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"Wow! Leah can you believe we're in high school!  I mean think of all the people we'll meet and things we'll do!"  I said to my best friend Leah.  I can't believe I, Simon Spier, am in high school.  Maybe I'll get a girlfriend. Well hopefully not.  I'm sure this whole gay thing is a phase, though. I mean isn't everyone hot for Daniel Radcliffe?  I'm sure Leah isn't worried about that.  It's pretty obvious she has a massive crush on Nick.
"Yeah Si.  Great."  Leah, queen of sarcasm, strikes again.
"You aren't excited? I mean how could you not be!"  I'm worried. Something is wrong with her. I saw her glance over at Nick, whose mom just dropped him off.  I think I heard her let out a little sigh but it could just be the wind. Nick makes his was over to us. Of course he's wearing his soccer jersey. 
"Really? That jersey? You've been wearing that all week!" Leah said.  It's true. I've seen Nick everyday and he has, in fact, been wearing the same shirt. "Don't you own anything else? Maybe like, oh I don't know, some jeans? Maybe a button down?"
"Leah, cut him some slack. Not that he owns any," I chuckled and so did Leah. Nick was not amused, but that was a great joke, okay?  "Come on guys, We're going to be late."  We weren't going to be late, this was just awkward.
All the freshman made their way into the auditorium.  There weren't very many of us only about 300 or so.  A lady walked up to the stage.  "Hello fresh meat- er I mean, students.  Here at Creekwood High we have many opportunities.  Theatre, show choir, soccer, football, tennis, chess team, cheerleading, orchestra, band, Bella choir, and multiple clubs." I notice a kid staring at me. Odd. "We HOPE you find your classes easily, but as freshman that won't happen.  You can come get your class schedule up here. The stacks are alphabetical so just find your line!"  I made my way down to the R-V line.  My schedule was easy enough; English, Science, engineering, theatre tech, math, and P.E. last.  I talked over my schedule with Leah and Nick.  Turns out I had every class with Martin Addison.  Apparently I also had every class with this kid, ya know the one staring at me, his name is Bram.  He's one of Nick's soccer friends I guess.  He's kind of adorable, I'll admit.  Ack! What am I thinking. I have to think straight! Hehe thinking straight.  Martin, on the other hand, is the class clown.  Always a distraction and super geeky. 
The first day came and went. The second day came and went.  The first week came and went.  The first month came and went.  Before I knew it, it was October.  October means orange Oreos, and Bram's annual halloween party!  I go with Nick and Leah every year.  I get to see Bram, too! He's so sweet he helped me in math a few times.  He's on the CWHS soccer team now too.  Wait why am i talking about Bram?
We met up in Nick's basement on october 1st.  Gotta figure out our group costume now. Gotta be ready.  "So best friends, what's our costume?" I certainly have plenty ideas.
"Oh, well, I wasn't going to dress up this year.  Ya know we are 14. Maybe we're too old?" Leah said hesitantly. 
"Woah, Leah are you okay? You always wanna dress up,"  Nick looked betrayed.  Since we were 4 we always did group costumes.  I remember in fourth grade we did a 20's theme. Leah and I were flappers and Nick was a bartender with a handlebar mustache.  I always went for the schock value of "boy in a dress" up until middle school.  I have a feeling Leah is trying to impress Nick with her maturity.  "Well I guess me and Si will dress up on our own.  Salt and Pepper, Ketchup and mustard, but no hot sauce, no red pepper flakes.  Sigh. Simon whatever shall we do?"  His fake sadness really topped it off.  No way she isn't convinced.
"Of fine you nerd.  What are your guys' ideas? I was thinking we get two other people and be the PreCure warriors!  I'll be Cure Flora of course," Leah suggested.
    "Ooooooookay, let's put a pin in that. I think we should be greek Gods!'' I said.  I think that's a solid idea.
    "I like it!" Agreed Nick.
