twelve years old!!! She overdosed at twelve!!"
"I know, I know"
She sobbed again and faint cry's could be heard.
You slowly got up and walked to the door the machine followed behind you. You opened your door a crack and see the nurse crying into a man's shoulder. You step out into the hallway, you just stand there. You are feeling helpless, like you can't do anything at all. Then the nurse, sees you standing there, she walks away from the Man's arms and takes you by the hand. She leads you back to your room, lays you down on your bed then starts to leave.
"Please stay" you whisper
She turns around
"Well, all right but, is Corrupted aloud to? I don't want him to stand alone outside"
You nod, she opens the door and waves him in.
The nurse sits on your bed,
"Do you have any family?" She asks
You shake your head,
"How did you save me?" You ask
"Someone called 911 saying that, they saw a body on the ground of a home. A ambulance rushed over and you almost died."
"You should have let me" you whisper
The nurse gives you a sad look, then pulls off you shirt. Underneath she is wearing a white tank-top, you can see, large red scars on her back peeping through the top of her tank top.
"How did you get those?" You ask surprised
"A couple years ago, when I was sixteen, my brother and I went to his boyfriend's party. He left me alone to go talk to him for a bit, it was awkward at first then a man came and talked with me. He had these eyes that looked like broken glass, and he had the mask covering all but, his eyes. We went out on the patio to talk some more without so much noise. He drugged me, and I wasn't able to transform either" she pauses for a breath, you give her a confused look,
"Transform? What does she mean by that?" You think. The man, Corrupted takes The nurses hand.
"The man kidnapped me, sexually assaulted me, then after he didn't want to rape me. Chained me up in a room with zero light and only a single door. Whipped me daily, gave very little food, what I thought was a week was almost two months. He still is yet to be arrested for his hundreds of crimes"
She puts back on her shirt.
"I should have died" you say
"Well, that is the benefit of having a nurse with a bit of magic" she laughs nervously
"What do you mean by that?"
She takes your arm, she hovers her hand just above it, then she lets go. You feel a slight tingle in your arm, you look at your arm, the cuts are gone.
You turn your arm, and touch it, making sure it's not a trick of the mind or something. After you're sure, you say
"Can't you do that with yours?"
"I almost did but, I thought I could use it as an example to everyone I'm a survivor, of Sexual assault and Attempted suicide"
"Attempted suicide?"
She took kisses, the mans hand, you actually take a look at him, he appears to be part of the doctor and part of a twin of the doctor?
"What the hell is wrong with me? Am I seeing things?" You think
"Hey Mutt, time to go." The doctor from walks in.
"One minute ExE" Corrupted says
"Are we bringing them" he points to you.
"Can you wait like 5 more minutes?" Corrupted asks?
"Look Ethan is waiting for me"
"Yeah, So, you can go screw him" Corrupted mutters
"Well, if they want too..." Merci turns to you.
"Will, you join us? To a new life, filled with Happiness and remorse?"
You pause, thinking... you live alone, you have no friends or family...
You nod
"Wonderful!" Merci stands up, and reaches out to you. You take your hand, letting the light from the window, fill the room and the last thing that can be heard is....

A heart, flatlining, doctors are rushing to save the dying person. That is you, the doctor, nurse, and man? People you created, people, you breathed life into. Creating their stories, in return they became they figures that take you to a new life, the place after death. What is that place? You ask. Some call it Heaven some call it hell, or your resurrect through a new body...
No one truly knows, you have to wait and see.

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