Ricky Age 9: Is it a Rock and a Hard Place if They Fell?

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Rochelle Grayson P.O.V.

Crack... crack... crack... CRaCk. That's all I hear now that they're gone. CRACK! I want to see them again. I sat in the back of a black fancy car that was driving perfectly at the speed limit. I couldn't focus on what lied ahead, I wouldn't think about what lied beyond that tall gate that had W's carved into the metal. What lied ahead... head... CrAcK! Help...


I looked at the six kids lined up like they were in the army, the oldest assured me that there were more. The man who adopted me had more screws loose than I did. Damien, Jason, Kate, Cassie, Tim, and Barbara stood in front of me. I wanted to speak to the man himself... Wayne. Damien... Wayne, Jason... WAyne, Kate... WAYne, Cassie... WAYNe, Tim... WAYNE, and Barbara WAYNE! I take one of them away and I get to the king like a game of chess. That is the goal after all. The kids in the place told me that Wayne looks for the most messed up kids that he can find and if they don't turn out how he wants them he kills them. 

"She seems unstable." one of the smaller black-haired boys said.

"She seems fine to me." the taller of the red-heads said shrugging and looking me up and down. The black-haired girl sat next to me on the floor. He name was Cassie I remembered that.

"You'll be okay. If I could live with them for the past four years than so can you. I'll hel[p you through it. I promise you'll get used to Kate's attitude and the boys running around shirtless screaming.


The boy with the black hair that was named Damien was walking up the stairs. He arrived at a dark wooden door, knocked twice, then let himself in.

"Father, why did w... you adopt her. Did you sleep with her mother as well and felt bad that you didn't pay for anything when she was young enough to remember?" Damien asked.

"She is my child Damien, I did feel bad that she had to watch her mother and so-called father fall to their deaths but, she will have a nice home here. Isn't that right Rochelle?" I peeked out from behind the door and ran. I ran through the door and felt rain hit my head coming down in large puddles beside me. 

"Hey kid, how about you get back inside." I looked up to see a man standing next to a boy who looked a year or two older than me. They had black hair, blue eyes, and a familiar insignia on their chests.

"Who are you?" I asked shaking from the rain.

"I'm Connor and this is my little brother Jon. How about you are you one of Bruce's kids? I haven't seen you around before." He asked.

"I'm Rochelle Grayson. I don't want to stay with him. He lied to me and so did everyone else." I said looking down at my lap.

"I know for a fact that it's scary at first to be friends with the Wayne's but trust me, kid, you're better off there than somewhere else," Connor said scooping me up. That was when it happened. A heavy bolt of lightning struck me right through my heart. I could hear everything but it was almost cold and wet. I was fading in and out of consciousness.

I heard screams from people that I didn't even think I could hear and that's when... I saw my parents.

"You lied to me," I said meekly.

"I did it for you and now you have a choice. Join us or save the world from itself. I want you to live honey, we both do, but it's your choice. I wish there were a way that I could hold you in my arms without cutting your strings but I can't my dear. Save people from becoming who they think that they should be. I love you either way."

"How can I save them?" I asked looking up and feeling stronger.

"Use what I gave you from the heavens my child. Use the lightning and run to them. Run Rochelle, run." My mom said before disappearing.

I woke up in a cave thinking to myself about everything that I had heard.

"Holy shit, my dad is Batman."

To Be Continued

723 words how the?

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