"Chapter Six"

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Once Carl told Rick, Daryl, most of the group stood behind me as I had my bow and arrow ready.

"Oh— I didn't know you had a group or someone took your land already." The leader... Earl said with a creepy smile.

"Not willingly."

"It was nice to hear that sweet voice of yours on the radio—"

"Radio?" Rick said.

"So that was you?" I said in disgust.

"No but my men spoke to you.... Now I'm going to say it again for the millionth time, give me your land and cabin and I'll—"

"And I'm going to tell you for the millionth time: my answer is no, you creep." I said, "Plus this group... my group is already living here and is better than your sick cult."

"Kid—" Rick said as he took a step forward, "Why not share—"

"No. I want the land and the girl." Earl said in a dismissive tone.

"And you aren't going to, you disgusting pig." Carol spat.

Maggie and Glenn took a step forward as if to protect me. Carl is out back with the hive, waiting for my cue.

"Well.... I may have to take it brute force." He said.

His men raised their guns but I let out a blood curling scream. The men stood there in confusion as the group as well looked at me in confusion. What they didn't know— is I trained the bees to attack on sight when they hear my scream. Although you might me thinking "you screamed in the cabin, why didn't they attack?" Well you see, I trained the bees to react to a certain scream. They don't react to the angry scream — but to a blood curling scream.

The bees would swarm quickly and the war began.

Later (writer is lazy to write the bloody massacre)

I had to leave everything behind. My cabin was set on fire and the men had been attacked by the bees and zombies. The traps can only handle so much. I rode in Glenn and Maggie's car and Carl supposedly rides with his dad, Judith, and Michonne but he insisted on riding with me.

I felt like that piece of me is now gone. I feel so...
I sobbed and Carl held onto me tight as well Maggie.

"We're here," Carl reassured.

"And I know how it feels... I lost the home I grew up on," Maggie also reassured.

I didn't say anything I can tell Glenn wanted to comfort me — his eyes says it all. I felt like I was reliving everything on being abandoned. Maggie tried to sing to something soothing. It didn't help but I just looked out the window looking at the walkers.

Damn these walkers — damn this virus!! I wanted to kill every single one of them. But I can't bring them back. Carl would wrap a blanket around me I looked at in his direction as his eyes looked at me with concern.

"...There's a campground not far from here. I don't know if it's run by zombies but—" I finally spoke.

Maggie and Glenn looked at each other before using a walkie talkie and passing it to me.

"Rick. Since I know you're in the front, there's a campground not far from here. I don't know if it's safe but it could be shelter to stay for the night." I repeated.

It went silent.

"We'll go and investigate." Rick responded as everyone followed him to the campground.


It was overrun with zombies but after fending them off— it was good to stay. A lot of campers were left open and corpses were all over the place. I found one I was able to loot I was also able to grab some sticks and such. Although it won't be perfect makeshift trap, but it would make do. Carl stuck beside me, watching and helping.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked as I looked around.

I didn't say anything, standing for a moment.


"...I'm going to be fine." I put it as that.

"Kiddo, you need any help?" Daryl's voice spoke.

I just stopped for now since the skies were getting darker and darker...

"No. I'll be fine. I think we have enough for now. But I don't know how they'd hold up for the night.

"Supper time!" One of the voices called out as I followed Carl and Rick to the bonfire.

Instead of sitting next to Carl — I had to sit next to Rick and Michonne.

"Rick... I have to talk with you."

"What is it?"

I looked around before approaching the bonfire.

"...I know you may have questions about Edwin. I know I didn't say anything much because I didn't trust you all but..." my voice trailed off, "While I presume you've met him and his wife."

"Just him, it was only him alive at CDC." Carol corrected.

"And a psycho one at that." Daryl added.

"Well... you see my mom was a biologist she worked there looking at new disease and viruses and if they're dangerous or is simple as a cold for an example." I began, "And the day it happened to be her off day. My dad just tended to the bees—"

"Just get to it!" One of the men, whom I didn't meet but apparently his one group member knows about the "cure," which I found him pretty skeptical. They apparently got separated but was found somewhere around the campground hours ago.

I cleared my throat, "And I'm going to tell base on my memory on this part." I added as most nodded.

"So I think Edwin called about a virus discovery."


"What are the symptoms?" Mom's voice asked as she listened by the phone.

Dad and I weren't paying attention, watching TV.
Then the TV turns to a virus outbreak. My mom walked closer to listen to the TV. It goes on about the virus and to stay home. My mom grabbed her keys.

"Honey you—"

"I'll be back soon, darling. I have to resolve this issue." Mom reassured Dad.

"Are you going to be back?" I asked in a worried tone.

My mom knelt down to me.

"Don't worry, little bee. I'll be back before you know it. I promise." Mom reassured before kissing my cheek and leaving.

Then two days went by... then three. Dad was antsy.

"I have to go find her."

"Dad! It's dangerous out there! You have to wait for mom!"

"I'm sorry, little bee. I have to go find your mother, I'll come back with her unharmed. I promise." He reassured before kissing my cheek and leaving.

Then it turned to days, it turned to weeks... nothing. I anxiously waited but it turned to years before I realized....

