Jaya Plot Adopt

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***So here are four Jaya plots I've come up with. One of my classes isn't being held, so this is what you get. Could I do homework? Yes, in a bit. Could I update WPWT? My next chapter is almost done, but not yet. Could I do something entirely random that probably will come to nothing? HECK YES-***

Plot #1 - Lost (no, not the TV show, but that would be cool)

Okay, but I'm low-key simping for this cover. It makes my insides do happy things.

Title: Lost

Ships: Jaya

Main characters:

Jay Walker - A nineteen-year-old professional gamer (yes, he tests videogames and competes in videogame competitions) on a plane ride back home. His mom Edna told him something was wrong and wouldn't explain what, just saying that he needed to get home immediately.

Nya Smith - An eighteen-year-old student who has just graduated high school. She's going on a backpacking trip with some friends in the mountains of Shintaro, and she takes a plane to get there. After her trip, she intends to study in her hometown of Ignacia (she was transplanted to Ninjago City when she was eight) and learn more about the place where her parents grew up.

Summary: Jay and Nya are on the same plane when it crashes in Hiroshi's Labyrinth. There are only four people who make it out - everyone else is frozen in fear or in too much of an anxious frenzy to escape before the remains of the plane burst into flames. The four people are Jay, Nya, Harumi Jade, and Little Nelson.

Harumi doesn't make it very far with Jay and Nya. She dies after toppling into a sinkhole - or so they think.

Nya, who's used to wilderness journeys, must teach Jay how to persevere and survive in a place as remote as Hiroshi's Labyrinth. They both have to take care of the emotionally scarred little boy left with them. But when secrets are revealed and resources run low, who will really make it out of the forest of madness?

Snippet from this AU(does anyone even say 'snippet' anymore?):

***(Nya's POV)***

I jerk my seat backward, desperate to get out of here. I know it won't be long before everyone left in this plane is a goner.

I try to move my legs, but the passenger beside me fainted earlier and has successfully trapped me in my seat. The warm, sweaty body passed out in my lap, combined with the panic of dozens of other passengers, makes it near-impossible for me to think clearly.

I take deep breaths, inhaling smoke that does little to calm me. "Okay, Nya," I whisper. "You can do this." I reach under the fainted passenger's shoulders and try to lift him off of me, but he doesn't budge.

"You can do this," I repeat, shoving harder.

Little movement results.

I take a moment to just breathe, then try again.

My efforts are, once again, futile.

I look for any other methods of escape. I'm in the window seat, so I could always try to bust the window out. That still leaves me with an obese man sprawled across my lap, though.

"Please," I whisper, begging the First Spinjitzu Master above to get me a way out of here. "How do I escape this thing?"

I take another glance around, purposefully tuning out the shrieks and wails of frightened passengers. I also try to scan over the seats of those frozen in fear - I know they won't make it out.

I hear a little boy begin to sniffle nearby. "Mommy! Mommy, get up!"

I glance over to see him tugging at his mother's hand, and she stumbles upward, dazed.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I say, trying to get her attention. However, she does little more than walk after her son in a zombie-like way.

"Ma'am!" I try again. "I need your help!" However, my cries are to no avail.

I glance around again, feeling tears prick my vision. I'm going to die because all these other passengers are too disoriented to figure out what's going on.

I shake the shoulders of the man who fainted. "Sir? Sir, wake up! You're killing us both!"

He doesn't stir.

I swallow hard, trying once again to wiggle out from under the giant weight on my lap.

That's when I see it - coordinated movement to my left.

"Stop!" I yell in my most authoritative voice. It can barely be heard above the anxious tones of the dozens of others trapped on board.

However, something - perhaps the sanity with which I say the word - halts a boy about my age in his steps. 

He's the one who caught my eye with his purposeful movements.

I meet his gaze head-on. "I need you to help me get out from under the man next to me."

His eyes soften as he looks at me. However, when he approaches and sees the size of the man sprawled across my lap, he looks wary.

"I...how am I supposed to get you out?" he asks.

"Just help pull me out from underneath him," I swallow hard. "Please. What's your name?"

"Jay." He takes my hands from over the back of my seat.

I nod. "I'm Nya. And if you get me out of here, I promise I will keep us both alive."

Plot #2: Who the Heck?

Title: Who the Heck

Ships: Jaya

Main characters:

Nya Smith - A girl who receives mysterious notes in the shape of hearts on her desk at work every morning. She thinks they belong to her office crush, Lloyd Garmadon.

Jay Walker - Nya's work friend who really likes her, but she's into Lloyd. RIP Jay. However, he's still a good friend to her.

Summary: On January 1st, Nya finds a note in the shape of a heart on her desk. She receives one every morning she works in January, and by the end, she's pretty sure they're from her crush Lloyd Garmadon. She's ready to approach him and see if he's the culprit.

On February 1st, however, the notes take a...personal turn. It seems that whoever's writing them knows more about her life than they should.

As Nya becomes concerned about the notes and begins to disapprove of them, the notes become more and more threatening. By February 7th, the week before Valentine's Day, she's spooked out of her mind.

When Jay accidentally figures out how creepy the notes are becoming, he offers to help Nya figure out who's behind them as one of the only people she trusts at the office. Okay, scratch the "offers to help" part. He pretty much forces her to accept his aid.

In the countdown week to Valentine's Day, the notes become more material threats, and now they're not just creepy, but sinister. Will Jay and Nya (and the police force, duh) figure out who's behind them before something goes horribly wrong? AND WILL NYA REALIZE JAY IS HER REAL CRUSH IN THE PROCESS? ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

Snippet from this AU:

***(Nya's POV)***

Something shifts behind me, and I jump out of my office chair, hands splayed and ready to fight. "Don't mess with me, you...you..."

