Take a walk on the dark side

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Both girls turned around seeing black and electric blue highlighted haired male wearing a very hideous Hawaiian shirt with visible cocktail stains.

"Oh no..."

He skids to a stop feeling out of breath holding one finger up to give him a moment to catch his breath. Bella glared at the exhausted male clinging to Lydia's dress. "You and me both. I don't like him either." She said to her baby stepsister.

"What do you want from me, Drake?! Do you want me to get a restraining order is that what you want?! A restraining order on my ex-boyfriend can be a perfect vacation memento for me to take home to New York with me!" She said angrily snapping at him.

"I wanted your forgiveness! How many times do I have to say how very sorry I am for hurting you and attempted sabotage of your theatre hopes and dreams!"

She scoffed turning her back on him. "You're not getting it and I don't think you're a changed man."

"Just give up, you're not getting back with her." Said Lydia. Drake was glaring daggers at the girl. "Normally I would come up with something rude yet witty to get back at you but since I am on vacation and you have a baby with you, I'm going to let that slide."

"Lydia's right I moved on and you should do the same."

"Fine, be that way." He said crossing his arms until he got an idea, an awful idea, a terribly awful idea. "Cassidy, I understand that you're not ready to forgive me at any time and I can understand that."

She gives her ex a suspicious side-eye. "Do you remember each year on Halloween when I brought you to some locations in the Hollywood-LA area that were said to be haunted?"
"Yes and you also told me about sticking around the Hollywood Forever Cemetery after trick or treating to look for any paranormal activity." Drake nods feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over him. "I used to be so scared when we snuck around the cemetery thinking someone was gonna pop out from behind a gravestone or crypt and mausoleum." She saw Lydia looking pretty curious. "Those are stories for another time, kid." Drake said waving her off earning a pissed off look from the strawberry blond who ignored it.

"Anyway, I want you and your little friend to come join me on a late night walk to Pali Lookout..."

Pali Lookout, Kaikane mentioned it to Lydia in his story he said it was not safe at night.


"Tonight?!" Both girls cried, little Bella did not like the sound of that causing her to fuss and Cassidy got her from her e-pal's arms. "There, there, sweetie, my ex is just being a big fat idiot." She cooed.

"Are you insane?! Why should me and Lydia go with you to Pali Lookout tonight?!"
"Can't I just go for a late night jungle trek with my ex girlfriend and her friend to reminisce and share some promised stories for old time's sake."

She scowled giving Bella back. "Fine, we'll go with you tonight for old time's sake but if you ever and I mean ever think of putting any of us in danger out there you won't have to worry about me or gaining my forgiveness again." She threatened.

"I won't, cross my heart and hope to take a coconut to the head." Drake told her.

Back at the air bnb, Lydia was in Bella's nursery with her stepsister sitting in her crib nomming on a pineapple shaped teething ring. "I'm telling you, Bella, Cassidy's ex has officially lost it as if he hadn't lost it before when I first met the guy now he wants us to go out to Pali Lookout in the dead of night." She paced the floor of the nursery with the redheaded child listening to her rant and rave. "Don't you think it's crazy, who am I kidding you're six months old and don't understand a word I'm saying." She stopped her nomming looking out the window to the twilight sky babbling something. "We may not understand each other but I know someone who does and I made a promise to a friend after all."

With a light smirk, she takes to the window and Bella pokes her head up from the crib's headboard looking both curious yet worried with what is about to happen.

"Though I know I should be wary, still I venture someplace scary. Ghostly haunting I turn loose.

The window flies open, a violent wind rushes in Lydia and Bella are blown over and some of the stuffed toys on the floor cushioned the older girl's fall and Bella finds herself laying back on the soft mattress of her crib staring up at her tropical themed baby mobile that was spinning like crazy almost ready to break off. The wind dies down and a column of smoke appears. Beetlejuice steps out of the smoke dressed like a parody of a tourist in a hat, dark glasses, shorts and a t-shirt saying "Tight butts drive me nuts" carrying a giant cooler and tightly locked suitcase that looks ready to burst any second.

"Is this the right fashion message?" His eyes darted around the nursery then to the two girls and to Lydia and stretched his long arms forward pulling her into a big, tight, bone-crushing hug.

"Babes! Did ya miss me?!" She struggles to pull away from his suffocating embrace and prompts the demon to let her go. "I did and kept true to my word before I left." She said regaining her breath.
BJ takes notice of baby Bella who seemed pretty dazed by his entrance. "Good seeing you again." She stuck her little tongue out razzing at him. "Well you're no picnic either, kid." He said to her.

"Anyway, how's Hawaii treatin' ya?" He said refocusing his attention on his BFFFF forever. Lydia recounts to him her stay and how jet-lag can be a serious pain in the neck unless you're a six month-old baby that made it through the nonstop airplane flight.

"I even met Cassidy when I was out sightseeing." The demon's green hair turned a soft pink color when she mentioned the strawberry blond that stole his dead heart. "Cass is here?!" He said feeling the blush creeping on his cheeks. "She is and apparently her no-good ex is here as well and wants us to come with him to Pali Lookout tonight." Hearing about Cass' ex made the tips of his hair grow red he thought he taught that son of a banshee a lesson for hurting her six months ago.

"Pali Lookout, right and you're going?"
"Yeah and taking Bella is not a good idea so I'm letting her stay here." She looks up at her with big sad puppy eyes when she said she had to stay. "Do you want Delia to turn this place inside out to find you?" She pouted getting back down. "I'll be back soon." Lydia says laying her down and tucking her in letting out a little whine. "I don't like this either the same as I don't like what Drake has for Cassidy out there."
"Yeah, so quit being a total worry-wuss." Beej told her switching the light off and closing the nursery door.

"To Pali Lookout?"
"To Pali Lookout, babes. Lead the way."

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