Ricky age 11: Flirting With Disaster

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Lisa: Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, it's still me. )':

Rochelle P.O.V.

One rule that I've learned to live by is if I think that I can do something then I knowI can do something.

I was struck by lightning, it was a good thing, it made me fast and powerful even more so than my siblings.

I could beat anyone in a race, that was a fact. People wanted to go up against Robin now just because she was a challenge, even more so than the bat himself. That was a mistake. Bane was probably the one person that could knock me down a peg.

I had a limited amount of faith in my abilities. That was until I got cocky and went up against Bane alone. The thing was it wasn't only Bane but Bane, Killer Crock and Killer Moth. They were upset and wanted revenge from the times I took down the brainless three. 

"Wow three boys versus one girl, how is this fair?" I asked pouting. One thing that I never really got about my powers is that no matter what color I wore, my lightning was always blue. It makes almost zero sense.

"You not fight fair, we not fight fair," Bane said seeming proud of his accomplishment.

I called Bruce and told him what was going down. When I hung up that was when I got a call from Sebby.

"Hey, what's up Seb? Kind of busy right now," I said flipping over Crock and kicking him in the back at superspeed.

"Ricky, are you in a fight? I'm so proud of you," Sebby said over the phone.

"No I'm not in a fight, I'm running sprints, yeah, that," I said hoping that that didn't sound too suspicious.

"Sure, where's Damien or one of your brothers just to prove that you are not in a fight with some punkass kid from school that probably would get their ass whipped," Sebby said sounding proud that he cornered me.

"I'm out right now, so none of them are around. I know that you just want to flirt with them but that would be literally flirting with disaster and you know what happened last time," I said cutting Bane's venom tubes. "Two down, one to go," I whispered.

Smoke came down knocking Killer moth out of the air.

"Pops is here got to go love you Seb," I said hanging up.

"I know that you love me," he said right before I could.

Sebby and I have been friends since we met last year at his Glee performance. He really was something. Before you ask no I don't have a crush on him.

{Ar nar I broke the fourth wall}

I ran back home and crashed on the couch only waking up when there was a knock on the door that Alfred didn't get.

"Who's here at twelve at night?" I asked myself before pushing the door open. "Jon, Connor? What are you doing here?" I asked letting them it.

"Next time you should change out of your uniform before you open the door even if it is Halloween season and you could pass it off as trying on your costume," Connor said looking at me over his glasses.

"Right," I said rubbing the back of my neck before speed changing into my pajamas. Jon was sitting on the couch with a smile as Connor was probably going to see Bruce. It was funny because Connor was only eighteen like Tim but was talking to Bruce as if he were the same age.

Jon and I talked for a while before we crashed on the couch. I only know because when I woke up the next morning there was a framed picture of us on the coffee table. I got up and saw Jason and Tim laughing in the kitchen as I jumped onto Tim's shoulders taking him to the ground. Jason laughed at him and walked away but not before I dumped a glass of milk on his head.

"Great now I have to shower again, thank Ricky," Jason said sarcastically before running up the stairs. 

Today was going to be a good day.

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