Chapter 33: Confessions In The Dark

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Damian's POV

Love is a pain that is endless. No matter how amazing your life might seem at any given time, love had the ability inject itself into your pores and turn the tides on everything. I never imagined myself falling in love, not because I believed that I was incapable of human attachments, but more so, because I had witnessed how poisonous love could be. 

I watched love become a poison that coursed through my family's veins. We always justified our actions as being done out of love. If hurting others to get revenge or right some perceived wrong that someone had done to you, meant that your intentions were loving, then you could keep love far away from me.

When I first laid eyes on Talia Grey, I felt love slowly begin to breach my surface. Those chocolate eyes seemed to bore right through the years of defenses that I had built up, like tiny hammers chipping away at the surface of concrete walls. I knew the minute that I laid eyes on her in that elevator, that I needed to stay away from her. There was something about her that drew me in closer, like being stuck in the ocean and getting your foot caught in the current. No matter how hard I attempted to swim away from the current of her gaze, each simple flutter of her eyelashes or snide remark in my direction gripped my flailing toes and dragged me down further.

When I was younger, my parents weren't what you would classify as nurturing. I didn't have fond memories about my mother tucking me in at night, kissing my forehead and reading me fairytales about princes and everlasting love. My parents taught us manners, rules and obligations. The only stories we were told, were ones about our lineage and the mythology surrounding our people.

I was raised to be a warrior; a vicious boy, who would grow into an unrelenting king. I was raised to do right by my family and uphold the traditions set in place from centuries ago. I was never little Damian Grayson Reever, fun loving or happy boy; a boy who would grow into a loving and kind man, with the world at their fingertips.

I was raised to be a man that people would fear and cower in front of.  I was raised to be a direct reflection of the men whom had come before me; the kings who surrounded themselves with blood.

The only fairytales that I was told when I was younger, came in the form of a petite Scandinavian nanny, Birgit, who at almost seventy years old, always had a kind word for the two boys that she cared for. Had it not been for kind Birgit, I would never had known how to love Talia Grey.

When I laid eyes on Talia and foresaw all of the myths surrounding our family possibly becoming true, I felt a pang of fear in my gut. I felt fear, because for once in my life, I would be expected to be the man I knew I was capable of, but he was a man that was foreign to myself. She saw through my family and my defenses; she saw into my soul.

Birgit used to read me a Hans Christian Anderson fairytale, entitled The Leaf from the Sky. In it, an angel, who was high up in the clear sky, was clutching a flower which he had gotten from a heavenly garden. While up high, he pressed his lips to the flower, causing a leaf to break away and descend down to the soft soil below. The leaf took root in the soil and grew all around; clutching onto nearby plants, essentially overtaking everything. The plants around that were native to the soil, despised the foreign entity and attempted to make their distaste known. Through the difficult seasons the leaf and its resulting flowers overcame and embraced the new surroundings, causing a beauty to radiate around.

Although despised and misunderstood, it took a pure of heart little girl to gaze upon the flower and see the sheer beauty that radiated from it. She plucked a single leaf from the flower, as to not harm or kill the beautiful thing in front of her, and kept it in her worn Bible. The leaf remained green and new, even until a few weeks later when that beautiful little girl succumbed to death and laid in her death shroud, with the small Bible under her head.

There was more to the story that I often remembered when I thought of dear sweet Birgit. However, the parts of the story that I carried with me, were that even in the midst of things that were different, there was still the opportunity to be your own beautiful entity. I desperately wished that one day, I would be free from my family, in order to spread my roots like the heavenly flower did; not caring that I would be the foreign entity in the world, the thing that was despised or misunderstood. I had almost given up hope of ever being a man apart from my hateful family, until the day I met Talia Grey.

In my own twisted version of the fairytale, she was the small girl, who looked upon me with pure eyes. Eyes that saw my beauty, even amongst all of the things that belonged. She never saw the boy who everyone feared or steered clear of. She never saw the hate that coursed through my veins. She only saw me and with that, she gave my cold and often dying heart a chance to beat again; to beat with a newfound sense of self and most importantly, love.

