Chapter 4| The Groups

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Kyle's POV

Time skip 2 weeks

I've been noticing more and more kids coming out as gay, pan and bi the past two weeks but it looks like there is so much bullying. I haven't spoken to Stan since I came out and he only hangs out with Cartman and Clyde now. I still hang out with Kenny and Butters who came out as Trans and dresses like a girl. I'm so happy for them, they're dating now and it's so nice to see people who accept us. I still miss Stan though. Before he became a homophobe I.......kinda liked him. But I'm over him now. I can't believe I ever did like him.

"Dude, have you noticed how many kids have black eyes and bruises?" Kenny asked. I looked around the cafeteria. I saw multiple kids with clear physical injuries. "Ya, that's really weird" I said. I saw Stan get up from his seat and drag some kid outback. "Oh hell no" I muttered under my breathe. I got up from my seat and went over towards the door. I went outside to see Stan beating up Tweek. "THE FUCK DUDE!" I yelled at him.

"You stupid fags!" he screamed while throwing Tweek against a wall. "You need to fucking stop!" I yelled. "Oh ya, or what you'll suck my dick!" he argued. I've never heard Stan say such a hurtful thing to me before. I didn't respond and helped Tweek up and brought him back inside. I dragged him to the front of the cafeteria. This has too stop. I've seen to many kids with injuries and most of the were in the LGBTQ community. The rest were allies.

"EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" I screamed. The whole room went silent. All eyes were on me and Tweek who was twitching like crazy. "Look at this boy" I said loudly while pointing at Tweek's bruises. "He was just beat up for being himself! Who here thinks that absurd!" I said. About haft of the school either nodded or grunted in agreement. "Who here is in the LGBTQ community or an ally! Raise your hand! " I yelled. "How bout you go make out with a dude and let us eat our lunch" Stan mocked. "How bout you go fuck yourself!" I yelled back.

"Now raise your hand" I instructed. About 1/3 of the people raised there hand including most of the people with injuries. There was no way this was all of them. "TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH! Look around you! People are getting bullied for this! I know at least 3 kids have disappeared from this school in the past 2 WEEKS! They were all getting bullied, and I know for a fact that they were lesbian, gay, bi or trans!" I yelled. More people put their hands up while other people grunted.

"Alright, if you have your hand up, move to the left side of the cafeteria!" I directed and they did so. "Why are we doing this?" Wendy asked. I didn't reply and just grabbed Butters hand and brought him up. "Butters tell us what he did to you" I said. "Wha-what?" Butters asked sweetly. "You know HIM" I said while motioning my neck towards Stan. "Oh-oh ya, he he bullied me" Butters mumbled. I turned Butters to face me and put my hands on his shoulders. "I know this is tough for you but we're gonna start a revolution, so please tell them what has been happening to you" I whispered to him. He nodded in agreement and faced the people.

"My name is Butters Stotch and I'm a transgendered female. I came out as gay over a month ago and ever since then I-I've been horribly bullied. My bullies....would drag me outside and beat me so hurt so bad. They stabbed me a couple times. Threw razors at me and told me to slit my wrists. They left a rope in my locker and left a note saying that it was for hanging people with" Butters stuttered as tears ran down his cheeks. "That's enough Butters you can-" "They called me a faggot! They told me I was a waste of space! They'd wait for me after school and beat me senseless! They have no regard for who I am!" he screamed interrupting me. The whole cafeteria was stunned.

I didn't know what to say, I mean I knew he was getting bullied but I didn't know it was THIS bad. "So please......stop the hate. Stand up, for yourself and others because" he stopped and looked at Stan. "I know some people actually did use that rope to hang themselves when they found it in their locker. I walked into the janitor's closet......Pip was in there. Hanging from a rope with a suicide note taped to his shirt and the note that said 'this rope is used for the extermination of fags' lying on the floor next to him. You're the one responsible for that.............Stan" Butters finished.

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