"Chapter Ten"

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Next morning, I decided to stay in the Grimes' trailer checking up on Eric every once in awhile. Although Aaron says he's got this — I still check up periodically. Although Rick isn't happy with me but I know my gut. There's something about these two I can trust. Abraham on the other hand —

"You really don't have to check up on us, kiddo." Eric said.

"Hey, I insist..."

Hadn't Glenn and Maggie adopted me, I know these two would've jumped on it. They know I'm their kid — but still. I felt someone grabbing my hand and it was Carl. I turned towards him.

"Hey, about that..." Eric said as he tried to sit up, but Aaron put his hand on his lover's chest holding him down slightly.

"About what?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing. You just remind me of Aaron and I." Eric said as Aaron smiled.

Carl laughed.

"I'd leave you two be." I said as I would head up front.

"He's still recovering, Rick."

He didn't say anything, still pissed off. He only briefly glanced at Carl holding my one hand. He made a low grumble.

"Dad..." Carl said trying to break the ice.

"It's fine, Carl. I know I pushed some buttons—"

"You think? You just joined this group and you're trying to run it."

I slightly grip my other hand. Carl would do the same in return with my one hand he's holding.

"It isn't like that, Rick. I know where I can put my trust into people."

"Whatever happened to putting your wall up because of your parents abandoning you and that last group?"


Michonne puts her hand on my shoulder before pulling both Carl and I away.

"I think he needs space." Michonne adds.

"Well I was bitter then, Rick. Being in your group and meeting Judith, Carl, Maggie, Glenn..." I listed, "Your gang made me realize I have someone that has my back and that I shouldn't be alone." I added.

Carl warmly smiled. Rick still kept his serious expression, not saying another word.

"And if you still can't trust me then my offer still stands." I added coldly.

"What offer?" Carl asked curiously.

I shook my hand in dismissal. Rick still kept silent for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"The answer is still the same, Cassandra."

Carl looked at both of us, confused and suspicious on the "offer" that I brought up.

"What offer?" He repeated.

"It's nothing, Carl." Rick reassured, "it's some stupid offer." He added.

And he's right about it: though I would leave the group if he said "yes,"

Michonne read the room, cuddling Judith, Michonne was also confused. I briefly glanced over giving her the "I'll talk about it later," kind of look,

"I want to know." Carl said.

"Just drop it, Carl." Rick said.

I just instead walked away sitting in the empty couch and stared at the blanket that I gave to Michonne back at the cabin. Memories of using it for picnics, going to see fireworks... using it to stay warm under a campfire... it brought too many memories. I would use the blanket and wrap it around myself.

And it's definitely bringing back—

"Cassie." Carl said my name as I shook my head, snapping out of the nostalgia trip.

I looked at him and he didn't say anything, he holds out his hand and takes me towards the near back.

"Tell me." He repeated.

He's really pushing it...

"Like Rick said, it's something stupid and won't ever happen." I reassured.

"But I know you two are—"

"Fine if you want to know so badly, I offered Rick that if he doesn't trust me. I can leave the group, and never come back or speak to anyone again." I finally snapped.

This had rendered Carl speechless.

"There, happy now? Now leave me alone." I said as I was about to storm off before Carl grabs my wrist.

"Why would you offer that? You know that I would've gone with you, so would Glenn and Maggie." He went on, "Plus Judith would be crying for you."

And maybe Rick was right... maybe I trusted them too easily.

"That's why your dad said it was stupid offer and for you to drop it." I said.

Carl held onto my wrist still.

"But you know me—"

"I know I know, you're so stubborn." I said.

Carl just stared at me, his big puppy blue eyes staring deep into mine as he still didn't let go. Michonne approached with Judith in her arms. She noticed the tension in the air.

"Cassandra, mind if you help me with Judith?" She asked me directly.

Carl would let me go. I just sighed.


Michonne approached me, Judith looked to be tired and ready to sleep. Since the RV isn't that big enough, either Carl or I have to take turns to sleep against her. It's my turn. I carefully grabbed her and held her close and she stared at me. I was trying to remember that one lullaby mom used to sing to me when I was little...

I noticed Carl would grab my one free hand. I looked into his direction.


"Just drop it, Carl. Like I said it was a stupid decision. Rick isn't going to allow it. Go ask him yourself." I said coldly.

Judith noticed my aloofness suddenly, startling her. Oh nonono.... I would begin to rock her and hum to a melody, trying to make her not cry.

"Fine." Carl would finally leave me alone.


I just don't understand... I know she was holding back and snapped — I had approached Dad.

"Dad I want to talk." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"...Were you actually going to go through with cass leaving?"

"No." Dad said without hesitation, "I don't know what she told you but that was a stupid decision."

Although it did answer my question: I just don't understand what's got into Dad — he actually somewhat pitied Cassandra. Though he didn't like how she treated me or any of us then but Maggie and Michonne made him realize that she's all alone in the world. She only trusted herself then and only allowed us on her land because of what she was taught prior.

"Dad... you still don't trust her?"

"Listen, Carl—"

"Carl, I think it's best we should talk." Michonne said as I stared at my Dad for a moment before Michonne pulled me off to the side.

"I just don't get it, Michonne... I know dad only started to trust her when you and Maggie made him realize—"

"It's going to give him time." She paused, "Although to be honest, I have to agree with Cassandra about on who to trust around that group—" she quietly admitted only for me to hear.

And yeah, I don't blame Michonne. It's all like one big cover up and cass can see right through it — only it's like no one listening.

"What should I do?"

"Well for once dont pressure her. I know you want what's best but some things are meant to be not talked about." Michonne paused, as she motioned towards Cass who's in the back singing to Judith, "And make sure she knows you're on her side through thick and thin." She said as I nodded...

I honestly to need hear of all that... but I do hope my dad does finally come around with Cass soon...

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