Beach Crush

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Lydia kept walked along the beach and spots the teen who looks to be around her age with Bella. "Bella?!" She runs over to get her stepsister back and it was there that it was the moment their eyes met. His hazel orbs meeting her dark eyes. "I... I found her before I could hit the water. She must be yours." He said placing Bella in her arms causing her to make a fuss that she couldn't catch her shiny prize he saw it too picking it up from the sand. Turns out it was a small hermit crab with one of those self-adhesive rhinestones attached on its shell. "Poor little guy, must've got caught by someone who thought it would be funny to bedazzle his home."

He carefully removes the three rhinestones from the shell and puts the hermit crab down on the shore. "You're not from around here, are you." She shakes her head holding her stepsister. "I'm from Connecticut."
"Is it nice?"
"It's enough to call it home."

The young male smiled rubbing the back of his head. "My name's Kaikane by the way, my friends call me Kai that is if I had any friends who did."
"I'm Lydia and you've already met Bella." She said introducing herself. "What brings you here to Hawaii?" He asked putting his surfboard down. "I'm on vacation with my dad and Delia who is probably having a freak attack seeing that she's not with her." She said referring to the baby in her arms.

"I bet she would. Do you know where your folks are?" Kaikane asked the teen. She nods walking in the right direction and there the pair made some conversation and Bella being the third wheel baby.

"Having literal dead housemates must be something?" Kaikane told Lydia while they walked along the shore. "It is and they kind of acted as my second parents in a way."
"That's nothing compared to what I experienced." She looked at him confusedly. "Eh?" Bella tilted her head to the side and is just as puzzled as her stepsister. "It's true and my sister told me not to tell this story to the visiting tourists for fear that they'll go to where I had my frightening encounter with the Hukai'po." Said Kaikane.
"The Hukai what?" Lydia asked him.
"The Hukai'po, the Night Marchers." He explained. "They're ancient and dangerous Hawaiian spirits that you do not want to look for or mess with."

"Lydia, where have you and Bella run off to?!" Delia cried hugging the two girls getting Bella from the teen. Charles noticed Kaikane with his daughter. "We've only been in Hawaii for a day and you've already started making friends."
"I'm Kaikane, and I was just about to tell her of an ancient Hawaiian legend." He said to him.

"I for one would like to hear one." Delia said gleefully bringing the boy over. "Okay, you wanna hear a local island legend, then I'll tell it. Gather around as I tell you of the Hukai'po, the Night Marchers." Kaikane looked eager to finally tell someone about the local legends.

He spins a frightening tale of these ancient entities of long ago just as he would with the visiting tourists that come to visit the islands. The gothy girl listens to every word he says save for Delia asking questions that the young Hawaiian tried to answer as best as he could.

"Not every encounter with the Night Marchers is the same. If you were to ask the other locals they'll tell you of their own experiences."

This did put a damper in Charles' mood. This is supposed to be a ghost and demon free family vacation not a legend tripping ghost hunting type. "Kaikane, thank you for telling us about that interesting legend and for befriending Lydia, but we have our own plans to attend to during our stay." He nods in understanding and heads off with Delia waving at him. "Big mahalo for the story-telling! It's like my guru Otho once said, an important lesson can be taught from a story."

This may not be the last time that they will see Kaikane again especially Lydia's.

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