She loved me, when everyone else failed to see me.

Standing in my family's home, I looked across the grand foyer at the garish wallpaper that my mother recently had installed. It was cream colored with faint hints of gold specks. It was just another thing on a long list of items, showing off our class and stature among the rest of the dying town around us.

I heard the sound of stiletto heels on the marble floors, followed by an annoyed sigh, before my mother's perfectly curled blonde hair came into view. She appeared impeccable, as always. Each hair was in its place and her white high waisted suit pants, with the ridiculously flared legs, were a sharp contrast to her form fitted black blouse that she was wearing.

"Hunny, I didn't know you would be stopping by. Hilde made an utter mess of some of my appointments and now I am running behind, which as we both know, simply infuriates me!" she almost snapped, as she turned within shouting distance of Hilde, her younger blonde assistant with the fearful blue eyes, that refused to look me in the face.

"We wouldn't want that now, Mother. We both know how things turn out when you are angered," I commented, almost sarcastically in a way, but luckily she either didn't catch it or chose to ignore my insolence.

"Now, I am even later! If you have laundry, please put in in the kitchen for Jenson to sort. Will I see you at dinner?" she asked, but I simply shook my head, as she placed a chaste kiss on my pink cheek. She rubbed off any remnants of her peach colored lipstick from my skin and motioned for Hilde to get a move on it. I attempted to shoot Hilde, a quaint smile, but her eyes instantly dropped to the floor as she rushed out; almost nipping at my mother's expensive Louboutins like she was a starved puppy in need of attention.

I made my way into the kitchen to find Birgit, toiling away at the stove like always. Since our departure from the home, she had taken to being my family's cook. I stood in the doorway and just watched her. Her frail hands, which were lined with aging skin and liver spots, worked in their always swift manner; yet now, they were accompanied by the occasional creak of her bones.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice that she had turned and was looking in my direction with utter joy and affection. "Min kärlek!" she cooed, as she called me her enduring term for beloved, in her native Swedish tongue.

"Hello Mamma."

"What brings you home? It is not Sunday, so no laundry day for mitt hjärta," she peppered my face with kisses, as she called me her heart. Her long gangly fingers gripped the sides of my face and she stared into my eyes, looking into my soul, just like she had a million of other times since my birth. "What is the matter, Damian?"

I couldn't lie to the woman in front of me. She was more of a mother to me than my own was. She was the only thing keeping me human and not the robotic monster that my father wanted me to be; the same monster that I was gradually seeing my brother becoming.

I braced myself to tell her everything and I did. Her eyes lit up in horror when I got to the part about Talia being hurt by someone in a car that was similar to both my brother's car, and my mother's. 

"I went to the hospital and I saw it for myself. It could have been worse, but luckily she's ok. For how long, I am not sure, Birgit, but I must do something. Talia said her ring was missing and that's why I'm here. Are we alone?" I asked and she simply nodded, before clutching my hand and leading me up the ornate staircase.

She led me to my parent's room, slowly cracking the door open, almost in fear of the deceit she was about to commit on my behalf. Her petite legs, which were clad in her signature long brown skirt, hurriedly moved in the direction of my mother's ornate vanity table. I found my fingers running over the different items on the top. Her solid gold hairbrush and hand mirror, were laid out perfectly. The various perfume bottles each neatly tucked in their respective places along the back of the vanity. The plush red velvet seat that was tucked underneath the table, was quickly pulled out by Birgit, as she rested her aged body, while she searched.

She thumbed through the drawer, through every single piece of paper and item that were perfectly stacked. She searched around the different tubes of lip stick that were neatly placed in the drawer. Her face turned to sadness when she looked up at me and shook her head. I knew the expression on her face, it was a look that told me that she felt she had failed me.

Birgit would never know exactly how untrue that sentiment was. There was nothing that she could do, that I would ever consider a failure, if anything, she was the reason I hadn't become the shell of a boy that I once thought I would be. She was my family and since I knew in my heart that I could never have Talia, at least while my family had their clutches in everything I did, I relished in the fact that I would still have one loving person to keep me away from the darkness.

