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I was tagged by alirxi. And of course, this had to be FORTY QUESTIONS LONG-

1. I go by BK or Beep around here, folks.

2.  19.5 (Lord help me, I DON'T WANNA GROW UP-)

3. 5'5

4. Ha, like I'd tell YOU that, Internet! But it's at the beginning of the school year.

5. Summer fling

6. I really don't develop crushes, just emotional attachments. I figure God will drop me a guy from the sky someday if He really wants me to have one *shrugs*. I'm only halfway kidding ;)

7. 4 dogs, 6 cats, some chickens and all that jazz

8. 'Merica; northern state


10. Blueish greenish or greenish blueish

11. Brown

12. Strawberries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13. Heh...it changes every day...probably "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Chris Rice version) or "Speak Now" (Taylor Swift)

14. Doggo!

15. Principles of teaching middle school math! It's so much fun to be a math student again!!

16. Hmm...educational psychology?

17. I wish the world would realize how desperately they need love instead of drugs, endless strings of relationships, perfect grades, six-figure jobs...yeah.

18. Huh?

19. Single!

20. Technically in the third grade LOL But Beep's not kissing again until marriage. GOSH I'VE BECOME GIRL DEFINED WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-

But again, it doesn't really matter to me. I'm not going to lower my standards and settle for any guy, so either I'll be single for life or God will send someone along who meets my standards. I've finally come to a point where I've realized there's far more to life than finding my dream guy, and I'm not giving that knowledge up. *steps down from pulpit*

21. My best friend! It took us seven years, but he and I finally said the three words a few months back. Super wholesome 😂

22. One of my camp friends from the fourth grade. I've always wondered what happened to her, but her name is generic enough I can't find her on social media.

23.  I hate...feeling directionless. I always want to have some sort of a plan for my life, and God has a way of gently pulling me away from my plans to His. SINCE WHEN DID THIS TAG TURN INTO CHURCH XD

24. Ninjago!!!!

25. Ha, Star Wars the Clone Wars.

26. Just Ninjago.

27. "While You Were Sleeping", "The Truman Show", "El Nacho Libre", and "Bringing Up Baby"

28. John (book of the Bible), "The Kissing Tutor" by Sally Henson, and the "Charmed Life" series by Jenny Jones

29. Outside! Depending on the weather-

30. Um...no one, really.

31. Caucasian with some American Indian blood mixed in there.

32. Bruh, like I don't even KNOW-

33. Starts with the first letter of the alphabet. Amber, Ann, Angela...HMM...

34. Don't have one. It gives me a non-deceptive excuse to not give my Snap to random guys in the drive-thru who ask. No, thank you!

35. Um...books? Yep, I'm thinking books.

36. He's not on here LOL

37. Amazon Kindle

38. "Hmmm, now I understand the bad attitude here. It came from you :)"

39. I mean, as much as a fifteen-year-old can, yes. But there are different kinds of love/understandings of love, and I get it a lot more now than I did then.

40. I've recently been going through the Bible to make decisions on unpopular opinions, so if y'all ever want to hear my thoughts on all that jazz, DM me for a FRIENDLY chat!

 viki_ann_, I tag you next!!

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