They weren't coming back.


"Okay what's this got to do with Edwin?" Redhead dude asked.

"Did he start this whole shit?" One of the others asked.

"Not exactly. He did seem off, yes but I don't think he's the type to cause mass human extinction unless if he genuinely hated humans. And unless if he's some mad scientist, I doubt it. BUT." I paused, putting my finger up, "What I do know is one thing." I finished.

"That isssss?" Rick asked.

"It was most likely started by someone in CDC or elsewhere and someone had a twisted motive."

Everyone nodded.

"And that's all I know." I said as I sat by Carl now.

"What's your plan now, big shot?" Redhead guy said.

Rick didn't say anything.

"While we need a cure, I don't think it's worth the risk going back to Atlanta's CDC." Rick said as I nodded.

"You're serious right? We have to got DC to find the cure!!" Redhead guy said.

I tuned out the grownups arguing. I had a long day and felt exhausted.

"You feeling okay?" Carl asked.

"I'm tired. Long day." I said as he nodded.

"Need for me to walk to your trailer?"

"Not yet..."

"You need rest, Cass."



He embarrassedly flustered.

"Uh... yeah."

Tyreese approached, holding onto Judith.

"She kept saying baba."

"Bottle?" I said confused.

"That's what I thought but she was reaching for you."

I nodded as I grabbed Judith and although I know she only cried earlier as well always seemed tense... but when it's calm, she's peaceful. Carl scoots closer, grinning.

"You two make a cute couple." Tyreese said as Carl and I looked up.

"aNYWAYS—"  Carl said as Tyreese laughed.

I grinned.

"Hey, Tyreese."

"Yeah, Cassandra?"

"How obvious is Carl with his feelings for me?"

"Cass!" He blurts out embarrassed as Tyreese laughs.

"Very. Since the beginning. Everyone in the group knows."

Carl puckered his lower lip, covering his face.

"That's all I wanted to know." I said as Tyreese would walk away.

"Why did you ask that—"

"Carl Grimes, like I said... I know. At first I thought I was crazy for you to even like me."

"That's what everyone thought too." He admitted, "like here you were ready to shoot us but when I looked into your eyes..." he paused, "It's like... I wanted to know your story and see the softness you hide inside." He continued while blushing.

I rocked Judith into a rhythm. She was awake but I can see her eyes getting heavy.

"Well you heard it earlier." I said while looking at Judith, "I believed my parents were ever going to come back... only I was a fool." I said as I frowned a bit.

"You are not a fool, you were only a kid, Cass." He said.

I was still frowning and kept rocking Judith. I got up and looked around.

"What's wrong?"

"You see... the reason I know this campground exists is because this is where I learned archery."

I noticed Daryl has a crossbow. I would approach. 

"Hey... Daryl, right?"

Daryl had a cigarette in hand while he was talking about the future plans with Rick and the other grownups.

"Not now, kid."

"For your information, I'm fifteen and I saved your asses."

"Saved our asses?"

"Hear the kid out, Daryl." Rick added.

"Thank you." I said, "Look... all I want to ask if you could train me?"

"Train ya?"

I nodded.

"Yes. I know you using a crossbow is a bit different but... I overheard you are the best."

Daryl grinned.

"Then ya heard right, kiddo."

Michonne approached and I looked down to see Judith falling asleep in my arms. She would take Judith out of my arms.

"Thanks, Michonne." I said towards her before turning to Daryl, "Now are you going to train me? I mean I am training most of you on the booby traps."

I thought about the bees I've been caring for a long time. I know most wanted to learn but... most either died after stinging most of the men, or was burned when the asshole also burned down the hives...

"Mm... fine, kid." He said as I faintly smiled.

I felt the second wind of being tired. I turned around.

"Hey, Cassandra." Rick spoke as I turned around, he throws me a pistol.

"You also may need to learn to use this."

"Hey, I know to train, asshole." Daryl said half jokingly.

"No, Daryl... he has a point." I said as I looked at the pistol.

"I can teach you... Shane taught me and a few others." Carl suggested.

I looked at him for a moment. I wanted to tease him again but— eh it was good for those few times. I held onto it as Carl walked beside me.

"So... Cassandra. I want to ask."

I looked at him.

"...Never mind it would make sound stupid."

"Go on. I would totally not judge you." I said sarcastically.

He was taken aback.

"What? I still can't be sarcastic and still sassy?"

He laughed some.

"No it's just... I thought you were going back to pushing everyone away and being cold."

"Trust me, Carl. Like I said: I've learnt to accept that you guys are still going to be nice even if I was an asshole then."

He nodded. Eventually we made towards Glenn and Maggie's RV.

"I'm gonna go clean my gun and prepare for tomorrow."

I put my hands to my hips.

"Sounds like you really want to act like it was a date."

Carl blushed.

"What?— No—" he was stuttering, I still my hands my hands on my hips, "Well— uh—..."

I laughed a bit. I have to admit: despite he was stubborn and his feelings never changed, I started to have that fuzzy feeling since earlier. And I'm mainly teasing him because it's cute and fun.

"Are you going to head inside?" He said as I nodded.



I leaned in to kiss his cheek and head inside the trailer.

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