"Chapter Four"

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After training as well checking the traps and the walkers haven't been attracted to them. Which it's strange since I thought they'd notice the larger group on my land and try to come and kill one of us. Had they got smarter and avoid this area because of the traps?

I was going to try lure: but it's risky and stupid. I would head back.

"Cassandra, do you know any town we can raid for food?" Rick asked.

I wasn't surprised they'd go through quite a bit. If anything the less they bother me and go there, the better.

"Uh... give me about ten minutes to give you a map."

"Another one?"

"The first map is for my land layout, genius." I said sarcastically as I continued walking.

"Watch the tone, kid." He snapped.

"Rick." Maggie spoke.

I continue walking as I then saw Maggie's lover (decided to call him that since I don't know what he is to Maggie) walked beside me.

"Hey, Cassandra right?"

"What do you want?" I said as I kept walking and almost headed to my back porch.

"Look... I know you've heard this a lot. But a lot of understand what it feels like to be alone. I was a pizza delivery driver..."

Then I tuned him out as I approached my back porch.

"Look, mister. I didn't ask for a life story. As I told Carl and others I don't trust any of you yet."

"And I get that. Although you can't shut everyone out."

My hands clenched. Maggie approached.

"Glenn... just give her space I think talking like a broken record isn't going to work."

"As I mentioned: I want to think about it. I want to know that you're not here to just steal my stuff and actual good people." I paused, "And only one so far convinced me."


I just head inside, letting them figure out themselves as I went to search and then found an old pamphlet of the small city that has a map. I already have an extra one that's a bit more updated but the old one can still be useful. I would head out as I passed it to Rick.

"Good luck, because when I last counted there's maybe 60% supplies left... if they haven't gone bad that is."

Rick didn't say a word as I just head back inside as I would head to my room. I haven't fiddled with the radio since the other day. I just continued to tune and hear more static.

"Hello?" A voice?!

I immediately grabbed the walkie talkie connected to the radio.

"Hello? Anyone out there? Hello?" I responded.

"I— you—" the voice can only make out.

"Hello? Who are you?" I asked as I continued to tune.

"I—" more static.

I then finally had it clear.

"Hello? Who's out there?"

"I'm out here. Where are you?"

I didn't wanna disclose my location.

"...I'm somewhere. Where are you? What is your names?"

"We're from—" Then it was all static. Damn it. I kept trying and then it was more radio silence.

I have to keep trying. Even if it takes me all day.


It took me all day. There was nothing but radio silence but other than radio frequencies. I'm surprised that there's other frequencies... last I known radios and EVERYTHING had been shut off since when we all went to hell. I sat back, I remembered they were asking me that if Edwin was the cause of everything.

Although there was something off about him... he didn't seem the type to cause all of humanity's near extinction. It could've been anyone... No... it couldn't been my mom. She would never do such a thing. I head back down to head to my back porch. I can't sit around and do nothing. I need to be of use.

Carl had to stay which it made him angry and he was sitting with Judith until he saw me sit down on the porch before approaching.

"Hey, you okay?"

I glared at him.

"Right.... Still don't trust me."

I closed my eyes. At this point I know and accepted that they're not gonna leave. Not ever since they found about the traps is the reason why walkers haven't killed me. Plus with their sudden attachment to me...

"Cassandra?" He asked.

Judith holds out as I grab her.

"...Hi, little badass." I said softly towards her.

Carl laughed as I looked at him and he stopped for a moment.

"Daryl calls her little ass kicker."

I couldn't help to laugh. Why does it actually suit for this baby? Carl smiled. Judith babbles once more. I usually go up to the roof at this time to watch the sunset.

"...This is nice." He said out of nowhere.

I didn't say anything, looking down at Judith as I would play a bit with her. Carl watched.

"She really does like you." He said with a smile.

I quietly laughed.

"Well she is adorable after all."

Carl smiled.

"That I could agree with too."

I quietly laughed.

"What's with you being quiet— sorry."

I sighed.

"Carl? I'm going to be honest."

He bites his lower lip, expecting for me to say something negative.

"...Despite I asked so many times for you and the group to leave and to just leave me alone... it's like you guys are stubborn and don't want to leave. It's got the point even that while I was in my room earlier... I almost accepted I can't get rid of you all." I admit.

"Of course, we don't want to leave you alone. After you've been alone for so long..." he said, "Carol wanted to adopt you but Glenn and Maggie want to adopt you too."

Although I may be skeptical still — I just get something off putting from Carol. But for Glenn and Maggie? it's been obvious they cared since the beginning. I started at Carl. And I noticed his feelings and the way he was overly attached.

And I think I can understand why now. It's because he never had someone around his age. He wanted to hang around someone his age. But when I was telling him off I wanted to be alone — he was hurting but wanted to respect my boundaries.


I flinched, snapping back to reality.

"Sorry, repeat that... I was thinking."

"I can tell." He said, "I was saying it's up to you but whichever you pick, I— the group would be right behind you." He said as I looked down at Judith.

She was wide awake, just watching the both of us.

"...You guys can stay as long as you want."

"But what about us leaving? Would you stay here or join us?" He asked with a concerned voice.

I still haven't made my decision yet. Although it would give me a chance to see somewhere new. But I can't leave my childhood home behind. Especially the bees. And I can't even bring with them because bees are always loyal to one plant based only. Bringing them to an unfamiliar place would make them get stressed, and when they stressed, they are prone to diseases and viruses pretty easily.

"Haven't decided yet..."

He nodded. Judith was getting herself comfortable in my arms and Carl chuckled before I passed her to him.

"Sounds like someone needs some rest."

"Oh trust me she'll do this then get a second wind." He said with a small laugh.

Once he leaves I head back to my home and just made my way to my room and open my window and head up to the roof to watch the sunset alone.

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