I stop short when I see it's Jay Walker withholding a huge grin.

"Hey, Nya," he greets, hands in his pockets. "I didn't think I was that sneaky."

I release a giant breath, running a hand through my hair. "Um, yeah. You...you scared me." Dang it, I look like an idiot.

"Sorry," he apologizes, rocking back and forth on his leather work shoes. "So...have you had lunch yet?"

"No." I can't eat. Too many notes and weird comments and...

I shudder. Nope. Not going there.

"Okay," Jay smiles. "Do you want to walk down to the cafeteria with me? Or we could head out and grab something from a drive-thru." He stops rocking and approaches me in his usual happy, friendly, and somewhat cautious manner.

"I...yes. Let's go." Get me out of here and don't leave me alone.

"Okay," he beams. However, his expression turns to a frown when he sees my face. "Are you okay? You look kind of pale."

"Um...I...I...you scared me pretty badly."

"Huh." His tone says he doesn't believe me, but he shrugs it off. "Okay. Well, I really am sorry."

"It's fine. I'm glad you're here." Jay's about the only person in this whole office I'd trust with anything right now. He's too innocent to send me photos of the inside of my dresser or tell me how serene I look when I shave my legs or ask me what size of -

Yeah, not finishing that. Ewwwwwwww.

He brushes past me, seeing something of interest.

My eyes bug.

Oh, no. He found it! But knowing Jay, he'll freak out about this, and the last thing I need is someone else freaking out, and -

"Nya?" he asks, obviously confused.

I chuckle nervously, playing dumb. "What?"

"Why is there a knife sticking out of February 14th's box on your calendar?"

Plot #3: Set it to T. Swift, Please

Title: Set it to T. Swift, Please

Ships: Jaya

Main characters: Basically, just Jay and Nya with the same characteristics they have in the show.

Summary: This is just a rewrite of key points in Jay and Nya's canon relationship, all set to appropriate Taylor Swift songs. You like it or you don't. Simple.

Plot #4: Knowing Crud About Love

Title: Knowing Crud About Love

Ships: Jaya

Main characters:

Nya Smith - The tomboy of all tomboys who'd rather invent, play extreme sports, or study than wear makeup and be all cutesie. 16.

Jay Walker - Nya's best friend (who lives next door, no less) who really, really likes her, but she just doesn't get romance. It frustrates him to no end. 16.


While Nya drives herself and Jay home from school one Friday afternoon, he asks her about her love life and if there are any guys she's into. Her response is "Heck, no". She and Jay get into an argument about romance in a teenaged tomboy's life: He thinks it'd be a great thing (we all know why), but she says it's stupid. The car ride ends with him telling her, "You don't have a romantic bone in your body."

This sounds like a dare to Nya, and Nya Smith has never been one to back down from a dare.

Nya decides she will prove Jay wrong and bang out a romance novel in a weekend. Simple, right? Not so much.

Nya throws herself into this novel, putting all other obligations on hold. It starts out slow, rocky, and stereotypical, but as she works out the character development and scenery, she becomes absorbed in her world of romance.

Jay becomes concerned about her by Saturday afternoon,  since she hasn't come out of her house all day. Kai called Jay up and told him to come over and get her out of the house. Nya refuses, so Jay essentially provides her with snacks to eat, input on her story, and a shoulder rub when she gets sore from sitting in one position all day.

The more Nya writes the story, the more she realizes the protagonists resemble real-life people. Will she find out her true feelings through her book? WILL JAY ESCAPE THE FRIENDZONE? ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

Snippet from this AU:

***(Nya's POV)***

"I'm just not interested in dating and boys and all that stuff," I shrug, trying to end an awkward conversation with my best friend.

"Are you interested in girls?" Jay frowns.

"No. You know I'm straight, and you know I'm only interested in worthwhile activities for this time of life." I shrug, palming the wheel as I turn onto our road.

"I think romance is worthwhile," Jay says quietly.

"I know. That's why you make me watch romcoms when it's your turn for movie night." I eye him.

He blushes. "It's nice, seeing people in love. Wouldn't you like to be in love?"

"I don't know. Yeah, when I'm older and it's actually going to matter."

"You don't think teenaged relationships matter? What about people who marry their high school sweethearts?"

"They get divorced twenty years later."

"Not necessarily," he huffs. "Gosh, you're such a pessimist. You don't know crud about love. You don't have a romantic bone in your body."

I come to a quick stop in my driveway, my ears perking up. "What did you say?"

"You don't know crud - "

"Okay, okay, I get that. But is that a challenge?" I raise my eyebrows. "Because I'm great at whatever I try my hand at, Jay. You know that."

"Well, you haven't 'tried your hand' at love, so it doesn't matter." He shakes his head, shoving open his car door.

"Yes, it does." I open my own door. "Challenge accepted, Walker."

"What challenge?" he sighs.

"I'll prove to you that I do know crud about love."

"Okay, how? By dating around? No, thank you." He shoulders his backpack.

"No," I argue, rolling my eyes. "By...by..." I look down at my backpack, where my copy of Romeo and Juliet protrudes from the corner.

I snap my fingers. "By writing a killer romance novel in one weekend."

***So these are just some Jaya plots I came up with on the fly. Actually, #1, #2, and #4 look really good to me, so I might do those eventually. If anyone wants to adopt a plot/cover from this chapter (just this chapter :p), just ask me first and I'll probably be happy to let you use it. I'm willing to share these ideas LOL

Any of these books you guys are particularly interested in seeing me write one day?***

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