    "Me too!" agreed Leah
    "It's settled then! I'll be Hades!'' I want to be the spookiest and Hades fits that bill pretty well.  Being lord of the Underworld and all.
    "I want to be Artemis! She's so cool and fierce!" Leah yelled. 
    "I'll be Zeus because I'm cool like him," I don't think he's ever read a story with Zeus in it...  Should I tell him all the affair Zeus had? Should I tell him Zeus had a jealous wife who interfered with any of his lovers and killed his son's children? Nah, I'll let him have this.
    "Hey guys, come check this out! I made a Tumblr page for the school.  It's called Creek Secrets.  People can send in anonymous asks and I'll post them as confessions! Genius, I know," Leah explained the blog to us and we printed posters for it.  The posters just had a QR code and link.  Not the best design.  I was going through my phone while finding pictures for the poster and saw my millions of photos of Daniel Radcliffe and Brendon Urie. I may have gotten slightly distracted by them. I am NOT gay though! I can't be. Right?
    Halloween came around and we all had our costumes. Leah had a beautiful white flowy dress that cut off at the knee.  She had a stuffed animal fox headpiece with a furry cape attached.  Her shoes were just brown Uggs.  Nicks' outfit was also quite elaborate.  He had a Toga made of a white sheet and a red cape. He wore a gold faux olive branch crown on a white curly wig, too.  My costume wasn't so amazing. I had a black cloak, skull face paint and blue hair.  Not as spooky as i was going for I'll admit. We met up at Nick's house and his mom took us to Bram's party.  We arrived and a girl got us some punch.  I saw Martin Addison walking over to us. 
    "I spiked the punch, just FYI," As soon as Martin had arrived he left.  I dumped my punch in the plant next to the door.  Sorry plant I thought to myself.  We walked over to the couch and sat down.  We tried talking but it was just too loud.  The karaoke looked fun though.
    "Nick let's duet!" Leah yelled.
    "What?!" nick yelled back
    "DUET! TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART! LET"S DO!" Leah practically screamed.  Nick nodded.  I wish I could duet with someone.  Bram came and sat down next to me. I've been blessed I thought.  Wait, what?  I don't think i have a crush on Bram.  He's just cute, and sweet, and great, and- OH NO! NO NO NO! Simon don't start. You know what happens when you get a crush!  I didn't listen to that voice. That doubting, yet realistic, voice in my head.  He's probably straight anyway. Not that I'm gay, of course. Oh, what am I thinking this is gay. I am definitely gay.   I saw Bram trying to talk to me but i couldn't hear him over Leah and Nick's duet.  I motioned that I couldn't hear him.  I felt my phone vibrate in my cloak pocket.
"Take On Me Duet?"  From Bram.  I felt butterflies in my stomach.
"LET'S DO IT!" I texted back.  We got up and took the mic from Nick.  Bram seemed kind of tipsy as he grabbed the mic. He drank the punch.  It was actually kind of adorable. Then the song started.
After the party, I went home and flopped into bed.  I feel at this point I've just kind of accepted the fact that I like Bram.  I need to drop this crush though.  He's probably straight anyway.  I picked up my phone to text Leah.  Should i even tell her?  I mean she is my best friend, it would be weird keeping something from her.  I'll keep this to myself for a while.  I don't want anything to change.  Except I really want to kiss Bram.  And hold his hand.  And go on a date with him.  Maybe one day.

Author's Note:  This book made me cry so much.  It's so close to reality and so cute.  I relate to it so much.  The struggles of coming out is something I've known all too well.  Finding yourself and accepting it is hard to do.  It's even harder when it differentiates from what you've seen on TV and media in general.  That's why books like this, Love, Simon, and Andi mack having a gay character is so important.  Hopefully in the future more LGBT+ media will come out (pun intended).  Just normal people who happen to be LGBT+.  No bad ending just cute romance which is all too rare in the LGBT+ community.

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