We need a vacation

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Lydia comes home after a long and tiring school day to be greeted by her stepmother, Delia who is holding an auburn haired baby girl Isabella Serena in her arms who is making grabby hands wanting to be with the exhausted gothy teen. "Hi, Bella." She takes her into her arms earning a bright smile from the sweet little one. The teen did take time adjusting to having her new stepsister in her life especially after the unexpected birth on Christmas Eve and once she was brought home, the deceased ghost couple that lived before the Deetzes, Adam and Barbara Maitland were in love, practically over the moon with this precious baby girl.

"I've be trying to get her to say her first word and no luck. Am I doing something wrong?" Delia had been life coaching Bella 'cause it looked like a smart idea to "start her off while this young" and was trying to get her to say her first word had been became a challenge from using colorful picture books for babies, nursery rhymes to switching the TV on with kiddie shows for her little angel. "Bella's 6 months old and dad said these things take time until she's actually ready."

She walked upstairs as her baby stepsister played with the necktie of her school uniform and gives it a pull. "I see you're becoming a puller now." She reached Bella's nursery placing her in the crib to be greeted by the Maitlands who are already fawning over the little baby. She could see them like her big stepsister. Then again, babies can sometimes see things we can't see. "We'll take over from here, I bet you had a long day today." Barbara said softly while Adam was trying to get a laugh out of the small child.

Lydia was in her room comfortably dressed now until a gruff voice belonging to her demon BFFF forever, Beetlejuice came up. "Back from school already, babes, also how's the little bad-timer?"
Since Bella was born, he called her that because he thought of her sudden and unexpected birth as bad-timing just when he tried to get a mistletoe kiss from Lydia's e-pal, Cassidy on Christmas Eve.
It's not like he hated the baby, it was not that at all. There wasn't any sort of hatred towards her it's just he had a problem with trying to get the little one to like him. There were occasions that she would start crying at the sight of him or just staring blankly at him and there was that occasion she blew a raspberry at the demon and with his mouth open it was gross but anything that was disgusting didn't bother him it was the lack of any sort of connection trying to be formed between baby and ghost.

"Yeah and just until school's out for the summer. Also, her name is Bella and she is not a little bad timer."

"My day's been exhausting." She gives him a mildly irritated expression.
"Yeah, I'm sure making trouble in the Netherworld and messing with Barbara and Adam along the lines of trying to get my baby stepsister to warm up to you must really take a lot of your energy compared to going to school and having homework piled on you before summer vacation begins then you must be feeling very drained and to top it all off with being a freelancing bio-exorcist."

BJ could almost taste the sarcasm lacing the goth girl's words. "I know and- wait... were you just being sarcastic." He said as she fell back on her bed from the day's exhaustion weighing her down. "I need a vacation." Said the green haired demon. This earned him a very annoyed side eye from her.

"Charles I don't know what I am doing wrong with her."
"Delia, Isabella Serena is only 6 months old and you can't rush these things. A baby's first word is a very big milestone." He tells her while reading the newspaper. "Perhaps a change of environment could help. She's seen everything in the house but no first word." It was there that the wheels in her head began to turn and switch on the light bulb of a bright idea. "Think about it, with the change of scenery, she might be able say her first word." Chuck would at times wonder at what goes on in Delia's head sometimes she can be a bit eccentric like trying to life-coach her baby at six months old.

"So babes, for this vacation, I've been planning to go to Hawaii for quite a while and I hear it's tons of fun especially during the summer." He said holding an empty suitcase covered in travel stickers. Lydia did think about it.
Being in sunny Hawaii and getting the much-needed break from school like any other teenager would want as a way to kick off their summer break with a beach vacation.
It had also been a long time since her family went on a vacation before her mother, Emily died. She lets out a sigh, "I hear you and Hawaii doesn't sound too bad of a vacation spot."

"Let's go to Hawaii!" Delia exclaimed causing her husband to almost rip the newspaper in half from the shock of her outburst. "Think about it, Charles you've been very hard at work and Lydia's been doing well in school and that might've been my life-coaching doing its work; also with the long days at school, Bella barely gets any time with her big sister which is also not good for her well-being and Hawaii can bring us even closer as a family."

The stepmother could imagine it now, her stepfamily vacationing in the Hawaiian Islands, Bella getting much needed and healthy sisterly bonding time with Lydia by the beach or at the hotel's poolside and her with Charles spending romantic quality time together and all of them touring and going sightseeing learning more about Hawaiian culture and traditions.
A couple of days in paradise with no work, no stress, and for Chuck's case not having to deal with Beetlejuice. 

"We will have to make arrangements for the flight, reservations for the hotel, plan an itinerary and most importantly, this will be Isabella's first time ever in an airplane how will she get through it." They haven't even left the house and Charles started worrying about this whole idea of going on vacation in Hawaii. "Don't worry so much, we'll plan it together and I discovered on the internet some tips and tricks to help little Bella get through the whole flight without people judging us." Delia tells him looking forward to plan their family vacation.

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