Birgit placed everything back perfectly, before hoisting herself up off the velvet bench seat and tucking it safely back in its place underneath the table. She was about to exit, when her face lit up and she scurried over towards the bedside table, near where my mother always slept. Careful not to disturb the garish display of fancy pillows or crinkle the black silk duvet that covered the grand four poster bed, complete with black canopy, she thumbed through the single walnut colored drawer.

I felt a sigh escape my lips, when it appeared that we would be unsuccessful in finding anything that would hint at my mother's involvement in Talia's accident. Maybe it was just that, an accident. Maybe, Talia had lost her ring when the car collided with her. For a moment, I scolded myself for ever believing that my family was so toxic that they would've had any kind of a hand in hurting anyone; however, I knew that they had done horrible things to the Wyndham family in the past.

I knew for a fact that my father played a hand in the deaths of Wilder and Elizabetha; how exactly was still unknown, but if my suspicions were correct, it was his normal way to deal with problems. I turned in order to leave my parent's bedroom when I heard Birgit gasp suddenly.

I turned in her direction slowly, my eyes catching the light bouncing off a black gemstone. I slowly walked in her direction, my hand outstretched in front of me. Birgit dropped the small ring into the palm of my hand and my eyes instantly came to rest on what looked like hints of dried blood on the band. Always and Forever, was etched on the inside of the band and I recognized Talia's birthstone set amongst the onyx gems.

I released the breath that I was holding securely in my chest and grabbed Birgit's hand, leading her out of the grand, yet stifling space my parent's occupied and towards my bedroom at the end of the hallway. Once inside, I led her to my bed, so that she could rest and I dug out of my closet a few duffel bags. Filling them quickly, I glanced back and saw the sadness in her eyes.

"I have to do this," I told her, as I saw the first teardrops descend down her wrinkly cheeks.

"I know, my son. I know," her gaze fell to the ground and I felt my heart fracture slightly. 

I knew what my next step was, because it was something that I had felt an urge to do since I became old enough to understand that I would never fit into the plans that my family had for me. I may have had The Blood King, Angus Reever's blood coursing through my veins, diluted by centuries of hate and venom, but I would never be this family's attack dog again.

For once in my life, I would be Damian Grayson Reever. For once, I would be a man that a girl like Talia Grey, could come to love and respect. For once, I would be me.


"Hi, I'd like to test out of my senior year. The name's Damian Reever and you'll see in your system I have the right based on my age, without parental consent."

"Yes, Mr. Reever. I see it here. I can schedule that for you. It can to occur next week if you'd like," the pretty blonde lady in the office of the Anthabask stated, but I just shook my head.

"Can I schedule for tomorrow morning, please?" I requested, in an almost pleading manner.

Her warm cerulean eyes scanned my face, as she faintly smiled and made a few clicking noises with her long fingernails on the keyboard in front of her. After a few moments, she printed up a request form that I hastily signed and she handed me another form. When I was free of the office, I made my way up to my dorm room, bypassing a few of my teammates who were trying to get my attention. I had been skipping practice recently, ever since Talia's accident and my impending decision, in an attempt to distance myself from all things Anthabask.

Right before I got my dorm room door open, I felt my brother's hand on my shoulder. "Hey, did you go home already? Mom said you stopped by without me. I wish you'd have said something, I'm down to my last pair of boxers."

I huffed in his direction, my clear distaste at the situation present. "Maybe you should head over then, before your ass begins to stink up the place. Lord knows how that will turn off the ladies."

His booming laugh radiating through the empty hall, "Lady... It will turn off one particular lady and we both know who I'm speaking of."

I threw my backpack down on my bed, sitting across the navy blue duvet and propping my back against the wall. It didn't cease to amaze me that even through everything that had occurred, my brother still viewed Talia as his and only his. I didn't recognize the boy in front of me, the boy who shared my blood and breath. Growing up, we had been so similar that had we looked alike, people would've definitely known we were twins. Everything we did was in service of the other, even our thoughts were similar. The boy who stood in front of me now, was nothing like the one who had been the other half of my existence, the one who had been not only my brother, but my best friend in the world.

Once again, I felt like I was alone in the world. The same thoughts that plagued me before Talia arrived at Anthabask and took them away with one simple look of her perfect brown irises. With one swoop of her crimson hair, she had my attention. With one part of those perfectly plump peach colored lips she captivated my heart and brought me out of the void; the place where I was alone for so long.

"Pax, she's leaving. I think that proves that she's not going to care about anything Reever related, you do realize it's over, for both of us. I know we set out to play this game with her and it was fun for a while, but we are both the losers in this. Too bad neither of us took that monstrous walking libido into account when we started," I declared, as my brother just shifted nonchalantly on the chair in front of my desk, like he wasn't bothered in the slightest by my words.

"Simply a distraction, brother. Seth is simply a road bump that hopefully will play out. Before you know it, you'll be standing up there with me as my best man," he commented, with a smug expression on his face. Did he really believe that Talia would ever give up Seth and come running back to Meeds Hollow? More so, did he really believe that she would come running back into his open arms without hesitation?

If there was one thing that was certain, without Seth, Talia was mine. I knew in my heart that those pieces that loved me would always be there, waiting for me. I knew that when the day came, she and I would be together. I knew that the prophecies and myths were correct when they told of us together. I just knew that right now, her path was taking her in a different direction. 

I also was well aware, since my discovery of my mother's part in Talia's accident that I needed to distance myself from all things Talia for some time. I needed to make sure that she was ok and not anywhere where my family could harm her or use her in order to manipulate me.

"Did you hear me?" Paxton asked, as he leaned in closer to me.

"Nah man. Sorry, I've got a huge test tomorrow and I guess my brain is pissing around."

"That's cool. I said, I'm going to head to the house and take my laundry. I'll catch you in the dining hall. Maybe, I'll pay my future wife a visit in the hospital and see mom's handiwork for myself. Maybe remind dear sweet Talia Grey, exactly who runs the show around here," he laughed, as he got up to leave my room. Before he left, he turned in my direction and smirked, "Don't fret brother, Odin had a plan. Maybe mom will follow through and force Hilde on you after all."

I could feel the anger welling up in my core, strong enough that at that moment, I wouldn't have hesitated to murder my own twin in order to keep the woman I loved safe. However, for this plan to pan out the way I needed, for this game to begin again on a whole new chessboard, I needed to make sure my queen wasn't exposed to early.

I took a crisp white piece of paper out from my desk and grabbed a pen. It was time for the Reever chess match to resume, but this time, Talia wouldn't be used as a pawn against me. I stared down at the ring, which I had pulled out of my pocket, after cleaning it up and placed it in the crisp blue envelope that I had brought from home.

I began to scroll out in my choppy block print, exactly what I needed to say to the girl who held my heart. I began to write out my own declaration of love for the Daughter of Freya, who had come out of her own crimson fire, in order to poison my heart with the venom of true love. A venom that instead of stopping my heart, had made it beat anew.

Dearest Grey,

I know that the last thing you need from me is more words...

It was time to play my first hand.


A/N: Hey Guys!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please vote and comment!!

So, SURPRISE! We get a surprise POV from my sulky and angry blonde boy, who I absolutely love with all the pieces that don't belong to Seth!

I know that there are a lot of Pro-Damian readers out there. Don't worry guys, we haven't heard the last from him. His new chess match for Talia's heart is just beginning and we will really see it play on in the next 2 books.

I also wanted his fan club to get a taste for how he grew up in such a venomous family and the little bits of love that he did have, which have helped mold him into the man he will eventually become. I will say this, if you love high school Damian, you will absolutely adore and drool over adult yummy Damian (NO SPOILERS THOUGH!)

Love you all!!!!

<3 Amina

P.S. Only 2 more chapters till the end of this book and Book 2 can begin! *sad and happy at same time*

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